
quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2017




Corpo Intacto da Venerável Maria de Jesus de Ágreda, há mais de 345 anos.


Irmã María de Jesús de Ágreda, foi uma das grandes figuras do século XVII, a chamada "Época de ouro do Barroco"; um século também marcada pela decadência e crise generalizada, que a Espanha não escapou. No entanto, isso não foi obstáculo que o Senhor Deus fez seutrabalho na mão de Ágreda. 

Este simples, humilde, mulher, tímida, alguns anos de estudos; se tornaria ao longo do tempo: Conselheiro de figuras importantes, incluindo Filipe IV; evangelizar sem sair do seu convento, Wengen, abadessa, grande escritora, sua obra mais conhecida é a Mística Cidade de Deus, que conta a história da vida da Virgem Maria; também escreveu obras como sua autobiografia, El Jardín espiritual, Las Sabatinas, um tipo de diário espiritual e muitas outras obras.

Capa do livro, A Mística Cidade de Deus, revelações celestiais, provenientes da Santissíma Virgem.

Rei Carlos III e Don Juan José da Austria, ante os restos da Venerável Maria de Jesus de Ágreda.

Mas, Irmã María de Jesús de Ágreda foi, acima de tudo, uma mulher no amor com Deus; em sua vida tudo o que queria era tornar agradável aos olhos do Senhor mais elevado, e que a Virgem Maria no mistério daImaculada Conceição, seu modelo a seguir. Disse Irmâ Maria a Virgem Maria: "Mãe, Senhora e Proprietária de mim, envie-me como Rainha, me ensinar como um professor, por favor, corrija-me como Mãe."

Fazer a vontade de Deus era seu prazer, e isso seriam doutrinas que dadas de Maria e escritos em A Mística Cidade de Deus. Outra manifestação do seu grande amor á Deus, foi seu amor ao próximo, e conseqüentemente, sua preocupação "salvo todos os homens e chegara um pleno conhecimento da verdade" (1 tm 2. 4).

A seguir uma serie de reportagens em video relacionados á gloriosa Venerável Dama Azul:




01.04.2012 - Leitura do livro Mística Cidade de Deus e explanação do 
Vidente Marcos Tadeu - Sobre o pecado da traição de Judas

06.04.2012-leitura do livro Mística Cidade de Deus - Explanação do Vidente Marcos Tadeu - Santuário das Aparições de Jacareí SP Brasil

15.04.2012 - Terço da Misericórdia, leitura do livro Mística Cidade de Deus e palestra.

22.04.2012-Terço de Santa Bernadette, Leitura do Mística Cidade de Deus e palestra do Vidente Marcos Tadeu Teixeira - Santuário das Aparições de Jacareí SP Brasil

01.07.2012 - Leitura e meditação do livro Mística Cidade de Deus.Capitulo 20, 2º tomo

Mística Cidade de Deus (4 TOMOS)

(Obra Clássica do séc. XVII)

1º Tomo: Maria no Mistério da Criação.
Páginas: 390
2º Tomo: Maria no Mistério de Cristo.
Páginas: 310
3º Tomo: Maria no Mistério da Redenção.
Páginas: 453
4º Tomo: Maria no Mistério da Igreja.
Páginas: 421

"... Fui Eu mesma que revelei tudo isso a Minha filhinha Sóror Maria de Ágreda ..." (Maria Santíssima em, 07/04/2001)
Aparição do dia 19/03/2001 (Relato - Marcos) "Eu estava Voltando de viagem do Paraná, onde tinha ido buscar os Livros de Mística Cidade de DEUS, e mais ou menos na altura de Guararema, na via Dutra, Nossa Senhora me apareceu. Enquanto a Aparição acontecia, Marcos Augusto continuava dirigindo. Nossa Senhora então me saudou, como sempre, e rezou comigo um Pai-Nosso. Depois, Ela me disse umas palavras que não posso revelar, e em seguida continuou:"

(Nossa Senhora) " -Estou muito feliz por você estar levando os Livros da Minha Vida para Jacareí Através destes Livros, EU farei o Meu TRIUNFO começar já nos corações das pessoas que Os lerem... Eles serão o Grande Remédio que aplicarei nas almas, para curá-las e libertá-las dos pecados e Meu Triunfo na Terra! Obrigada por estar trazendo os Meus Tesouros para cá..."

TEL DO SANTUÁRIO: (0XX12) 99701-2427 

sexta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2017


Anniversario della prima apparizione della Madonna a San Martino di Schio

         Onde aconteceu: Na Itália.

         Quando: 1985.

         A quem: Renato Baron.

         Os Fatos:

         Schio fica na região de Vicenza, Itália; e lá morava um devoto de Nossa Senhora, Chamado Renato Baron, que na época da Aparição estava com 53 anos.

         Foi no ano de 1985 que ocorreu a primeira manifestação da Mãe de JESUS para ele. Tudo começou quando Renato estava na Igreja de São Martinho rezando em frente a imagem da Virgem MARIA. Esta começou a movimentar-se e a falar-lhe. Completamente surpreso e aturdido com o que acontecera retornou ele para casa.

         No outro dia voltou a Igreja e a Mãe de DEUS mais uma vez lhe apareceu e disse:

         “Tu não és o único que sofre. Sacrifica tudo por aqueles que não crêem, pois quem não tem fé é pecador. Os pecados são a origem de todos males deste mundo. O homem é culpado por todos os pecados que se manifestam. Comunica por Mim a todos os que sofrem que estes devem expiar levando a sua cruz pela conversão dos pecadores. A humanidade não tem muito tempo para redimir-se.”

         Com a divulgação desta manifestação da Santíssima Virgem, um grande número de pessoas começaram a freqüentar a Igreja de São Martinho que não era grande causando problemas para acolher a todos. Para contornar as dificuldades foi instituída uma Via-Sacra de aproximadamente 1,5 Km com as 14 estações distribuídas por uma pequena estrada que subia em meio a um bosque na direção de um monte, chamado Monte Cristo. Já no início dos anos de 1990, os peregrinos que faziam o percurso chegavam a 3 mil pessoas vindas de diversos países. Nesta Aparição Nossa senhora denominou-se como a Rainha do Amor.

         A seguir transcrevemos algumas das centenas de mensagens que Renato Baron recebeu:

         “Filhos Meus rezai para submeter a vossa vontade à de DEUS, e acolhei os sinais do Seu Amor (...), Sejais testemunhas e me ajudareis a conduzir a JESUS o mundo inteiro caído na doença e na morte devido ao pecado (...). A dureza de muitos corações atrasa o tempo do Triunfo do Meu Coração Imaculado, por isso vos peço Oração e doação dos vossos sofrimentos pela recusa e indiferença dos Meus pedidos maternos. Rezai a fim de que todos me escutem e saibam que não existe paz e vida no mundo até que os corações dos homens, todo, não se abrirem à graça”. (03.07.91)

         “Filhos Meus; vós sois os instrumentos para o Meu materno plano de salvação. Agradeço porque Me consolais aceitando trabalhar Comigo(...) Cresça a cada dia a vossa fidelidade à DEUS com a oração e o exemplo de filhos. No Meu Coração agora estais também vós”. (13.07.91)

            “Filhos Meus, a Minha ajuda e o Meu amor de Mãe não vos abandonará. Por Meu intermédio oferecei tudo a DEUS, cada dia. Eu farei que não falte a graça, ainda que seja fraco o vosso fervor devido as coisas visíveis que exercem seu poder de sedução sobre vós, fazendo-vos esquecer que estas existem por um momento. A sua beleza faz com que pereçam eternas ao espírito, ainda escravo da matéria. Percebei, ao invés, como decaem dia a dia. Não fixeis mais o olhar sobre elas, porque são vaidades perigosas que agora ameaçam as fontes da vida humana”. (07.08.91)

            “Caros filhos, não parem nos lábios as Minhas palavras, mas entrem na vossa vida (...), Reparai que em cada passo vosso EU vos tenho precedido (...), Confiai-vos a Mim e como vos abri as portas da vida, vos abrirei as portas do paraíso”. (14.08.91)

            “Filhos Meus, saibais que cada homem que conheceu a JESUS CRISTO é responsável pela Sua presença no mundo. EU vos trouxe JESUS e vo-Lo dei. Agora, com humildade e confiança colocai a vossa ação e a vossa palavra ao serviço de DEUS e dos irmãos. Encher-vos-á de alegria tê-Lo conhecido (...) Permaneço próxima de vós”.(19.06.91)

         Observamos como Nossa Senhora insiste sobre os malefícios, conseqüências do pecado para toda a humanidade. Também a importância do sacrifício, da expiação, da oração e da evangelização, para a salvação de muitos.

         “Gloria DEUS que nos envia Sua santíssima Mãe”!

Renato Baron, San Martino di Sancho, Italy, 1985 –2004
Status: Supernatural Evidence Not established and Not excluded (Non constat de supernaturalitate)

Episcopal Remarks: Findings of Theological Commission: “There are no indications that the phenomena are of supernatural character” (Bishop of Vicenza as quoted in W. Beinert, Heinrich Petri (ed.), Handbuch der Marienkunde, Regensburg 1997, vol. 2, p. 101.); “the present state of ecclesial judgement does not allow any supernatural nature to be attributed to phenomena reputed to have taken place at San Martino, Schio.” (Mgr Pietro Nonis, Bishop of Vicenza, The Diocese and the “Queen of Love” Movement in Schio, June 15, 1998) (See Documentation Here)

Corroboration by Other Seers:

Biographical Information: Pietro Renato Baron was born in Schio on 7 December 1932. His parents gave him a solid Christian upbringing. Attending evening classes, he gained a diploma in engineering. For some years he worked as a machine technician in a textile factory, and was later employed at the motorway toll-station at Piovene Rocchette, having responsibility for motorway development. He retired in 1989. On 5 May 1962 he married Margherita Menin. From 1960 onwards he was elected for several terms as a municipal councillor in Schio, and from 1970 to 1975 held the post of councillor responsible for public works. He also served as Chairman of the Nursery School in his district, and until 1985 was Section Secretary of the Christian Democrat Party in Schio. He is a practical man, possessed of much common-sense and well thought of by work-mates, superiors and friends. 1

It is alleged that Mary revealed herself as the ‘Regina dell'Amore’ (Queen of Love) to Renato, on March 25, 1985 from the statue of Our Lady at St Martin’s Church, Schio, Italy. Over the ensuing years in total Baron received about 700 messages, with as their central themes prayer, peace, fidelity, love for one's neighbour, and contributing to the ‘salutary work of evangelisation.’ According to him, Mary encouraged him not to keep these secret, and in the dissemination of her messages to particularly involve the young. Although the local pastor viewed him as suffering from mental strain, the story of these miraculous occurrences and healings made the rounds, and in spite of the pastor's attitude a large prayer group quickly grew up around the person of Baron. About 100,000 pilgrims now come to Schio every year. 2

The seer set up two bodies that are of great importance for the acceptance of the messages. (i) The "Work of Love" is a legally constituted and recognized association, whose purpose is to carry forward all the works of charity that have come into being in the context of the apparitions in Schio. Its first major project has been the construction of a large house where persons requiring assistance are cared for. According to Renato Our Lady has been suggesting such an initiative since 25 March 1986. She does not want merely some ordinary "refuge", but rather a "family home" ruled by brotherly love. (ii) The "Queen of Love" Marian Movement "is not simply a pious association, but a union of those called by Mary to arouse the world and bring it to the Father... It is a union of generous Christians who, by placing themselves at the service of God and the Church, intend to make of their own lives instruments in the hands of the Blessed Virgin, consecrating themselves totally to her for the conversion and sanctification of all. 3 Renato Baron has since died in September 4, 2004

1. Regina Dell’Amore Website Who is Renato Baron (
2.  New transnational religious cultures: the networks and strategies of deviant devotions in contemporary Europe by Peter Jan Margy (
3.  Regina Dell’Amore Website Recognition of the Association (

The Messages


Monday (in the church of St Martin) ...I recited the Rosary and a prayer which I used to say as a child in the church of St Martin during the month of May. I remember that I had not got to the end of the second Hail Mary when I felt as if my body was dying and my soul was about to leave my body... I could not see or hear anything around me. Suddenly the statue of the Virgin began to speak and move. For me, it had become alive: she was smiling, her eyes were most beautiful, and she said: I expected you to come yesterday. From now on you will always come here, because I have to speak to you about so many things. After that, you will write them down, but for the moment wait. Come back tomorrow and I shall tell you more.

26.3.1985 It is I, Mary, I, the Madonna, really speaking to you now. Take what I tell you seriously, and from now on you will write down all my words. I shall prepare you. One day you will speak, but for now you must wait, you must prepare your spirit, because we shall be treading the path of faith... I shall prepare friends for you, apostles who love Mary. I shall send them to you and you will go a long way with them, because together we must convert many souls and lead them to Jesus.

3.4.1985 (Church of St Martin) Pray and make sacrifices, because only through prayer can mankind be saved. Even those who go to church are not strong enough in their faith. This is why I am intervening: to do the will of the Father. You must turn to Him always, because He is all-powerful. The world is heading for perdition.

7.4.1985 Love the Father with all your heart. Make Him loved, because He loves you. Listen to His word and His teaching.

8.4.1985 Pray for the Church. Do not become scattered, but unite and form one single loaf. The Father loves you and I am protecting you.

10.4.1985 Nothing will be lost that you offer to the Father. Seek justice and love one another. Pray together and seek beautiful things. Remember the priests.

11.4.1985 Egoism, pride and lack of understanding are carrying souls to perdition. The Father is awaiting you all, but too few are arriving.

12.4.1985 Seek the Father, and in finding Him you will find true joy. Live in a holy manner and you will immediately experience the Kingdom of the Father. Abandon foolish things, the fruit of evil; immerse yourselves in grace; have courage, do not become slaves of the devil.

16.4.1985 I am being sent by the Father to complete the Son’s work in you and I am making use of many of His apostles to gather souls together.

18.4.1985 I am the abandoned Mother.

24.4.1985 The immense love of the Father will save you. Thank Him with all your being. He is infinite love. Love one another also in like measure.

1.5.1985 Do not worry about difficulties, they will pass and you will forget them, for they are sufferings offered to the Father, which sanctify you and bring you to eternal joy. Here, there will never be night, nor suffering, nor hunger, but eternal joy. Come, all of you! The Father has invited you all. I bless you.

2.5.1985 Do not divide the Church, but unite and form a single family.

22.5.1985 Pray for priests. Many of them are in error, for it is not he who says ‘Lord! Lord!’ who will be saved, but he who does the will of the Father.

8.6.1985 Enjoy the good things of this world, not in excess but in just measure; you will thus taste the joys of living.

9.6.1985 The Father has given you a marvellous world, but men do not thank him. They are doing everything they can do destroy it.

12.6.1985 Affluence will bring you to perdition. These are gifts of the Father, wrongly used. One day very soon you will tell this to your friends.

13.6.1985 The Word of God and the Gospel will save the world.

14.6.1985 The world is in error. The Father has given man intelligence, but man does not wish to put it to good use. This is why I am intervening.

16.6.1985 Blessed will be the humble ones, those who pray. Do not allow yourselves to be drawn away by evil, otherwise you will not be saved.

18.6.1985 One day many will begin to pray in this church and I shall bless them, leading them to the Father. I have come here to strengthen their faith and to encourage them, so that they become apostles of faith in the world.

20.6.1985 There are too many who appear to be Christians, but who are not. Pray, pray, do not ever become tired. The Father loves you.

13.7.1985 It will be the priests who will not believe in these visions that you are having. But do not be afraid: I have intervened at the will of the Father.

19.7.1985 The Father alone gives life. Men are destroying and annihilating life. These are unforgivable sins. Pray, pray for redemption.

30.8.1985 The Father is sheer infinite love, but the world prefers evil. Infinity is great, but greater still is God’s love for mankind.

7.9.1985 At this time I am intervening in a hundred places in the world, but men do not believe and are far from God.

9.9.1985 See, men should discover the world, not destroy it. Pray, and encourage others to pray.

10.9.1985 I will bless all those whom you will accompany to this church and I will give them peace.

20.9.1985 You do not know what is awaiting you, but I can assure you that all the souls in grace will enjoy for ever the immense wonder and joy that the Father has prepared for everyone.

22.9.1985 If men knew how much the Father loves them! They would blaspheme no more. Pray, I beg you, pray, and I assure you that one day not far off you will teach these things to all your brothers.

25.9.1985 You will soon have some good friends who will help you to bring the Kingdom of the Father o all men of good faith. Pray! I bless you.

26.9.1985 The Madonna will save the world once more if the world redeems itself and returns to the Father.

27.9.1985 I am the abandoned Mother, but I love you. I will help you to arise and leave the night. Have faith. I and the Father will not abandon you.

14.10.1985 You too will be derided and pitied. But I shall be there, do not fear!

15.10.1985 Your soul rejoices and exults because you have true joy. Transmit this immense joy also to those who do not possess it. There are too many who have never tasted it, the great gift that the Father has given for all men, but many are born and die in darkness. Pray a lot.

17.10.1985 The Father does not want violence; believe me, whoever suppresses life will not be saved.

18.10.1985 Pray for the Pope this very day. Try to unite the Church, do not divide it!

24.10.1985 Pray for your priests. Do not become weary. Help them to raise themselves up to the Father.

30.10.1985 Go to the sick. Tell them that you are bringing the Virgin’s blessing.

2.11.1985 Those who say they believe should scatter the seed generously to all the people of God. You should know that you will not be saved if you do not give liberally of what you have received as a gift; do not be selfish, but extend the Father’s love to all, without fear. I am with you. I bless you.

7.11.1985 Soon you will have a goodly number of followers and many of these will be your apostles.I bless you.

9.11.1985 Your desire is right: the Eucharist, adoration, and the tabernacle which is not here: soon they will become a reality.

12.11.1985 You will pray and fast to bring men to love one another. Seek true love. Only if you love one another will you be able to call yourselves children of God.

26.11.1985 Now the message has been communicated. Blessed are those who accept it. Try to create a single Church, do not divide it. Come together to worship the Father. Seek His grace. I bless you.

(Two days earlier, on Sunday, the visionary’s experiences had been related for the first time to a number of people who had come to the church of St Martin.)

27.11.1985 With me is the Father, Who comes to beg for your faith, He Who has given everything for your salvation. Believe, believe also for those who do not believe. This indifference on the part of the world grieves the Father. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the evil one. Love one another, love one another and pray without ceasing. I bless you.

28.11.1985 I am the Queen of Love. If you love one another you will be close to the Father. Love and charity. Unending prayer. Go out into the highways and byways of the world, proclaiming the Kingdom of the Father untiringly. He who saves his brother will also save himself. Love and you will be loved. I shall not abandon you. I bless you.

30.11.1985 Today you will offer your prayer for young people, for all the young people of the diocese and the world. Pray, because the seed of vocations has been sown, but it is not fertile. Pray, the Father will send new priests for His Church. Pray for priests.

1.12.1985 You are not alone in your suffering. Offer everything for those who do not believe, because those who do not believe are sinning. Sins are the cause of all evil and the fault is man’s. I shall help you. Tomorrow I shall show you Jesus. Come, and tell those who are suffering to offer their sufferings for conversion, because there is not much time left. I bless you.

(Today, Sunday, the tabernacle, which previously did not exist in the church of St Martin, was blessed, and the Blessed Sacrament was placed in it.)

2.12.1985 Here is Jesus, for Whom you have been waiting so long. (1) Now He is also alive in the tabernacle. Thank Him and love Him. Make Him loved by all men. One day very soon you will have to say to the Church authorities that Jesus wishes His Mother to be Queen of the world and Queen of Love; He will never permit the error of removing her from the altars. Let the Church be united, but without yielding to blackmail or compromise. The world wants Mary and Mary will save the world if you listen and are converted. Thank you for everything you are doing. Rejoice with Jesus.

(1) From this moment the Child on the arm of His Mother (as represented in the sculpture near the altar) came alive, whereas during the previous eight months only the figure of Mary appeared to be alive.

3.12.1985 (News of the apparitions at St Martin’s is published in the local press for the first time.)

May your sufferings today be combined with joy. Your time has come. Many people are already with you and thus with Mary. You are already experiencing the sufferings of your brothers; you should know that the world is full of such sufferings, which is why Mary cannot remain silent. They are caused only by sin. Tell everyone to sin no more. May my word be disseminated. The time remaining to you is short: listen to me! Bless the Lord always. Pray to Jesus in the Eucharist and tomorrow let there be fasting for Him.

5.12.1985 The Lord be with you, today and always. Today they will try to trick you. Be ready and strong! Let your response be only one: love, love for everyone. Show that your heart is full of joy and teach them the way to receive this joy. Mary is leading you to the true source of joy and peace. There can be no joy in the darkness of evil. Many are those who seek the light: help them, and I shall be at your side to accompany them. Let us worship the Father together. I bless you. - Tomorrow be vigilant, do not allow evil to triumph. Do everything correctly. You see how much suffering there is in the world? Now you are aware of it. Tomorrow you will invite everyone to go to confession; thus your prayers will be accepted by the Father. I bless you. I shall be with you.

6.12.1985 I bless you, my children. You will be the light in the world that Jesus, my Son, radiates. The time has come for you also, I see that you are ready. I urge you to love one another and to communicate to everyone your love and that of Mary. I await all of you together on Sunday evening to tell you how much I love you. For now, I bless you.

8.12.1985 Sunday - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Give thanks to Him always, because He has given you Mary, Queen of Love and salvation. On this day of light may praise and song rise up to Him, King of the universe. Amen. My most beloved children, Mary is among you. Today, through Mary and through you, Jesus has encountered so many souls. May your commitment be constant and sincere. Tell everyone that Mary is crying out from this place for conversion. Be united and purposeful. Leave your everyday tasks. Lose no time. Call everyone to the Father. Pray, that He may delay what is to come. And to you I say: I shall save you, because you are carrying out the work of salvation and Mary loves you. Courage, do not fear. I bless you.

10.12.1985 I see your suffering over the many ills of your brothers. I am heeding all your requests. Tell everyone that Mary is inviting them to pray. Many problems will be solved by prayer. But assure everyone that Mary blesses them and will help them to find true peace in Christ and the joy that He will give. Today I shall send you a priest who does not believe. Welcome him and convey Mary’s message to him. He will believe! Courage, I am with you. I bless you.

11.12.1985 Hallowed be His Name. You are full of joy and strength. Do not stop; men respect you, but there are still many who do not believe in Mary. The truth must triumph. Mary has come because she loves you and to tell you how Jesus is suffering over men’s sin and indifference. May your prayer and self-sacrifice save the world. You will have difficulties concerning this place. Courage! Be humble, but do not let yourselves be intimidated. You are in the divine light. I bless you.

12.12.1985 My dear children. Today Mary is asking for your sacrifice and you will surely listen to Mary. You are ready and strengthened in the spirit. Share out the tasks of your apostolate. Spread the voice of Mary to everyone. Go to every place and teach people to pray as you pray. Carry love everywhere. May men repent and find true peace again. Tell everyone not to lose time. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Jesus is still waiting and you will bring everyone to Him. I bless you.

14.12.1985 I invite you, Renato, you who have found the true light, enlighten all minds and invite everyone to pray. There are too many hearts of stone! Seek them out, soften them with much love. Carry with you Jesus, suffering over the excess of evil in the world. Tell everyone to listen to Mary’s appeal, for I come to save you, so that you may be prepared for what is to come. Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

19.12.1985 (To the Prayer Group present in the church)

I give you the gift of certainty in believing what I am telling you. Blessed are you because you are in grace. Let all approach: be bearers of love. Love, and teach others to love without reservation. This time will not pass if man does not find true love and, having found it, does not kneel before the Father and worship Him. Mary is bringing you love and is showing you the way of salvation through prayer and love. Time is short. Do all this and I promise you salvation. I bless you.

22.12.1985 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit. Prepare yourselves to welcome the Saviour, my Son. He will come once again to save you. But you, my beloved ones, work hard to stop the excesses that Christmas gives rise to in the world. It may be one of the last Christmases that the Father allows you to experience. Listen to me and prepare all nations. I bless you.

25.12.1985 Christmas Day

Blessed be the day of the Lord. Blessed are you who welcome the Son of Mary, Whom the Father is giving you for the salvation of the world. Jesus will be in those homes that are worthy of Him. May the obscenities that profit nothing but pollute everything be removed. May the Saviour be acknowledged. Welcome this day as a blessing upon you and upon all those who await it with faith. I bless you.

26.12.1985 My children, a light from Heaven has shone on the world. Receive it with joy, it will accompany you on the paths of your life. May your spirits unite and sing a single hymn of praise to the Father. Jesus is among you, I have brought Him to you; give Him to all those who are far from Him. Do not forget your promised commitment to Mary. You are my beloved ones. The suffering that will begin tomorrow will be joy if you bear it humbly together. I bless you.

28.12.1985 (Eve of the feast of the Holy Family)

Dear children, I urge you to pray. Fast every week. I would like all the families in this district to be reached by a personal message from you, a message of love. Prepare new prayer groups. Let the whole city join you. Listen to me. I bless you.

29.12.1985 Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Spirit. May your prayers and all the prayers of your brothers save the world. The Father is listening to you! Soon I shall give you a task which, together with your apostles, you will bring to completion. It will be a marvellous work and will have my protection. Prepare to make yourselves available, and be glad. All those who work with you will enjoy its fruits. I bless you.


1.1.1986 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Blessed are you because you believe, pray and listen to me. To listen to Mary means coming to God. I come to save you. Those who are hindering you are not of God, but friends of Satan. Be on your guard against them; not only will they ridicule you, but they will try to harm you. Take care of the church and my image: they are planning a sacrilege. Be watchful and pray for them. I bless you.

2.1.1986 Bless God, my children. Do not let this time of sanctification pass you by. Make yourselves temples of God. Give yourselves to Him. Sacrifice and prayer will save the world. Pray also like this:      O Mary, Queen of the world,      Mother of goodness,      trusting in your intercession      we commit our souls to you.     Accompany us each day      to the source of joy.     Give us the Saviour.      We consecrate ourselves to you,      Queen of Love. Amen.

4.1.1986 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You are working for the Father. He too thanks you and is helping you. Do not ever become weary. Teach everyone to pray. Carry out the work of conversion among priests too; learn to accept the signs. Share out your tasks. I am with you. Love each other and be apostles.

9.1.1986 Let us bless the Lord, my children. You have been asked to pray, to fast; I also ask you to be just. In love you will find justice. Keep the Lord’s day holy. Be always full of grace. Give thanks to the Father for this time of sanctification and learn how to receive it with joy. Soon you will understand why I have come among you. Then you will be happy because you have heeded Mary’s call. I bless you all.

13.1.1986 Blessed be the Lord. Listen to me, my children, and do not trifle with what I am continually telling you. Satan is gaining increasing influence over all institutions: leaders and politicians are together becoming involved.> God has been pushed aside. Your faith is insufficient. Be steadfast in the Gospel. I say to priests: No compromises! No timidity! But courage and strength! You have entered the time of purification: do not wonder, therefore, at what you will see. Be united and love one another as I love you. I bless you.

16.1.1986 Let us praise the Lord, my children. You have found what you were looking for. Tell your apostles to have no fear: the Eucharist, Jesus, is their strength! Not only here, they will find Him in all the churches: Jesus is awaiting them there, too, to bear witness to your brothers. Do this: tell everyone that sins should be confessed. Too many are seeking Jesus with troubled hearts. Tell priests also to carry out their mission: it is they who can give absolution. Tell them that Mary is sending you. I bless you.

16.1.1986 In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. My dear children, salvation will come through your testimony of faith and prayer. Be filled with grace. Your time has arrived. The people of God will convert the people of God. Man’s arrogance will be overcome. The humble will be blessed. His Kingdom will come, but it will come through you. Do not hide yourselves, therefore, but be responsible for your commitment. I shall not abandon you if you live this time of grace. I bless you.

19.1.1986 Dear children, you have understood nothing! Your life is darkness when it is without grace. I now see that many of you have found the joy of living and it will be still more beautiful if you put into practice everything that the Gospel proposes to you. Do not complain about what I am continually asking of you (...) The Father will recompense this sacrifice of yours and will reward you now and later. Accept all who come. For all there will be work and bread. I shall be with you, and I bless you.

21.1.1986 My dear children, it is your prayers that will save the world. The work that awaits you is great. I therefore ask you to go everywhere: speak of Jesus and Mary, do not be timid, but courageous! Teach people to pray. Bring love to everyone. God is light: the light must be light for everyone. The obstacles you encounter will be a test of your love. I shall not abandon you. I bless you.

23.1.1986 You will have realized that Mary is an obstacle for many people. They are also creating obstacles for you, because you speak about Mary. Have no fear. Speak, then, of Jesus and say that He wishes His Mother to be Queen of salvation. Pray tomorrow for the Pope, for the bishops and for the priests: they, too, used to love Mary very much. Tell everyone that I bless them.

24.1.1986 Pray like this, a new prayer:      Hail Mary,      the grace of the Lord has always been with you.      You are chosen among women,      and blessed is the fruit of your heart, Jesus.     Holy Mother of God, with you is the Saviour      Whom we wish to love and adore. Amen.

27.1.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, do not believe that your progress will be easy. I see that your faith is great; do not be ashamed to be Christians. Everything will be fulfilled. You are walking along the right road. Be humble. I shall guide you, listen to me! I bless your meetings and will join your meeting on Sunday. Pray for priests. I bless you all.

29.1.1986 Let us bless the Father. Dear children, you are the new light in the world. Jesus is choosing you to build His Kingdom. Let your offering be holy, sincere. The time has arrived. Let the Gospel be your guide. Accept Jesus’ invitation. Go, and have courage. Open your hearts, the world needs you. Jesus is waiting. He will reward you. I am with you. I bless you.

30.1.1986 Praised be the Father! Dear children, too many sins against life! Mary is sending you into the world to tell everyone that the time has come. Speak, speak also for those who ought to speak but do not, who see, but say that they do not see. I am telling you, the responsibility is great. Listen to me, and remember that God is just.

3.2.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Dear children, I thank you. I see that you are attentive and prudent. You are only at the start of a great work; therefore, do not dissipate your forces and your enthusiasm. Meet together often, as you did yesterday; I shall always be among you. Whatever is not clear to you in my messages, let it not worry you at all. The most important thing for you is to be always in a state of grace. Pray, I bless you.

5.2.1986 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. You are with Mary, my dear children. I bless your families and thank you for everything you are doing for the Kingdom of the Father. You are the first, but you should know that you will have to give of your entire selves for your brothers. Many people will follow my call; in fact, together with Mary, you will win over the greater part of mankind; together you will speak of Mary to the world and will save the world. You will change many things from next week onwards. I will tell you about them. Courage. I am accompanying you and I bless you.

6.2.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Dear son, the invitations I am addressing to you are exhortations to work and pray with your apostles for the salvation of men. I am turning to you because the Church is already doing its part, but with meagre resources and with spirits that are not in conformity with the will of God. You believers, my apostles, unite with my voice, with the voice of the Holy Church, with the Pope, to convert the world which is in error. They will try to stop you, but you must cry still louder, because your voice comes from God and Mary is with you. I bless you.

8.2.1986 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I bless you, my children. Do not be ashamed to be Christians. Tell all who do not want to believe, that I am not coming for fun, and tell them to lose no more time. (...) I shall be with you and with all those who are in grace. I bless you.

9.2.1986 Let us praise the Father, my children. Always be united, always pray together. Many of you have already understood, many, many, have yet to understand. (...) I am among you today. In your life, nothing is of value except grace. I thank you for listening to me. Have no fear, I shall not abandon you. I bless you.

13.2.1986 Let us give praise to the Father. Dear children, may the seriousness of your life, and prayer, make you all holy. Divest yourselves of what is superfluous. Leave the things of the world to the world: only naked do you come to the Father. Love one another with all your strength. Let us give thanks to the Father for everything that He has given and will give us. He is good; bless Him. Ensure that everyone is converted; it is not enough to believe with words, do it now, do not wait until it is too late. Give Him the first-fruits, not the left-overs. Do everything well and accept the invitation I have given you: constant prayer during the coming days -Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I bless you.

14.2.1986 Father, we give You thanks. Be vigilant, my children, do not let yourselves be deceived: you are being followed step by step. Give testimony to your faith with courage. Be certain, the Father blesses you and is protecting you. The sacrifices I am asking of you will be rewarded. I am pleased with your prayer, but especially with the love that you will spread among you. Remain always together. Do not leave the tabernacle next week. Call for prayer. Listen to me, listen to me. I love you. I am accompanying you and I bless you (...).

15.2.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My dear children, my voice is like a drop in the ocean! Yes, people are praying at home, but not everyone has the opportunity to hear my messages. Why will people not listen to my appeals? Those who create obstacles are responsible, those who act as if they are deaf are responsible! Tell them this! Do not be afraid. The evil in the world will not cease unless you let everyone hear my voice. Do not become weary! Tell them they must act quickly! Do not be afraid. I am and always shall be with you. I bless you.

17.2.1986 Let us bless and thank the Lord! My children, give thanks to the Father for the gift He has given you in this time of grace. Give thanks for the gift of believing in Mary. Many will come, but they will come only through your conviction and your love. I thank you (...). Trust in Mary. And to those who claim that they do not believe, say that all the saints in Heaven were made holy through Mary, because they allowed themselves to be guided by Mary. I bless you.

20.2.1986 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. (...) God demands justice throughout the world: from places of worship to those in government, in prisons, hospitals, workplaces and families. Justice and love, love. May what is to come be halted. Recognize that you are all brothers and children of the Heavenly Father. He loves you. I bless you all, I bless the priests who are present, and their work. Tell them that Mary is with them. Pray always for the young people and those who are on their way towards service to the Church, who are present here in church. I shall not abandon them.

23.2.1986 My dear children, I thank you for your prayer; you see how efficacious it is! I assure you that the Father blesses you and is accompanying you. I thank all those who have joined you in these days; nothing will be lost. Graces will come down upon you and your families. (...) I bless you.

25.2.1986 Dear children, the outcome of the mission with which I am entrusting you will depend on you who listen to me. You will spread the truth to the world with the Gospel in your hands. Work to ensure that the churches are filled. Be just! You will speak to the people with justice, bearing witness by your lives. Therefore become holy! It is not enough just to participate passively: you must take an active part in the work. Trust in Mary. I bless you.

27.2.1986 My dear children. Here, right here in this place, I am coming to visit you every day. Whoever listens to me will find peace. Have no fear: I am the Mother of Him Who gives you peace. If you do not heed my invitations you will not be at peace. They are invitations from Jesus, addressed to you, to give you His love and to call you to a great, generous mission: the conversion of your brothers. Prepare yourselves, therefore! I shall be there to help you. The time has come. I bless you.

10.3.1986 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I love you so much, my children. I thank you for your faith; renew your Credo continually. Call the priests to join you. Do not abandon those who are seeking God. Welcome this time of grace, do not let it pass by without profit; do not feel burdened by this responsibility. Go beyond trivial things. Faith, only faith, will save you: tell this to everyone. I bless you.

13.3.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My dear children, if Jesus lives in you, give thanks. With His grace He will enable you to be the bringers of salvation. Blessed are you because you are called. Salvation, salvation, my children. Demolish falsehoods. Refuse Satan’s invitations. Be courageous. You will live in joy if you dwell in God. Your faith will be stronger in prayer. Be just. Your prayers will be answered only if your faith is true. I bless all of you present and all those who are accompanying your prayers in their homes.

15.3.1986 Dear son, I see how hard you are all working, I thank you! Your work is just beginning. Call everyone; get everyone to help you; I am bringing the young people before you: reach them, bring them to Jesus, teach them to pray, teach them the value of sacrifice, do not abandon them. Ensure that there is a priest in this church, at least for Holy Week, so that all can be reconciled. I bless you all.

16.3.1986 Let us bless the Father. Dear son, do not fear if priests say that they do not believe; I am there in their souls. Pray, and they will come. You already know that your work is a means of sanctification for you. You will use all your free time for the mission I am entrusting to you. I thank you and bless you.

20.3.1986 May God be praised. Dear children, your great faith alone will bring you to God. I am showing you this road and you will show it to everyone. In faith there is love, charity, joy, grace. My children, do not discuss faith, faith is something you live by. Live a new life every day, a life of light, of peace. Have strength and courage, put your trust in Jesus: He loves you, love Him too. I invite you again to prayer and sacrifice. I bless you.

21.3.1986 Always in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. My dear children, you are listening to me and offering yourselves for what is good. You have already arrived, because you understood and obeyed! How much work still awaits you! Your sacrifice will be rewarded, as will that of your relatives who suffer with you. I bless you.

24.3.1986 Monday in Holy Week Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My dear children, live this holy time in penitence. Wipe out with your prayer every offence committed against God. Make Jesus’ sufferings your own. Embrace the Cross, raise high the Cross: your salvation comes only through the Cross. Jesus loves you, He is waiting for your love. Be generous. The Father will reward you for your works. I bless you and remain among you.

25.3.1986 - Tuesday in Holy Week -Solemnity of the Annunciation (first anniversary of the apparitions) Let us give thanks to the Father. My son, I thank you because you have accepted what I have proposed to you at this time. Let us also thank the Father for this grace. Once more I ask you to pray; pray, the Madonna will help you. You know what danger is threatening you! Let us remove it by means of conversion and prayer. Today I will give you an important task which you will bring to fruition when everything is accepted by the Father. I thank you and bless you.

25.3.1986 Tuesday in Holy Week - (10.20 p.m.) Praised be the Lord! Dear son, I have asked you and your friends for prayer, conversion and the salvation of your brothers. I have entrusted to you the young people; now I would also like you to commit yourselves to the elderly. Join forces, together you will build a large house, you will receive there the outcasts, the lonely, you will receive priests. Begin, I will send workers and means to maintain it. You will call it "Work of Love". Give all your love. You too will enjoy its fruits. One day this image will be in the chapel of this building where you will gather to pray: make it a family. Inform your Vicar of this. I bless you.

27.3.1986 Maundy Thursday Dear children, live these days of grief united with Jesus; He was humble and generous. Do not be ashamed to imitate Him. Give yourselves also for your brothers, as He did for you. I ask this of you: be generous to the utmost; these next days are the most decisive days to offer yourselves for the work that awaits you. I am with you also. I bless you.

29.3.1986 - Holy Saturday (Today, for the first time since the apparitions began, the devotion of the Stations of the Cross is held on Monte di Cristo.) Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, men have silenced Jesus, but you will ensure that His martyrdom has not been in vain. You will be the continuation of His word, of the works that will speak of Him. Offer yourselves for the good of all. It is now the turn of you, missionaries of Jesus: He wishes to speak through you. Be proud of His invitation. Show yourselves to be worthy of His love. I too am with you. I bless you.

30.3.1986 Easter Sunday Dear children, see that all days are like this day. Today many hearts have opened themselves to love and reconciliation. Many, too many, are still in darkness. Jesus awaits everyone. I beg you, my children, do not be discouraged, be joyful! With Jesus in your hearts, go forward! Give love to the world and good will bloom again in the world. I thank you for your demonstration of faith: you have accompanied Jesus in His sorrow and have brought down His blessings. I shall help you, my children, and I bless you.

2.4.1986 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, today I ask you to make a further commitment to your tasks; make this appeal known to everyone: let there be no more blasphemy! You should know that many times a day the chorus of prayers offered by you, the faithful, is drowned out by countless blasphemies against God. God merits only praise. He is the Author of life, He is the Creator. Honour Him always. See to it that there is no more swearing. Heed my words. I bless you all.

3.4.1986 Let us bless the Father. My dear children. You will bear witness to your faith by the word, which is a gift of God; you will speak of Him by your life. Make yourselves holy by prayer, let your heart speak. Learn to be silent when it is necessary to be silent: to be silent, humbly silent. Be aware of your responsibilities. You will not be doing the will of the Father by showing curiosity and pride. Give yourselves completely to the mission with which I am entrusting you. Listen to me. I bless everything and everyone.

6.4.1986 Blessed be the Lord. Dear children, I thank you for what you have begun to do for the young people. Those who need this are many. Not only here, but everywhere, I invite you to work seriously. Teach them to say the holy Rosary every day. It will be the chain that will bind them to me and I will lead them to salvation. I bless you, together with them.

7.4.1986 Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I thank you, my dear children, you are close to me, I am close to you. Today I have granted two favours to two priests because they had pure hearts. You, too, be always pure in heart. Forgive everyone and you will be forgiven. What you were together expecting will happen again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I bless you.

9.4.1986 Let us praise the Father together. My children, try to give to everyone what you have received. Be generous. Teach everyone that Jesus is not to be found in the pleasures of the world. Jesus is waiting for you and you will be able to meet Him only through the Cross and in prayer, in the poverty and humility of your hearts. He wishes to give you His peace and His joy. Love Him! He already loves you so much. Listen to me. I bless you.

10.4.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, Jesus wants a Church that is poor in earthly goods but rich in faith. Learn to ask nothing of anyone, but always give, give everything. Your poverty will enrich you (...) You will not be heeded if you do not speak through the way you live. To those who tell you to go carefully, reply that it is already too late. You need to run to arrive in time. Pray and you will be helped; you will also be helped and blessed by the Father, because you already believe what I am telling you. Have no fear, this is the right road. I bless you, my children. My dear children, the Holy Spirit Whom you desire is with you, always with you. He wants a homeland on earth. You will be doing God’s will. I shall not be telling you so very much more, but you (i.e. Renato) will continue to see me. Tomorrow you will also see me outside this church, because the time has come. Here not everyone accepts me, but do not be afraid, I shall always be with you to accompany you and guide you. I bless you, my children.

11.4.1986 Friday - Monte di Cristo (This is the first apparition to take place on Monte di Cristo; 11.15 p.m.) My children, my children, here no one will send you away. You have had the courage to raise this cross. Always raise high the cross. Do not be ashamed. Jesus will bless all those who come here to pray. I shall be with you. I thank you and bless you.

13.4.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My children, your prayer has been accepted by the Father, thank you! Communicate to everyone with urgency what I am continually telling you. Do not wait for those who are simply onlookers. Let them look on, they will come, but they will come too late. The time remaining to you is not long, listen to me. I bless you all.

14.4.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, your suffering is my suffering. Be humble and strengthen your faith. It will be neither my words nor your words that will convince them, but what is to come. I am with you. I bless you.

17.4.1986 Let us pray together. My children, I am asking you always for prayer, prayer. Try to understand the importance of prayer. During these days your prayer is precious. May the Father enlighten all people. May the evil one keep away from you. Beg for peace. I have shown you the way of peace. Follow this way, my children. I will help you and bless you.

18.4.1986 (Asiago. The apparition took place at the Canossian Institute in Asiago during three days of Spiritual Exercises for the St Martin group.) Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, I thank you all. I bless you, I bless the priest here present, I bless this house and all the Congregation. I bless this Parish, I bless its priests and religious. You are not here today by chance. How I would love to enter all the houses of this community! Tell the priests: the month of May is the most dear to me! Tell the priests: I would like to come into all these families! I bless you all, my children, I remain among you. I bless you.

19.4.1986 (Asiago) Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Dear children, I am not abandoning you. I can see that you are seeking the light. I tell you: you are on the right road! Let yourselves be enlightened, so that you can enlighten others; many are waiting. You will bring the light of the Saviour to everyone. The days of conversion have arrived. Parish by parish, home by home, let every soul be in a state of grace. Let there be no curiosity in you. You already know how to act: teach everyone to pray. Listen to me. I bless you all. I bless your dear ones.

20.4.1986 (Asiago, before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed for adoration) Let us praise Jesus together. My children, it is I who thank you. Where you are, I shall be also. I am opening your hearts, you will open the tabernacles. Thank you, I bless you.

22.4.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Dear children, I shall not leave you! I shall accompany you right along this difficult road, so that it becomes easier. Do not lose hope, dear children, I have called you because I knew that you were responding to my call. I thank you for preparing yourselves for the mission that awaits you: it will be salvific if no more time is lost. Therefore do not go on discussing, but increase your commitment. I bless you.

23.4.1986 (At the church of Sacred Heart House, Possagno) May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be praised. My dear children, the world will pray with your prayer; only through prayer will all those whom Jesus is calling come; they are many, many. Pray and listen to me. I bless you, dear children. I bless this house.

24.4.1986 Let us praise the Father together. My children, learn to put God first in everything; may God be in your every thought, your every action, may He be in your entire life. Only in this way will you achieve what you have been assigned to do, only thus will you find the road of sanctification. Listen before every word you utter! He will speak to you. Great things await you, my children, if you listen to me. I bless you.

26.4.1986 (Upon return from the shrines of Assisi and Cascia) Let us bless the Lord. Dear son, where you were today, Mary has arrived; they were awaiting my word there. I assure you that you will pray and arrive together. Always have courage! Through His Mother, Jesus will come to every place, but He will come through you. Prepare yourselves and pray. I bless you.

28.4.1986 May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be praised. My dear children, the love that Mary has for you is great. Listen to my voice, my children, have no fear, I wish to accompany you to the Father. The world has become lost; this is why I am holding out my hand to the world. Come close to me, do not go away, I will save you and I am praying for you. I bless you.

29.4.1986 (Monte di Cristo, during the Stations of the Cross) Praise the Cross, bless the Cross, my children. You are the blessed ones. Jesus will give you great things, because you have chosen to follow the road of Calvary. Teach everyone this road, you will not regret it. I am accompanying you and I bless you.

1.5.1986 (Monte di Cristo) My children, I am accompanying you, but above all I am knocking insistently at your hearts. Do not be afraid of sacrifices and crosses: work, pray, so that Satan does not gain further power over people and in the Church. The world will not be saved if people do not pray more and change their lives. Listen to me, my children. I bless you all.

2.5.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My children, may this month be the month of prayer and conversion. In this month of May allow yourselves to be guided. I love you, my children, I thank you for your devotion. I assure all who consecrate themselves to me, to my maternal Heart, that they will have my protection. Beautiful will be the souls that Mary will present to the Father. I bless you, my children.

5.5.1986 Let us pray: Father, we praise You. Dear son, your voice will not suffice to disseminate my message. I have called your helpers, now there are many of you; share out the tasks. I am pleased with them, they have understood and I bless them. However, those whom I expected to arrive first are not yet here. Their hearts are not opening to my calls, they do not accept the gift, and Jesus is pained. Make a gift of your sufferings too, until these hearts that I am calling have been softened. You will remain alone. You will not communicate further messages of mine. Your grief, together with prayer, will serve the holy mission that we shall undertake together. I shall be close to you in your sorrow. I bless you.(Cf. message of 20 June 1986)

7.5.1986 Let us bless and adore the Lord. My dear children, Jesus’ work is also Mary’s work: I too am present among you and with you. I should like to bring joy down on earth to all men, with the truth of belief in Him, so as to make His Gospel live and to give thanks to the Father. How beautiful your world and your lives would be! Listen to me, my children. I bless you.

8.5.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, God is with you. You would not be doing the things you do if He were not with you. You are sacrificing yourselves for the good of men and the world because you have found God. There are too many people who would like to save your world, but are not able to because they have preferred Satan to God. Do not abandon God, my children! Work with Mary, and do so urgently, because the time has come. I bless you all.

10.5.1986 (During these days the radioactive cloud was spreading from the USSR following the explosion at the Chernobyl atomic reactor.) The Lord be praised. My dear son, Jesus is suffering over the sufferings of men: all these sufferings are caused by sin. People continue to exalt Satan and push God aside. You already know what the consequences of that are and you are experiencing them now. If you continue to sin, your sufferings will increase rather than diminish. You will work to ensure that God is put first in all things. Do not be discouraged, your suffering will help you. I bless you.

12.5.1986 Praised be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear son, the Church is in danger. Indifference is great, especially among God’s representatives and especially among the ministers of my Son, Jesus. I invite you all to pray and pray. My children, do not waste any more time, but give of yourselves! Today my voice has penetrated the holiest walls. Have faith! I bless you.

13.5.1986 (Monte di Cristo. During Holy Mass, after the consecration, the miracle of the sun occurred.) Dear son, this is the time of grace. Those who do not accept it will rue their refusal to do so. The evils that are imminent will make the proud and the hard of heart realize that Mary was calling to the world. You will then be in peace because you have accepted all this. I bless you.

14.5.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My children, how great is the sadness among you! Who is it who brings you such sadness? Certainly not Jesus! I should like to see you all happy, my children, but no one listens to me, and yet I bring you hope and joy because I love you. Place more trust in Mary! I bless you.

16.5.1986 Let us praise the Father together. My children, Mary wishes only to help you. You are surrounded by dangers and the only reason is sin. Eliminate evil from the world and you will save yourselves. Start with the most serious sins and then go on to tackle the lesser ones. The world will not be saved if man does not put God first. Listen to me, my children.

22.5.1986 Let us bless the Lord together. Dear children, I wish to be welcomed by you. If you welcome me I shall lead you to the source of joy and peace, the only such source, one that is unknown to so many but which will restore and revivify you. The time will soon come when those who have accepted and heeded my call will be blessed. Therefore may the will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be fulfilled in all men. I bless you all.

24.5.1986 (After Holy Mass celebrated in the church of St Martin by Fr Ren� Laurentin) Praise be to God. My children, I am calling you and you are responding. I bless you and thank you, because you are working with Mary for reconciliation among men and for conversion; only thus shall we save the world. Blessed will be those who listen to you. Do not fear, Jesus is with you. You are His beloved ones. I bless you.

1.6.1986 (Cortona, chapel of the House of Bethany - Sisters of the Stigmata) Let us praise the Lord. My children, Jesus is with you at every holy Mass. He comes among you and remains with you; love Him, welcome Him, be worthy of His love and listen to His teaching. There are many, many, who offend Him and walk in the darkness. The evil that they cause is enormous and dangerous. Pray, pray as you prayed during the month of May. Say the holy Rosary every day. In this way you will honour Jesus and I shall accompany you. I bless this house and I bless you all, my children.

5.6.1986 (St Martin’s, Schio - before the Blessed Sacrament exposed) Thanks and praise to you, Father. My children, men have let their hearts be taken over by the things of the world to such an extent that they cannot hear my call. My children, tell everyone that the Creator is present in everything around you. Do not be blind. The Father is continually giving to you, He loves you and is asking for your love. Let us thank the Father and adore Him. I love you, my children, and I bless you.

6.6.1986 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Dear children, walk side by side and give each other support. Help each other to overcome together the difficulties that you encounter. Pray and be courageous. Jesus will always help you and will not disappoint you. I bless you all, my children.

10.6.1986 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My son, how greatly I wish that people should no longer be curious when I come among you. You are already communicating everything to your brothers. Help them understand that they too should start to listen to Mary and open their hearts. I am coming among you because I love you and wish to help you, but listen to me, all of you, and do as I tell you: on Thursday, ensure that Jesus receives your whole adoration; say the holy Rosary before or afterwards. We shall also change our meetings. I shall help you and I bless you.

11.6.1986 Praised be the Lord. My children, be worthy of the name of Christians. Examine your consciences continually, turn away from the things that disturb you, be strong and courageous, walk in certainty and show commitment, but let there never be any compromises with the world. The world can guarantee you nothing if it is not with God. Be like a light to lighten the world. I thank you and bless you.

12.6.1986 Let us praise the Lord. My children, I ask you to be humble. When you pray, be like little children, purge yourselves of all pride, humble your egos, and then your prayers will be effective and when you ask for something you will be heard and the Father will magnify you. I wish to guide you, my children; let yourselves be guided. I bless you.

15.6.1986 Let us glorify the Father. My children, the time has come! You must reject sin and tell all men that they must no longer abuse God’s goodness, otherwise they will have occasion to rue it. You already know what good is: be examples of good for all men. I am sending you: go, and have no fear. Whoever accepts you and listens to you will be listening to Jesus and Mary. I thank you and bless you.

18.6.1986 Let us glorify the Lord. My children, the path that I have shown you is a wearisome one because the way has been blocked. And to those of you who listen to me I say: Jesus calls you friends because you have agreed to work with Him and Mary for the Kingdom of the Father. May everything that I have been telling you at this time help you to live the Gospel and to see that it is lived. Pray and work, therefore, waste no time. To you, my son, I say: do not be afraid! When the time comes, I shall call you so that you can guide the group which will carry out what I have requested. I shall always be among you, even when you no longer see me. I shall help you. I bless you and all who work with you.

20.6.1986 Let us bless the Lord. I shall not forsake you, my children, I have already told you so. Have confidence, Jesus gives you His blessing. Meet together often. Now you can also disseminate my messages, but be circumspect and cautious. What I asked of you was of use, because soon new things will be happening to help you. Courage. I bless you.

22.6.1986 Let us bless the Father. My children, you are disseminating my messages, I thank you! Always try to work with love. Mary’s troops will increase, you will be numerous if you work with love. Let there be love in everything you do and say, humility and love. Keep Jesus with you, He will be able to give you all these things. I thank you and bless you.

23.6.1986 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Again I ask you, dear children, to get close to the young. Do not waste time, help them to live in grace, both the young and the old. Make a start on your work. Begin to discuss it among yourselves. Share out your tasks. I bless you.

24.6.1986 Father, we adore You. My children, it was for you also that I waited at the foot of the Cross. I am waiting too for you all. Your redemption will come from the Cross; how sweet will be the experience when you find yourselves with Mary, embracing the Cross. I bless you all, my children.

26.6.1986 Let us praise the Father together. My son, how hard is the way of goodness! The word of Jesus has not been accepted by everyone, nor is my presence among you accepted by everyone. Dear son, good will triumph, have no fear. You know this already: joy comes through the Cross. Pray, pray. I thank you. Thank all your helpers. I bless you.

1.7.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us praise the Lord. I have been waiting for you here, my children. Pure hearts! Pure hearts! You, my son, do not be continually asking yourself: why? The Holy Spirit is already accompanying you; He will help you and you will speak. Your friends will also speak and work to the extent that they wish to. I bless you.

3.7.1986 (St Martin’s: prayer meeting for young people) My children, Jesus is waiting for all young people. Pray with the young, give of yourselves to them. Through prayer, fend off all the evil that surrounds them and they will renew the world with goodness. I bless you all, my children.

6.7.1986 Let us bless the Lord. I come to bless you, my children, and to give you faith, faith! Your fruits will be tasted, but they will be the fruits of your faith. Be proud of your faith, my children. I shall not abandon you, because I love you. Take my blessing with you to all your dear ones.

11.7.1986 (St Martin’s: meeting of leaders of prayer groups) Praise be to you, Father. Light, my children, light to you who have been called. Accept my call and spread it to everyone. Love one another as Jesus and Mary love you. You are blessed and blessings will come down on all those who listen to you. Do not be faint-hearted, but courageous: God is with you. Thank you for having come here.

12.7.1986 (Monte di Cristo) May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be praised. My children, you want me to be with you here under the cross. I am with you, but Jesus is also with me. I am always with you when you meet. I will accompany all who are pure in heart. Do not still expect from me many more things. I shall always remain among you. Meditate on what I have already told you. I am still waiting for you under the cross. I bless you.

16.7.1986 (Cles, Trento - church of the Franciscans) Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I have asked you to go forward and you are. I am among you when you work for the good of your brothers. Be filled with the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God Who is in you. Blessed will be all those who listen to what you tell them and put it into practice. I bless this community. I bless the sick, the elderly, I bless you all.

17.7.1986 (St Martin’s) Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My son, you are to tell the priests this: there is but one law of God and it must be respected. There is too much confusion and too little observance of the commandments. Even in the confessional Satan is making inroads. Jesus is asking for pure hearts and just, responsible ministers, because they have a great responsibility! Pray for them. I bless you.

18.7.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Cross. My children, Jesus is waiting for you here, with Mary, to bless you. Jesus is waiting for everyone, even those who are this moment engaging in sinful pleasures. Blessed are you, my children. People will do everything they can to draw you away from Mary and Jesus, but you will be with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

21.7.1986 (St Martin’s) Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. I bless you, my children. I am appealing to you for humility, humility! The work that awaits you is great, but you will be effective only if you are humble. Do not get lost in little things: Jesus expects great things of you. I bless you.

24.7.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us bless the Lord. My children, I wish to stay longer with you in order to help you renew your hearts, to cure your ills, to give you peace. Be humble, pray more frequently, seek justice. Love one another, love what is good, shun evil and you will become holy. I bless you all, your young people, your sick and all your elderly.

26.7.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, night warns you of the approaching darkness, but you are in the light. Courage, it will come, it will come, you will bring your House into being. Begin little by little. You (Renato) will be the first to enter it to help the needy. You will build it near your homes and everything will become one home. Have courage and faith. I bless you. (Cf. message of 25.3.1986)

27.7.1986 (St Martin’s) Dear children, I wish to remain among you. I wish to work with your hands, speak with your tongues and love with your hearts. Put yourselves at my disposal and together we shall save souls. Let this alone be the aim of your work. I bless you, my children, I bless you.

31.7.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us praise the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My dear children, be grateful to God for the gift of life that He has given you. Praise the Father with your whole life. You will be able to do this with the love that is in you and with pure hearts. Do not remain indifferent to my calls. Listen to me. I bless you all.

1.8.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I am in your midst and I bless you all. I invite you all to attend your parishes and your churches with all your families, all your children: Jesus is waiting for you. I accept your prayers. I bless you.

4.8.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. Thank you, my children, for praying. Be frequently at prayer. Whatever you have not understood, you will understand through prayer. You will receive blessings from the Father because you are in Him and with Him when you pray. You will receive strength and courage to overcome the adversities that are to come. Pray, I bless you.

6.8.1986 (St Martin’s) Praised be the Lord. Cleave to the good, my children, with your eyes open. Do not let yourselves be carried away by those who are not of God, or you too will fall prey to Satan. Pray, pray that what you pass on to your brothers is living faith, true faith. If you are strong in faith, everything I have asked of you will be accomplished. Courage, my children, I bless you.

7.8.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, when you have detached yourselves from the things of the world, then you will possess true faith; you will be in God and God will be in you. You cannot call yourselves Christians while at the same time accumulating the things of the world. The Father will give you everything, but only when you have nothing. Listen to me, my children! Tomorrow I invite you to pray for the Pope. I bless you all.

8.8.1986 (St Martin’s, during the meeting of prayer group leaders) Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Thank you, my children, for your commitment. Together may you be the fire of love; fill your churches, adore Jesus, Who is the only way to the Father. Let your prayer teach others how to pray. Give yourselves totally to the work of conversion of your brothers. You will soon understand how much Jesus loves you. I shall help you, my children. I bless you all.

11.8.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us bless the Lord. Dear children, I have come to tell you so many things: I ask you to put them into practice and help others to do so. Let us give thanks to the Father, because He has made this possible. You will achieve great things if you listen to me. You will receive the graces that you seek through Jesus: adore Him! Ask always in His living presence. Try to ensure that He is worshipped often in all churches. What I have yet to tell you will be to guide you, whom I have called, to carry out your good works. There will often be talks just with you, dear son. Thank you for what you have accepted. All of you will be blessed if you believe and act. I bless you all.

14.8.1986 (Assisi - The Portiuncula) Let us praise the Father together. Dear son, your conviction is a grace; may it be a grace for all your friends. Prayer! Everything will be accomplished through prayer. With the help of prayer, your work will be just and fruitful. By praying, each one of you will be transformed. You are now experiencing the fruits of your prayer; give this grace to everyone. I bless you and thank you.

15.8.1986 (Assisi - The Portiuncula) Father, may Your Kingdom be in us. Dear son, the Father’s love has worked miracles. It will also do great things in you: marvellous are His works! Let us give eternal thanks to the Father Who has given us the Son and the Holy Spirit. Give thanks together to Mary and with Mary, ecause she too has worked wonders for you. I bless you.

20.8.1986 (Assisi - The Portiuncula) Let us bless the Father. Dear son, you would like to do so many things, and you will do them together with your helpers. You will not be able to do by yourself the things you are planning. You will continue to speak as you have done. Those who are most tender of heart have followed you. The hard, proud hearts are just looking on, but they will regret it. Along with your closest friends, you will seek and find holiness by giving yourselves and also working in silence and in prayer. You are in the company of Mary and Jesus. Fear no evil. Courage, I bless you.

20.8.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. Dear children, I should like you always to think about what you say, so that, with your words, you may be able to enter into men’s hearts. May your words be holy, your works patient and your deeds joyous: Jesus and Mary will be with you and love and justice will be within you. I thank you for what you are doing. I bless you.

21.8.1986 (St Martin’s) My children, intensify this time of grace through which you are now living. It is a grace of the Lord, a time of salvation. Pray that all may arrive, and that the way to the Father may not be hindered. There is a grave responsibility on the shoulders of anyone who stands in the way of the salvation of so many souls. Pray and worship Jesus. I bless you all.

22.8.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and adore the Father. My children, ask the Father to increase your faith so that you may be strong in your mission. You still need to receive in order to be able to give. You who are aware of the effort that awaits you, ask with prayer and you will be strong in your works. I bless you all.

27.8.1986 My children, let us pray together to the Father, because He has committed this work of His to you. Trust Mary, my children. Abandon yourselves to me. Let yourselves be guided by me without asking yourselves too many questions; merely be willing. I shall always be with you and I bless you.

29.8.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us praise the Lord. My children, every day you accompany many of your brothers to the Cross of Jesus. Jesus and Mary will cure their ills: they are ills of the spirit. I also wish to commit to your care all those who are sick of body. So many sufferings, my children! You will undertake the task of visiting all these people. Speak of Mary, tell them all that Mary blesses them. Thank you. I bless you.

30.8.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father together. My children, you are in hope, but Jesus is waiting for your work of conversion to be accomplished in everyone through you. Remain together, live in unity and do not leave to themselves those who have found Jesus again through you. I bless you and Jesus blesses you. (After some Marian songs the Blessed Virgin appeared again.) My children, your songs are prayer. Your songs are always pleasing to me.

1.9.1986 Praise be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, prayer, by reason of its power and value, is the queen of victories. You are beginning to understand the importance of prayer, and will thus teach everyone to pray. In the House that you are planning there will be, if you wish it, the SCHOOL OF PRAYER. Courage, my children, have courage, with Jesus and Mary you will be able to do everything. I bless you and your whole group.

3.9.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us praise and pray to the Lord. My children, you are distressed and you pray to be able to lead others to pray. The name of Mary is still hampering your initiatives. Jesus, my children, give primacy to Jesus! Do not yourselves be a cause of splits and divisions. Be humble, let God alone be the judge. I will help you. Do your best in everything, but above all trust in the help of Mary and Jesus. Pray, pray! I shall accompany you and I bless you.

5.9.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us pray to the Father. My children, now you know the truth and you will work with the truth. Often the world stifles the truth under a blanket of lies; ave nothing to do with the works of the world, otherwise your own works would be in vain and you would be responsible. Be examples to everyone with honesty and truth. I bless you.

9.9.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us bless and pray to the Lord. Let your gaze be turned towards the Light, my children. Be constant in prayer, reflect on the meaning of my appeals, make them known to everyone, and then your mission will be blessed. Your work will bear much fruit and you will be rewarded. I bless you all.

11.9.1986 (St Martin’s) Praise and thanks be to the Father. My children, prayer will transform the hearts of men: that is why I am asking you to pray. May prayer sanctify you all, so that you may give love and peace to the world. The Lord will be with you to help you in your work of salvation. I bless you all. With Jesus, I bless all those who have heeded my call today.

13.9.1986 (Monte di Cristo - after the Stations of the Cross, held on three evenings in preparation for the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) Long live Jesus! My children, in the hope of the Cross is your certainty; Jesus, Jesus, from His Cross, will remove your crosses. Your genuine faith will save you, with Mary on the way to Jesus on the Cross. Blessed are you, my children, who follow my calls with faith. I bless you all. I also bless your dear ones.

24.9.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My children, let my appeal to you be an appeal to all people in the world. Ensure that everyone hears it. You will succeed in doing this if you are humble. I invite you to find humility and remain in it. My children, accept these, my last appeals, and allow me to remain in your tender and pure hearts so as to help you to love. I bless you.

1.10.1986 (St Martin’s - with leaders of prayer groups) Praised be the Lord. My children, Jesus and Mary have called you; place yourselves entirely at their disposal. Be aware of your responsibility, be examples and never the subject of scandal. Prayer will be a light to you and, if you so wish, you will drive away all evil from you by means of prayer. Let your faith be pure and deep, because it is not those who lie who will be saved, but those who are pure in heart. Listen to these, my last appeals, my children, and put them into practice; I wish to help you. Blessed are you if you have pure hearts. I bless you all and thank you.

2.10.1986 (St Martin’s) Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, thank the Father always. Never cease to be grateful for all the beautiful things that you have experienced: they are all His works. Be willing to help everyone, courageous in humility. Let charity be always alive in you. Devote yourselves to showing charity and helping others to experience it, and do so with commitment. I bless you, my children, I bless you.

16.10.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My children, those hearts that hasten to the places where I am now calling are finding peace, grace and consolation. Those who heed me will return firmly to the faith and I will enfold them in my Heart. Faith, and only faith, can show men the true meaning of life. Such faith made the saints outstanding and rendered them capable of the greatest virtues. You who pray will be surrounded by hosts of angels: you will not be left alone. Satan will not come near you, my children, because you, with Mary, exalt the Name of Jesus. I shall not abandon you, my children. I bless you.

20.10.1986 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, today I shall tell you what you will tell everyone: the time in which you are living is not the time of your reward; the time of reward has no end. The time of purification is very long for many who, after their death, have not crossed the threshold of the light - great is their number! For them, too, I come to tell you: pray, my children, that through prayer and charity the time of their suffering may be shortened. Listen to me, my children, I bless you all.

22.10.1986 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, I accompany you every day on this Way of the Cross, which is Jesus’ road to Calvary. This is the road that leads to victory over death and brings souls in triumph to the Father. Follow this road every day with Mary. Then it will no longer be the road of tears but the road of redemption. The road of humiliation has become the road of exaltation. My children, I assure you that every time you follow the Way of the Cross with devotion, you will free many souls from Purgatory and will have their help and prayers. Dedicate this devotion to them also. I bless you all, my children.

27.10.1986 (Day for Peace, celebrated by the Pope in Assisi with representatives of other religions) Thanks be to the Lord. My children, today the Father’s blessing has come down on all who have prayed for peace. Peace, dear children! Pure hearts will carry peace to all mankind. I come to bring you peace and love. If you love one another more, peace will enter all hearts. May a single prayer unite all men. I am the Queen of Love. Peace will come through love! Teach everyone to love, my children. I bless you all.

29.10.1986 (St Martin’s) Let us pray to Jesus. Continue in true prayer. Do not seek new things, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy Jesus’ gifts. Open your hearts and let yourselves be guided by me. I have called you, my children, so that your lives may be transformed and Jesus may be in you. If you put my recommendations into practice you will find joy and peace and will be saved. Mary, Mother of Jesus and your Mother, wants your salvation. Listen to me, my children. I thank you for your work. I bless you.

31.10.1986 (St Martin’s) Blessed be the Father. My children, Jesus is giving you His Cross and He invites you to carry it with love. I, dear children, am making my appeals to you all so that they may be put into practice and disseminated to everyone. My presence among you has brought consolation for many and confusion for others. Many have come here to pray, while some wish to nullify my presence. You (i.e. Renato) will tell your Bishop today that the Madonna blesses him and that my apparitions will no longer take place among everyone; from now on I shall be with you alone, to guide, with you, all those who intend to heed my calls and to work with Jesus for the Kingdom of the Father. I bless you, my children.

8.11.1986 Father, we pray to you and worship you. It is I, still I, calling you and calling everyone, because I have asked you to be witnesses to my appeals and my invitations. I am asking you to be the force of renewal in the Church of Jesus, so that Jesus is not just a symbol in the Church, but is worshipped in His living presence. You are already with Him, but I ask you, children, to help everyone rediscover the reality of faith. Jesus is forgotten by too many, rejected by too many. Bring everyone to Him; He is awaiting you and everyone.

11.11.1986 My son let us pray together to the Father. I come to bless you all, to take away your sufferings, to help you. Be strong, have confidence, the evil surrounding you is so great. May Jesus help you to become holy. My children, remain always in prayer and Jesus will always be with you. I bless you.

On 11 November 1986 (the feast of St Martin) the crucifix in the small oratory of Renato’s house began to give off a perfume which spread through the whole house. All the windows were opened in an attempt to discover its origin. It was then found that the perfume was coming from the head and wounds of the crucifix. The next day, in the same room, the hands and feet of a ceramic statuette of the Madonna began to emit a perfume. It was immediately noticed that the perfume from the statuette differed slightly from that of the crucifix: it was more delicate.

12.11.1986 Let us thank and bless the Lord. My children, I am appealing to you to return to the faith. I love you and desire your salvation. Dear children, concern yourselves with your children, certainly, but above all with their spiritual welfare. Every body will be made whole when the soul is in a state of grace. Your constant prayer will save your children. Do not fear. I bless you.

15.11.1986 Let us adore the Father and the Son, let us adore the Holy Spirit. My son, you will tell your friends that Mary calls them blessed because you are going forward together and joyfully putting my calls into effect. Have courage, do not be frightened of your crosses; Jesus has given you His Cross, but He will help you to bear it. Blessed are you who receive Jesus among you and pray. May the weight of the dark cloud that hangs over the world be removed from you. I come to call everyone to conversion, but many are deaf and blind, even though they see. Speak, my children, for those who do not speak, be present for those who are absent. May the Father have mercy on everyone. I bless you.

22.11.1986 Let us worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, you know how much I love you. I have come among you, I have entered your hearts, making them tender, asking for your help to convert, to love, because I wish to work in the world with you. The material works will be only to ease sufferings and to bring your brothers to faith, and thus to the Father. Do everything well. May the purpose of your work always remain fixed in your minds: FAITH. If you heed my words, all this will take place. I bless you, my children.

23.11.86 The statue of Our Lady of the Rosary in the church of St Martin gave off perfume.

27.11.1986 Let us glorify the Lord. My children, I am calling many people. They will come, and you will welcome them with love. Be prepared in everything, do not let my signs of love go unheeded. Soon you will encounter obstacles, so prepare yourselves by every possible means to keep your treasures safe. Have courage, show yourselves to be full of love towards everyone. Be humble and united. Suffer and rejoice with Mary. I bless you all.

29.11.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My children, do not be afraid, you who work and pray with Mary. Thank the Father, with Mary, because He has created me immaculate from all eternity so that I could lighten your road with the light of purity. I wish to bring you to the light, my children, and you know this because you listen to Mary. Do not fear, I shall help you, and I bless you, my children.

1.12.1986 Praise and glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, one day Jesus will accompany you to the Father; I shall then give testimony on your behalf. Blessed are you, my children, because you have made yourselves docile and have been filled with goodness. You will find a place in the light, where the Father will reward you. Keep your hearts pure, and always be humble, because the proud will not enjoy the light. Those who refuse the gift are not humble; help them, you, my children, with humility and prayer. I bless you, I bless all your dear ones, and I thank you.

4.12.1986 Let us bless the Father. My children, I bless all your objects, I am making them holy, but I want you to love one another. Love, love among you all, dear children. I shall always be close to you if you love one another. I bless you.

10.12.1986 Blessed be the Father. My children, your faith will save you and the Father will reward you. Praise be to the Father, light and life of eternity. Through Mary, the Father will welcome you who bear witness to Jesus. Mary is suffering and rejoicing with you, because she is walking with you to give light. Men are seeking the light and rejecting the Light. Have courage, my children, do not become weary. I wish to work with you, but if you do not feel me close to you and do not see me, how can I work? I have called you, along with many who have not yet come; you, my children, take them by the hand and accompany them, I will help you. Be humble and attentive, do everything well. I bless you.

14.12.1986 Praise and glory to you, Father. My children, why do you concern yourselves over what I should do? Do what I have asked you to do: join together in large numbers - pray - love one another - love one another endlessly! Let humility and silence be your treasure. I do not ask of you more than you are able to do, but to act rightly in what you do. You will also perform works, but not with words. Let words be used to spread my appeals and to call everyone. Unite yourselves with the humble, because the proud are destroying the works of God. I thank you for your prayer vigils, continue them. I bless you, children.

20.12.1986 Let us praise the Lord. My children, I ask you to remain united, united. The time has now come when the will of Jesus and Mary will be carried out. Everything will be well if you are united in love. Listen to me, my children. I bless you.

22.12.1986 Blessed be the Lord. My children, the world needs Jesus; bring Him to everyone this Christmas; bring Him also to those who, even though they are close, have not recognized Him. Together with Mary, bring Him to give peace to the world. My heart is filled with joy to meet many more of my children who, through you, have set out on the road of light. Thank you, my children, for responding to my calls. With Jesus, I bless you.

27.12.1986 Let us give thanks to the Father. My children, what would your prayers be worth if I did not listen to them all? The Father has given me this power, let us give Him thanks. Never doubt, my children, I am always with you when you pray. Ensure that your prayers are worthy of blessings. I bless you, children.

29.12.1986 Let us bless the Lord. My children, praying multitudes are needed to drive away evil and to save the Church of Jesus. Among the ministers of the Church there are many who are destroying divine grace; they would like to combat evil, but their efforts are unsuccessful because they are heretics. Remain united with those who are close to you, my children; with them, pray for those who make the world their god. Mary will save souls together with you; the battle with evil will be won with you. Your tears, also, will be of use, and will be precious means of conversion. Soon people will be coming who will cause you to doubt what you are doing, so be vigilant, attentive. Satan will seize hold of your clothing. Then invoke the Names of Jesus and Mary and you will be helped. Never have doubts, my children, not even when you are in pain. You already know many things. Be united and humble, strong in love. I bless you, my children.

Undated, 1986: Towards the end of 1986 a cross made of two branches of acacia wood, which formed the second station on the Way of the Cross, began to emit perfume. This cross is at present kept in a transparent case at the Cenacle. Near it, on the wall, is the following inscription: "This cross of acacia wood, made on Monte di Cristo during Holy Week 1986, was placed where the first station of the present Way of the Cross is now sited. In November 1986 it began spontaneously to emit perfume. As the faithful in their devotion were removing pieces of it, it was moved in June 1987 and is kept in this case at the Cenacle of Prayer, where its perfume is still an object of wonder and respect".


3.1.1987 Let us bless the Father. My children, you will call Jesus, you will invoke Him, and He will be near you. Mary has given you Jesus; you will walk with Jesus every day. His is the work of man’s salvation which the Father desired out of love for us: let us give Him thanks! My children, learn to love everyone with all your heart and you will discover Jesus within you. I shall continue to light your way, because darkness still surrounds you, obscuring your path. Jesus has called you through Mary and your work will be that of salvation. Thank you, my children, for making yourselves available. I bless you.

7.1.1987 Let us bless and thank the Father. My children, you are doing many things in the Name of Jesus and Jesus blesses you. Walk together along this road: it is one of light; hold each other by the hand. May prayer give you strength, never stand still; the work is great, but Jesus asks it of you. I shall walk with you, my children, to lighten your toil and lead you to your goal. Be united, my children, humble to the point of tears, and you will be filled with joy. I shall not abandon you. I bless you.

9.1.1987 (Monte di Cristo. On the preceding day, the Epiphany, the bronze statue of Jesus was placed on the summit.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, Jesus loves peace, He wants peace, and you have brought Jesus here in peace. Thank you, my children. Jesus gives you His blessing. Take care of this sacred place. From this place Jesus will give peace to all who ask for it with prayer and faith. Thank you, my children, Jesus and Mary bless you.

11.1.1987 Blessed be the Lord. My children, may the love I come to bring you re-awaken all souls, console hearts and help you to love. May the world be renewed through love; may what has been lost be found again. How much indifference there is in the world, my children! Remove it, you who listen and pray to me, remove it by your prayer and your love. I will help you. Thank you, my children. I bless you.

12.1.1987 Let us bless the Lord. Dear children, thank you for praying. I urge you to continue praying, so that what I desire may come about. The Pope, my children, pray for the Pope, so that all men may listen to me. I love everyone and wish to save them: let all people be consecrated to my maternal Heart. You will also devote several days of prayer to this intention, that the Pope may be heeded by everyone. I wish to save the world. I bless you, my children.

13.1.1987 Let us bless the Lord. Dear children, pray! The whole world needs prayer and works of charity. Much work with men and for men awaits you; do it well. I bless you, my children.

17.1.1987 Blessed be the Lord. My children, as you walk with Mary it will seem to you that you have lost everything in the world. I tell you, my children: you have found everything. You have found Jesus! I thank you for all those you receive to join you as you walk. I have sent them to you, and your numbers will go on increasing. Have courage, do not be afraid, what counts is your faith. Mary will protect you and your works, and your dear ones. I bless you, my children, I bless you.

22.1.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, let your trust in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit become certainty. Trust, pray, and the numbers of you forming Mary’s troops will be great. Those whom you have welcomed today were also called by Mary. You will bring them together and lead them to pray. I will come and bring them the Spirit of God. You will testify together, not only by your works but also with your words. Jesus and Mary bless you. Blessed be all of you.

25.1.1987 Let us bless the Father. My children, prepare with joy to welcome the Marian Year. You will help the Mother to remove much suffering, to remove sin, the cause of so much evil among her children. Be a consolation to suffering Jesus by remaining in prayer, loving one another more, bearing witness by your example, and consecrating yourselves to my maternal Heart. Do not go away, my children, but come ever closer to suffering Jesus: He is waiting for you all with love. I bless you.

26.1.1987 Blessed be the Father. My children, what I desire will be fulfilled in you, but only when you are living in rectitude, love and humility. Only by your example will you draw all people to Jesus. Have courage for the things of Heaven, for it will mean more to you than the things of the world, which are not for you. People will look at you and come to find Jesus and Mary. May your example be pure. Proceed as I have taught you, my children, and you will always have my help. I bless you all.

31.1.1987 (St Martin’s, during the triduum of prayer for the inauguration of the Marian Movement on 2 February) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I have called you in large numbers so that together you will bring men back to the truth. I ask you to remain united, to love one another, to pray, to give each other help. Here, to this place so dear to you, I am now bringing the Holy Spirit. Be worthy of Him, for the Father is great; with pure hearts you will see His light; let your hearts always be pure, you do not know how important you are! My children, I invite you once again to prayer, so that your spirits may remain in God. You will not fear evil, but will keep evil away with Mary and with prayer. Happy are you if you heed me, my children. Do not concern yourselves with the vanities of the world; exert yourselves, walk along the road of sanctification, consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and your sanctification will come. Receive the grace of the Lord! Rejoice in it together and begin the new life. Accept my latest appeals and make them your own. Give thanks to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Do not fear, I shall be with you. I bless you all, my children.

1.2.1987 (St. Martin’s. Eve of the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, and eve of the inauguration of the "Marian Work". 2 February 1987 sees the start of the "Queen of Love" Marian Movement and the "Work of Love" Association.) Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, I thank you and bless you. This is the beginning of your material and spiritual work: I bless it. et your spirits be always ready, let your hearts be always pure, and you will have the help of the Spirit. You will experience many more crosses: do not shun them, but bear them with love. I shall always be near you and all those who are not here but will come. I bless you, children, I bless you.

4.2.1987 Some people returning from the evening Stations of the Cross noticed that the rock facing the fourth station was giving off perfume; in the days that followed the entire rock emitted perfume

6.2.1987 Let us bless the Father. My children, transmit the love of Jesus with love. Remain close to those who are most in need of love and you too will receive love. I invite you to set about making the life of the abandoned and the elderly more worthy. Enrich their spirits, bringing joy and love, giving yourselves to them; this is Mary’s work: to open up, with you, Heaven on earth and in Heaven. Love, my children! Jesus will remain with you in love. May your work, founded on love, be blessed. I bless you.

10.2.1987 Blessed be the Lord. Dear children, I bless you and your things that are dear to you. I thank you for your work for your brothers. Give thanks to the Father, for He has given you freedom and He has given you courage, the strength to tell the truth. I am calling my children in many other places, but those I am calling are being hindered. Pray that all may have courage. I bless you, my children.

11.2.1987 the water of the little spring between the eighth and ninth stations also began to emit perfume. Since January 1988 the rose-bush on the wall of the bell-tower of St Martin’s church has also been giving off perfume.

16.2.1987 Praised be the Lord. My children, I have called you so that you may live my message, and I desire that my calls reach all your brothers through the testimony of your faith and life. I therefore ask you to remain true in grace, my children, and my message will become your message. Do not delay in bringing the love of Jesus and Mary, because many do not see the light of the Father after their death. Do not come to a standstill over little things, but go forward. I shall lighten your way. I bless you, dear children.

23.2.1987 The Lord be praised. I bless you, Jesus blesses you. My children, let yourselves be accompanied by me, because the road that we shall follow together is the right one. Follow it together, united, in large numbers, so as to combat with love the evil in a world that has fallen under the power of the demons. The love that Jesus gave to the world is no more! So many words, words, but hearts are corrupt. The time of truth has come. You will fight with love and humility, because the Father, and He alone, will intervene with justice. Do not let your faith be stifled by useless discussions; be just, my children, you are the ones who have been called; give yourselves for the salvation of the world; give yourselves also for those who have failed to live up to the commitment they have made and are a cause of scandal. These people are placing obstacles in your path, they do not accept my calls because their faith is lacking. Offer your sufferings for them too. Work together, be united, loving one another and giving of yourselves. Keep always in mind the sole purpose of your work, which has been initiated with Mary: salvation. You will understand whatever you have not yet understood if you love and forgive one another. I urge you to practise humility and prayer. I know that you love me and will persevere in the work that you have begun; I shall always lead you, and all who will walk with you, to salvation. May Jesus be always with you. I, too, shall be with you always, calling you and exhorting you when you need it. Do not stop! Walk! Make haste! I thank you for your sacrifice and your work. Never be afraid! With Jesus you should not be afraid. I commend to you the priests and the elderly, the young people, the abandoned. Go! Fill the world with love - love that will result in true faith. Thank you, dear children. May graces and blessings come down upon you all and all your dear ones.

28.2.1987 Let us bless the Lord. Your lives are becoming shorter, my children, and your commitment is taking on urgency. I am telling you this in order that you do not mark time over the same things, but move forward. This time of grace will not return! Work with Mary, now, to stop the evil one and his works, because he is reaping a large part of mankind. Now or never, my children, now or it will be too late. Give yourselves with confidence and enthusiasm to the work of conversion. Respond with love to my call, day after day. I shall be with you too. I bless you, my children.

4.3.1987 Let us praise and glorify the Father. My son, the sanctification of you all is a gift of the Father, which Jesus wishes for you, and I will help you to become holy. Dear children, never impose on others what you have found and are experiencing, but demonstrate it, pass it on by example and humility. Never ask for signs from Heaven, but accept the signs from Heaven for your good and that of your brothers. Never judge. Love, love and allow yourselves to be guided. I bless you.

14.3.1987 Father, we praise You, we bless You and we adore You. Dear children, what conflict of ideas Mary has brought to hearts, but the hearts will return to Jesus and Mary. I will help you, my children, I will help you! I see your sacrifices, but what I continue to recommend to you is that you go forward in prayer. I also exhort you to recollection and to be united among yourselves. I invite you to be one and to join with the young people, do not delay any longer. I thank you for having initiated the Marian Movement. I bless you, my children, I bless you. I bless these objects of yours. Tell everyone to pray.

16.3.1987 Let us bless the Father. My children, the Father will reward you because you are giving honour to Him in the world with your faith. Instruct yourselves every day, so as to give the truth to the world. Have no fear of those who deride you; soon you will have to console them too. They have not come, but they will come; they do not believe, but they will believe. As for you, my children, remain always conscious of how great your mission is. Stay united, do not allow room for useless words. Be humble and just. I bless you all and will remain with you.

21.3.1987 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, act now, because you are aware of the tasks entrusted to you. Let the purpose of the call remain fixed in your mind. Let your offering be pure and decisive; do not cling to what hinders you; be perfect through humility and love. You are many and you are with Jesus and Mary. Your sacrifices will be precious and blessed by the Father. Go, therefore, and witness to Jesus! The time has now arrived to carry out your work, and you will do it according to the extent of your faith. I wish to help you, my children, because you have been chosen, but many of you do not find the courage to give yourselves. Dear children, give yourselves, give yourselves. Now you also have your spiritual guide: allow yourselves to be guided and filled with grace. Pray, children, and do not desert Jesus. I bless you.

23.3.1987 Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, give thanks to the Father for your lives; send up praises to Him and be grateful to Him. I invite you to find and remain in humility and prayer, following Jesus with your cross. I have told you what I wished to tell you. Now go to work, increase your faith; you will nourish your works with your faith. Pass on to everyone what I have come to bring you. Teach people to pray, seek justice. The time remaining to you is precious. Become completely converted and convert the world; be united, love one another, I will remain among you with Jesus. In time I will tell you other things, when it is necessary. I thank all of you who are present or not here, whom I have called and who have responded. May the Holy Spirit remain in you always and sanctify you. Thank you, dear children, thank you. I bless you and your families.

Undated, March, 1987 Some unknown individuals daubed the miraculous acacia cross with lime or glue. Two persons then cleaned it, using cloths impregnated with turpentine. Afterwards, their hands and the cloths smelt of the same perfume as the cross.

5.4.1987 May the Lord be praised and blessed. I shall be accompanying you on this, your new path, my children; be constant and united. Everything will take place when you are ready, but lose no time! Joys will flow from the crosses, your crosses. Everything will be fulfilled if you listen to me, if you are humble and remain in the grace of the Lord. Now you are no longer uncertain; look ahead, before you is Jesus, Who awaits you. Courage, my children. Many hearts are already opened to grace, others have yet to open. Pray, dear children, pray with me. I bless you all.

13.4.1987 Let us glorify the Father. Dear children, I want you to be prophets worthy of belief, and you will be if you continue to walk with Mary to your sanctification. You have been chosen for the great work of conversion of the world: you will proclaim Jesus. You will be blessed when you are heard and believed, for then you will be in the world as a light that saves and the Spirit, the Sanctifier, will be in you. Let us give thanks together to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I bless you , dear children, I bless you all.

16.4.1987 Maundy Thursday Blessed be the Father, the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My children, every day I ask you to practise humility, because through humility you will grow in faith. These days of the Cross will be lived with Jesus only by the humble; only the humble will die and rise again with Jesus. Remove indifference and pride from yourselves and the world, then everyone will understand the greatness of this mystery. I, too, am with you, dear children. I bless you.

18.4.1987 Holy Saturday The Father, with Jesus and Mary, blesses you, dear children. Jesus has left His Cross to join the Father. He is waiting for all of you too. Allow yourselves to be accompanied and taken by the hand by Jesus and Mary. You will fear no more, but will walk safely along the right road. Thank you, my children. You, too, be courageous in facing your crosses and you will soon be freed from all servitude, because Mary will help you. I bless you, dear children. I bless all your dear ones, I bless all your friends.

19.4.1987 Easter Sunday Let us give thanks to the Father. My children, Jesus has written all your names in His Heart. He will reward you for the hearts that have returned to Him today with you. Thank you, dear children, for your witness; may your commitment never lessen, so that your names remain for ever in His Heart. May the blessing of His love come down upon you, as you have heeded my call and are working with Mary. I bless you, dear children.

26.4.1987 Let us bless the Father. I bless you, my son, in this time of grace. I bless you, together with the work that you have been destined by the Father to lead. Great will be his reward for you, workers of peace and love. Great are the trials that all this carries for you, but greater still will be the joy of the triumph of truth and faith over the enemies of the Church. Love Jesus, my children, love Him with all your love. You who heed my words will see great things. Be united in humility, love one another; I know you all and I am calling you one by one; I want to accompany you to Jesus. I bless you all, dear children.

27.4.1987 Blessed be the Father, blessed be the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, my children,every day Jesus is filling you with grace and sanctifying you. I come to tell you so many things, dear children, but I cannot leave you yet, otherwise you would become lost. What brings you continually to so many places to listen to so many voices? I have called many, so that they might speak, and they do not speak. Many of your brothers say things that are not the truth! Trust in Mary, trust, I know how to lead you along the right road, do not doubt. Do not accept any longer those voices that do not speak the truth. You will see Jesus, my children, you will see Him, but only when the Father has accepted your holiness: the just will see Him. I bless you all, dear children. Be humble, be humble in prayer.

4.5.1987 Let us pray together to the Father. My children, I ask you to relinquish many things that are still binding you and making you slaves. These things are distracting you from my call. Be strong! The road on which you have set out is the right one. Have courage! How are we to save the Church if you do not form a holy part of this Church? Call many more brothers to join you, but be an example to them. The work is great and urgent. When the hour of truth comes you will understand why I have called you. Then be present, all of you, with Mary. Listen to me. I bless you all, dear children.

9.5.1987 Let us pray together. My children, be victorious through prayer. I will follow the hearts that pray and will not abandon them. I will fill them with peace and give them joy. Remain close to me. I bless you all, dear children.

10.5.1987 Mother’s Day Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank you, dear children, I bless you all. I bless all the mothers here present, and all your mothers. The mothers who are with me will be with me in the light. Pray for all mothers who do not accept this name. I am with you too, as you walk with Jesus on the road to truth. With Jesus and Mary, my children, towards the light in this time of grace. Let us give thanks to the Father. Thank you, my children, thank you.

18.5.1987 Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, I have asked you to believe and remain close to me. The darkness could envelop you, but you who have been purified will not be affected. Do not be afraid! You will rejoice over this time of grace, nourished by prayer. Continue to pray, my children, be humble, also for those who use their education and presumption to draw you away from prayer. These people are their own judges, they are making my intervention in the world unsuccessful, but the Father will not allow evil to triumph. The world has become filled with too much evil because of too many false witnesses. In this time of confusion Satan is dragging mankind into a dark decline, but the rock which the Father has established will resist, together with you, dear children, and your dedication. Take refuge in the hearts of Jesus and Mary; console these Hearts, which are wounded every day by so many of their children. I bless you all.

23.5.1987 Let us bless the Father. My children, in your total abandonment of self your faith will grow. You too have to follow this road, which is the road of the saints. Everything that seems absurd to you will be precious in the eyes of the Father. You, my children who are present here, are close to me and share my sufferings, together with many whom I have called. This is the time of confusion that the evil one has created in your midst. May the Spirit of the Father fill you with wisdom, dear children, and make you perfect. Work in silence. The time is approaching when you will have need of your work. Trust in Mary. You will tell your friends to remain in silence and to work and pray in humility. You are being watched now more than ever. Be examples, therefore, dear children, examples. Jesus wishes you to be examples for all. I bless you, my children.


Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My son, how can I impress my love more deeply on you all? I am constantly speaking to you and listening to you. I would like you to pay attention to my calls; I would like to work with you in the world, but I need your unity. I would like there to be more love among you: I brought you Love. The time of trial is approaching, therefore be united and ready. You will overcome the darkness with the light that I have given you, my children. I need your pure hearts and your total self-offering. If any of you hides this light he cannot lighten the world, but he will also make his own path dark. Give thanks to the Father that you have been chosen to be light. Accept His invitation without reservation. Forgive, forgive everyone and love one another. Be perfect in everything. Ensure that I can remain with you still. I bless you all.

7.6.1987 Pentecost. Beginning of the Marian Year. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit. Let us give thanks for the Father’s great gifts. My children, I wish to give you more and more consolation and joy every day, because you are following me. Jesus gives you consolation, dear children; welcome Him always in your pure hearts. May the Spirit of Light illumine you all. You, my new Church, you are the consolation of Jesus and Mary. You will speak with the words of Jesus. When you proclaim Him, you will be recognized as His disciples. You have been chosen to bring divine light to the world. I shall be with you, in your pure hearts, my children. In this year of grace many beautiful things will happen with you. Do not disappoint me, dear children. With you, and with all who follow you, we shall heal the world. Listen to me, children! I will accept all your requests made in prayer. Jesus blesses you, together with the Pope and the Holy Church. Courage! I bless you too.

12.6.1987 Friday (First apparition at the Cenacle, seat of the "Work of Love" in Schio) Let us bless and give thanks to the Father. Dear children, I have led you to this place of your gatherings. Here you will pray together and grow in prayer. I wish you to be humble souls, you my humble souls who will fight against evil with the weapon of humility. This will be your House and my House. Here I await you all, my children. I bless this House, the Cenacle of Love, and bless all of you who will live and work here. (Cf. message of 1 September 1986)

13.6.1987 Let us bless the Father. My children, desire that Mary should be present in all hearts. You pray for this, but many hearts are of stone and do not accept me. Dear children, the science of the foolish is growing and becoming arrogant. You, my beloved children, whom I love because you love me, already know what I expect of you! But how many of my children have not been able to give themselves to me! How dearly I would like all my Church to be holy! But those who love my Church in full measure will receive their full reward from the Father, and you will receive it because you love Him. I bless you all, my children.

15.6.1987 (During prayer for the Pope) Blessed be the Father. My children, you have all entrusted yourselves to me and I cannot allow you to become lost. The Pope desires all people to heed my voice and to rely on my help. May this be the time of renewal, this year of grace with Mary. I want you to be a beacon for this appeal. People will look to you, my children, and you will guide them to Jesus. Your road will not be easy, because too many have gone far away from me. Be responsible in your tasks, sure in your faith, so that when you are accused (1) you can understand that the hour has come and your testimony will be valuable. Do not abandon me, dear children. I bless you. (1) Cf. the legal charges brought against the "Work of Love Association" in the years 1989-90.

21.6.1987 Blessed be the Lord. My dear children, now is the time of your purification. You are continually asking for material favours and miracles, and I am continually giving you spiritual graces, those graces which will enable you to become holy and to enjoy the good things of Heaven for ever. Satan has caused too much evil among you! Hence all your ills. I will listen to your prayers and will help you, dear children. Seek the smile, seek peace, and my favours will then come down upon you. Crosses, so many crosses, my children! But it is the crosses that will save you. I bless you all, dear children, I bless you all.

22.6.1987 I bless you, dear children. Let us give thanks together to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for the gift of this time of grace. You are the called, the chosen ones. I am in your hearts, you belong to me, my children, you do not realize just how much! You are my instruments and I ask you to be courageous. Only those who have courage will bear witness and will meet Jesus: courage and justice will make my Church shine forth in the true light. Too many falsehoods are weakening your faith, my children. Too much material lustre is enveloping you all. Jesus invites you to raise your eyes and immerse yourselves in the purity of the Creator. Detachment from earthly things will lift you up, dear children, to the Father. I ask you once more to gather the salt of my appeals, then everything will be clear to you and there will no longer be any doubts among you. I bless you, children. Let us remain together.

26.6.1987 Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My dear children, I thank you for your zeal and your faith. The Heart of Jesus has never stopped beating, but continues to beat for you all. Let us pray together: - My Jesus, Your Heart also beats for me, who hope and believe in You. Today, too, my children, people are conspiring against the Sacred Heart of Jesus. But Jesus loves and loves. You too must love. Through love the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will triumph. Trust, children, in the Heart of Jesus and Jesus will trust in you. I bless you, children.

29.6.1987 (Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. My children, may blessings come down upon you and upon this House of Love in this time of grace which is, however, the gravest time since the foundation of the Church. This is my cry, children! Today, as man the idol takes the place of God, the proud intelligence of many is drawing mankind into the deadly abyss. You, my children, be a consolation for those souls who are wandering in confusion. My Church, which has been brought to its knees because Revelation contained in the Holy Scriptures has been abandoned, must raise itself up again with you whom I have called. I desire of you unity, love and truth, together with courage and justice, for the time has arrived when God will separate the wheat from the chaff. Remain with me, children, in silence, in prayer, humble bearers of the truth. The victory over evil will come, and then you will no longer be in doubt, but happy. I bless you, my children.

30.6.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, there is not a moment when I am not with you. Do not abandon me and I shall not abandon you. I thank you for your response to my call. I ask you not to stop. Walk with me, but you will be able to do so only if you leave the old road, that of the world, which is taking all men ever further from God and leading you into darkness. Once more I invite you, dear children, to lift up your eyes to Heaven. From Heaven comes the light that illumines your path. I bless you, my children. I bless your families and all your dear ones, and I shall remain with you.

4.7.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My son, I should like to enlighten all your minds and give you joy and peace, but it will depend on each one of you, dear children, and on your will to walk with me in this time of grace and salvation in which I am giving you Jesus. May my call make all of you joyful. For everyone there is a place in my Heart, children. Blessed will be those who help me in this mission of salvation. Be courageous! Do not let obstacles worry you, but rather let them make you all holy. I bless you and embrace you, my children.

6.7.1987 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, you too, with Mary, are anxious at this time; with Mary you are praying to sanctify yourselves and the world. May you be the living Church, the true Church! My Church, which invoked me and bore me in triumph as Mother and Queen, now does not accept my appeals,no longer hears my voice, because with the world it is busy squandering the time of the spirit and of prayer. My children, never have I shed so many tears as at this time when I see my children rebelling against Love. The new commandment of love will come above every commandment when men enfold in love their every thought and action. I have called you together so that you may love one another and so that the strength of your love may come into the world as Jesus asks. Become reconciled with everyone in love and humility, but be courageous as Jesus wishes you to be. Remain united, my children. I bless you.

11.7.1987 Let us bless and give thanks to the Father. My children, I am asking you to take my calls closely to heart. May everything that I am communicating to you directly and everything that is proposed to you by your spiritual director become the principle for your lives! Do this with the greatest possible commitment, my children, for this time of grace will not be repeated! Let the Word of God penetrate you and transform you, making you holy. May it make you ready and attentive to this call. Do not allow yourselves any distractions, because the evil one would destroy in a moment what you have cultivated through your sacrifices. Be part of my love and remain close to me; I will help you, my children! For the good, the trial will be great, but greater still will be the triumph of the truth. Be strong, steadfast in prayer, and your spirits will be strengthened. I am accompanying you and I bless you all, my children.

16.7.1987 My son, it takes so little to upset you all; how, then, will you react at what is to come later? Let the Cross be the symbol of this House (1); blood will pour from this cross: no one will see it with his eyes,but only with the eyes of faith. Whoever touches this cross will be blessed. Thousands of persons will pass through this House and will learn to pray with you and the priest. My picture will be alongside Jesus Crucified and light and graces will flow from my hands. Oh, if your friends thought a little less about their own things and realized how much good they could do with the instruments I have shown you and the help that I give you! I have asked you to do everything well, without any presumption, but with humility. If you listen to me, everything will become clear to you, but have courage concerning the things that are good, for there are too many things that are evil, and for these man has been prepared to give everything. For this, too, I have called you: to deeds that are good, children of the Light. Remain in the Light. Give everything and give yourselves with courage. I am calling you all again, my children, and I bless you. (1) Perfumed cross kept in the Chapel of the Cenacle.

19.7.1987 Let us bless the Father. My children, the Father is smiling upon you, His beloved creatures. Seek always for perfection; work for what is good, combat evil; but you must pray for men, so that the law of love is not turned upside down and life is respected, so that God is put above everything. Dedication, constancy and sacrifice are needed to achieve this. I shall be with you to help you, dear children. You, too, remain with me. I bless you all, my children.

20.7.1987 (Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. My children, I have already told you what you have to do. I have asked of you only that you should place yourselves at my disposal. It is not you who will be working, but I shall be working through you; I shall also be performing your works through you. Dear children, when you are troubled, Jesus is not in you. Your sanctification, dear children, your sanctification is what I am asking for. The time remaining to you is not great. Do everything well, but with Mary and Jesus, so that all can believe in Jesus through you. Do not forget what I am telling you. I bless you, my children.

24.7.1987 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My beloved children, how can I not accompany you and be near to you at this time, when many, too many, of my children are delivering themselves up to Satan? Be ever mindful of Jesus’ road to Calvary. You will not regret it, my children, you will not regret it. Have courage; raise high the Cross, carry the Cross. I shall be with you. I bless you all.

26.7.1987 Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, the misery of sin is plunging mankind into anxiety and grief. People are sinning more and more! A vast horde of the impious is advancing, dragging everything and everyone with it. You already know why I have called you, my children. It is important that you be aware of the role awaiting you: let prayer and humble, unremitting work sanctify you and prepare you. May you arrive in time for many of your brothers. The time of chastisement will soon come; it will fall on the proud, the indifferent, it will strike the servants of Satan, the wicked deceivers of the people of God. Do not neglect my call, but carefully put it into effect. You know already what the reward will be for you, my children. I bless you.

1.8.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, may the Spirit of Love grow in each one of you, so as to transform you and make you real, true children of the Light. I invite you to be guardians and defenders of the faith that has been given to you. Persevere in prayer, my children, and remain close to me throughout this time of grace that the Father’s love is granting us. There is great joy in my Heart and in Heaven over every soul that becomes open to grace because of you. May you, with Mary, be bearers of grace, love and peace. Learn to do everything well, as I have asked you, dear children. I bless you all.

3.8.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, there is an incessant lament from the souls undergoing purification, who would like to cry out to everyone in the world to become converted, to return to God; they would like to return among you to pray with you and worship the Father, to ward off sin, which can bring you where they are now. Pray and love, my children; abandon the things of the world, be worthy of the Father’s love. Teach and exhort everyone to pray and to love. The Father, the Son and the Spirit, the Sanctifier, are awaiting you all. I bless you, my children, I bless you.

5.8.1987 Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major. Let us bless the Lord. My children, before I came, they had already spoken of me, because God is great! He has established all things. Now here is the Mother of Jesus among you, by His will and power. Even before I came, many loved me as you love me. The Father chose me, He made me rich with His Son, and I am still with Him among you to say to you: listen to Him! Today, as then, all people need Him. Jesus will come among you with His grace, to bring you to the Father Who awaits you. May your love grow with you. I bless you all.

14.8.1987 (Cenacle - with the Dutch Group on pilgrimage to St Martin’s) Blessed be the Father, blessed be the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I bless you. I assure you that I shall accompany you one by one to Heaven. For Heaven there are no frontiers. You are following me, and I shall not abandon you. You speak one single language in faith, in one single language you call me Mary. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones, I bless your families.

19.8.1987 At around 10 p.m., after the devotions of the Way of the Cross on Monte di Cristo, Our Lady warned Renato in a very brief apparition that the cross was being profaned. The men ran down the hill to the Cenacle building, a distance of 3 km: the door had been forced open and the cross carried off. It was subsequently found near the fence encircling the park, and two cars were seen heading off at high speed: clearly the miscreants had had to abandon what they were doing so as not to be caught red-handed.

22.8.1987 Let us praise and glorify the Father. My children, you have accepted my becoming part of your life, but even before that I chose you and knocked on your door to enter into you, because I saw that your hearts were disposed to humility and I have called you repeatedly to show humility. In humility you will overcome every trial, following my advice humbly. Do not impede God’s plan for you; do not do new things that have not been asked of you. Return to peace without accusing yourselves or others. Nothing has been in vain for you on your path. Trust in Jesus and Mary. I love you, children, and I bless you.

29.8.1987 Blessed be the Lord. Dear children, I bless you. I bless all those who ask for my intervention. You already know so many things that I have told you! Re-read all my words, because what has been predicted to you is coming true. Remain together in the coming days. I bless you once again.

30.8.1987 Let us bless the Father, the Son, let us bless the Holy Spirit. My dear children, you are close to me, you love me, and with me you are fighting the battle against evil. You have already been given your weapons. Be careful, children, do not root out what is evil in such a way that you remove the good that has already been sown. Keep close to each other, I shall be near you and among you. Courage, I bless you, my children.

31.8.1987 Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, how much uncertainty I see among you. I wished to be received and accepted among you without reservation, so as to work in you and with you in this time of grace that the Father is granting to men so that they return to Him. Decide, children, take advantage of this, surrender yourselves, give yourselves! Jesus loves you and is asking you to be His disciples. And I am still with you to guide you, to accompany you. Listen to me! I bless you all.

5.9.1987 Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, how many times I have asked you to be docile and humble, to listen in silence. The word of Jesus, Who is continuously calling you, restoring you and freeing you from the oppression of sin, will enter you. If you do not speak and do not bear testimony to your faith, you are not free from the slavery of sin. Be free, free as God created you. I bless you, my children.

6.9.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, I thank you for everything you are doing, for your prayers, for all your brothers whom you are helping to grow in grace. I see, my children, that you are concerned also about what you should do. I am praying with you and for you, so you too must show trust. Everything will be more easy when you also have in this House your Head-of-Family, Jesus. Jesus, my children, you will have Him in the tabernacle. Then your cares will be made lighter, for He can do everything. Mary, with Jesus, together with you. I bless you, children.

12.9.1987 Let us bless and give thanks to the Lord. I bless you, my dear children. Thank you for having placed me next to the cross of Jesus. You, too, remain close to me, I will console you, my children, because you are consoling me with your presence. You are welcoming everyone, concerning yourselves over everyone, I shall not forget you. As the first, you arrived with the first, and you will remain among the first. Tomorrow you will tell all those who come here that Mary blesses them and is accompanying them. My blessing on you, too, dear children.

13.9.1987 (During the Pope’s apostolic visit to the United States) Let us praise and bless the Lord. Dear children, you are preoccupied about so many things! Many of you have not yet decided to offer yourselves. Many hearts are in my hands, but one is very big: the heart of the Pope. Now, my children, now the Pope is in danger, but his heart is already with Jesus and Mary. You also must be courageous examples to the world, like the Pope. Do not stop, carry on with courage, but above all give me your hearts, which I am still awaiting. I bless you.

16.9.1987 Father, hear us, we beseech you. My children, peace be with you. Follow me on this road that we have started out on together. I see how many difficulties you are encountering, my children; let us overcome them together. I am giving you the certainty of being on the right road. Too much time is passing for those whom I am expecting to listen to me. They do not believe in you because they do not believe in me, even though many of them are also consecrated ones. Blessed are you, my children, if you abandon yourselves to me without delay. Before long I shall no longer be speaking to you; the time will then come when you will have to speak, and you will speak about everything that I have told you. My children, decide now! Give yourselves to the work of salvation and you will be saved. I see what you cannot see, and for this reason my cry is so loud and my weeping continuous. The time has now arrived when we must pray that the Father may have mercy on these indifferent men and destroyers of the faith, deceivers of the children of God. Faith! Faith! Conversion for all! Be just! Be true witnesses! Do not be afraid of the truth, for soon the hour of truth will arrive. Unite and remain with those who help you, bless them and I will bless them, together with you all.

19.9.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, I am calling the whole world through you; with you I wish to save men. Let us thank the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for these meetings, for it is He Who permits them. This is the time of grace. Your faith will save you! My children, the work to which you are called is great, but it will save men. I have called many to bear witness to Jesus, also by consecrating themselves: Jesus wishes them to be true priests. If they also believe in my help I will not forsake them. Faith, my children, faith! I am accompanying you and I bless you.

21.9.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, when your hearts are inebriated with the love that I give you, you will then be able to open yourselves to the world and give men Jesus’ love. His love will save the whole world. The errors of men are taking the world further away from Jesus, but He loves you. My children, many are seeking you. Be ready to welcome them. The work to which you are called is great and the hour of the return has come for every man. Agree to work with Mary to save the world. Let everyone who comes here heed my call and work for Jesus and Mary. I bless you all, my children.

25.9.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, I am following you and your brothers throughout the world. You are among those who are closest to me, and for this reason I want you to be my bells, which, by their ringing, call everyone back to prayer and conversion. Therefore be humble and true. Call every creature with gentleness. Tell them that the Lord is still waiting. Do not be fearful, but strong. I bless you, children, all of you.

26.9.1987 Father, hear us, we beseech You. Dear children, I know that each one of you asks me for favours. I am with you who are praying. I am with all those who pray and follow Jesus. I am with those who give of themselves for what is good. I am with all mothers who weep over their children. I am with those who love. My children, your prayers are precious at these times when many, too many, of your brothers are profaning Jesus’ teaching. Your happiness will be won through your sacrifice in love and in prayer. I bless you all, my children.

28.9.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My children, the sins of men are hiding and covering up the graces that I am continually giving you. Tell everyone that the Virgin is coming among you for this reason: that there should be no more sin, that everyone should be converted and live in grace. Drive away the evil one, have courage, then good will triumph. I bless you, children.

30.9.1987 We thank You and bless You, Father. My children, I am coming continually to give you graces and to enrich you with faith. Be docile, strong and courageous. Your response to Jesus’ invitation is precious. It brings with it sufferings and lack of understanding, but this is what you are to choose: love justice and do away with the world’s falseness. Pray with me to the Father, that He may help us to remove all that men have produced to destroy everything. I too will be with you in this work and will guide you. Do not invoke me to ask me what I have already told you, but take my calls to heart. Be exemplary in love, humble and just. Be responsible and conscious of the great gifts that are being offered to you. Respect these places and see that they are respected: they will be preserved. You will receive my graces here. Believe and listen to me. Who will accompany God when He comes? The meritorious angels, but you also will be there among them if you accept every one of my proposals. Courage, then, my children, your tears are my tears, your cares are my cares. Do not fear the purification, because it will bring you holiness and love will triumph in the world. Let us give thanks to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for this time of salvation with Mary. I bless you all, my children, and await you.

1.10.1987 (St Martin’s - Thursday prayer meeting of the Youth Group) Blessed be the Lord. My dear children, I too am among you in this holy place. My heart rejoices to see you here in prayer; may my blessing accompany you all, my children. You are the flowers in my garden! Give of your perfume, my children, it is precious. Thank you for having welcomed and responded to my call. I promise you that I shall not abandon you. Trust in Mary: Mary sees and receives your every request. Thank you, thank you, my children. Jesus, together with Mary, blesses you.

5.10.1987 We thank You and bless You, Father. Dear children, I ask you not to be prophets of this world; speak with the language of the Gospel. Remove material, bodily misery; sustain and encourage prayer; be vigilant and strong; do not let yourselves be deceived by those who try to unveil God’s mysteries:there is nothing but pride in them. You will recognize them because they will try to keep you away from me. Remain always in the nobility of spirit of the saints, whom I guided. If you have decided to follow me, do not allow yourselves to be drawn away from me, but put my teaching into practice seriously. I bless you all, my children.

19.10.1987 Let us pray to the Father and thank Him. My children, faith is a grace that is nourished by the strength of prayer and maintained by constancy in the same. At this time of extraordinary grace for you and for the Church, there is also great confusion of spirits; it manifests itself in the splitting of the Faith and the spreading of false revelations. Whoever sins against the Faith is judging himself and incurring the greatest responsibility: such people are selling themselves to the evil one, sowing confusion among the people who believe. My children, I am inviting you through all my appeals to put the Gospel into practice, living it and spreading it. The flock of believers has become small, but you form part of this flock. If you follow me, this little flock will, with Mary, save my Church, with certainty in faith and with the courage of the saints. I bless you, my children, I bless you all.

26.10.1987 Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, your certainty in being on the right road will be seen from your serenity and your inner peace. Whoever listens to me will find peace and will discover God’s plan within him. Be humble, my children, humble and strong in faith. Fill yourselves with the Word of God and you will give love to the world. Do not avoid my call: you would be refusing a gift from God. As well as prayer, your words are needed, and your works that speak of him. Walk in company with me, my children. I bless you.

28.10.1987 Let us bless and thank the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, your eyes must be kept on Jesus; in that way you will be able to understand my call and put it into practice. With you, I wish to call everyone to a new life. You too, make use of the humble of heart and the converted in order to convert. Stir up those who remain in a state of torpor, under the spell of the evil one. Soon I shall be removing my physical presence from you, but I shall be among you all the same, even if you do not see me. Do not wait any longer, do not delay! I love you, my children, and I bless you.

31.10.1987 Let us bless the Lord. My son, you too should be conscious of the greatness and worth of the holy Mass. I was not present at the Last Supper, but I participate in the bloody Sacrifice (1) of the Cross which takes place in every holy Mass and I remain alongside Jesus in the tabernacle. There you will always find me, with Him, waiting for you. I bless you. (1) We Christians are present at the "unbloody" Sacrifice of Christ when Mass is celebrated in memory of the Lord; Our Lady, however, does not live in "time" as we do.

1.11.1987 Blessed are You, Father, we praise You. My children, Jesus enriched men’s hearts with His love, but mankind is becoming ever poorer in love and richer in egoism and pride, rejecting love. Here is the Mother of Jesus and your Mother in tears over this mankind, which has fallen into indifference and is insensitive to true love. The world will weep for having served Satan by applauding and defending his followers. My children, the time of waiting and reflection is nearly over. It is now time to act in order to remove the world from the power of the evil one. Blessed are you if you remain close to me in this time of grace. I bless you, my children.

13.11.1987 Let us bless and thank the Father. Dear children, seek what is of eternal worth and let your joy be great. The road of love which I have taught you will lead you to eternal joy: open yourselves to love! Give the world love, and rejoice, because you will be saved. I bless you, dear children.

15.11.1987 Your Kingdom come, Father. My children, remain in the living faith and you will be a living part of my Church. Be present at every moment to answer with your testimony, because you have responded to my calls. Now, now, my children, the time has arrived! Leave at the world’s feast those who wish to remain at that feast. Those who wish to work with me must give themselves: the work awaiting them is great, but they will have their reward. I bless you, my children.

16.11.1987 We adore You and glorify You, Father. Dear children, be always conscious of God’s great gift of life.Everyone will have to answer to Him. Many will say: "I did not know Him!", but you cannot say this because you do know Him. I have taught you to love Him and make Him loved and known by everyone: this is the mission entrusted to you. Do not seek other things. Pledge yourselves ever more firmly to do what I have asked you to do: do not lose time. Rejoice with those who follow you, do not become bitter if they refuse you, because you will answer for what you have not given, not for those who have failed to heed you. Be humble also for those who are not humble. I love you, dear children, be mine, all of you. In these places I will receive your prayers and help you; I will hold out my hands to you and accompany you. I renew all my promises to you. I bless you, my children.

5.12.1987 First Saturday of the month Let us bless the Lord. What is still a mystery for you is no longer one for the saints. All will become clear to you when you are in the Light. Do not ask yourselves questions: I have come to help you find the road again and to walk by your side, not making demands, but inviting. My children, fragile creatures, many of you are still fixing your gaze elsewhere, and I am still appealing to you: "Listen to me!" With your voices you will call out to everyone, but let your eyes be averted from the world: many of you are distracted and are not allowing yourselves to be guided by me. I would like to see you often all together, united in prayer, my children. Let your petitions rise up continuously as fragrant praise to Him, the Creator. I have asked you to be examples; do not have anything to do with those who trifle with the faith; do not run through the world, but walk together, telling the world that Mary, the Mother of everyone, is calling them all to salvation. I ask you to do everything well. Be close to the young, your young people whom I admire. I shall continue to come and prepare you. I thank you and bless you on this day dedicated to me. I bless your dear ones and all those whom you will meet today.

8.12.1987 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Let us bless and give thanks to the Father. My children, may the Light of this day lighten your minds. May you always live in the truth. What they said of me on this day was right, because it was God’s will. Blessed are you, my children, who are living in this time of grace. Blessed are your forefathers, who knew the truth and revealed it to the world. Follow their example, be teachers of truth, be vigilant. Today many renegades and illusionists are putting their own spirits in the place of the Holy Spirit and presenting their science as wisdom. Dear children, the works of those people will be destroyed before the eyes of all: their end will come before the end, it will come before the end. Then even the impious will see the truth. Blessed are you who thank the Father, Who made me a blessing for you. I call you children because He wished me to be Mother of you all. Whoever acknowledges me as Mother will praise the Father and will be recognized as a child; you who are present are already my children because you acknowledge me. I bless this day, I bless you and your dear ones.

16.12.1987 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, allow me to enter your hearts so that I can guide you like a mother, to help you become people of salvation for all. May your Movement be a leaven of salvation, may your life be one of blessedness. May you be Christians who are building the Kingdom of God in these difficult times for mankind, which has built a kingdom for evil. I wish you to be people who have surrendered yourselves to me, dear children; by your self-offering you will form part of the people of God who bring salvation. If you have truly accepted my words, then do not be lukewarm any longer, but strong and just. I bless you.

25.12.1987 Christmas. (Crib at the Cenacle, midnight) Glory to You for ever, Father. My children, at the beginning of this day the Father called me to be His. He enriched the world with His Son through the nothingness of my poverty. Let us rejoice together and thank the Father of life: this is the purpose of my call. My children, receive Him with a pure heart, I am giving Him to you; love Him as He loves you. You, who do not extinguish the Light of this day but instead nourish it, you will be blessed. I shall not cease to intervene in the world to draw everyone’s gaze towards Him, so that the riches of His gift are not diminished. I bless you all. I bless your crib. Mary thanks you and accompanies you.


 1.1.1988 Blessed be You, holy Father, for ever. My children, this is one of the days which you count and which does not escape the Father. Let the new year that you are beginning be a new time. I will pray with all those who live in grace. Whoever follows my path with docility in this new time will remain in grace and will not lose his way. Hasten your steps in order to do what I have asked of you, as this time of special grace for you is coming to an end. Let us give thanks to the Father of life and grace! Be at peace, my children; may the world be at peace. Through your embrace I shall embrace all my faithful children. My gaze rests on each one of them, I bless you all. Jesus, Jesus for Whom you ask, my son, I give you. Jesus is weeping with me over the great indifference shown by men (1). He sees every spirit, every heart, but the hearts, the spirits, are far from him: remain close to Him! My voice is not sufficient to make this appeal: may His tears bathe this arid humanity. Oh, this proud generation, with its hardened heart, will weep, how it will weep. Listen to me, my children. (1) On 28 December 1987, the feast of the Holy Innocents, a small statue of the Infant Jesus in the Chapel of the Cenacle of Prayer shed tears for several hours. The event was confirmed by dozens of persons.

8.1.1988 Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, you are always asking for graces, that your sick bodies may be healed. Many do not know that they are sick in spirit. I want you to be healed in spirit, to have pure hearts, so that the Holy Spirit may find an abode in you; then all kinds of healing will take place. I bless you, I bless the things you hold dear.

9.2.1988 (Assisi) My son, you will spend a short time in this abode of generous souls. God has made His garden here. The sacrifice of souls offered to Him will be eternally fragrant, like precious flowers that He gathers for His Kingdom. I am preparing many gardens among the briars, and I have called you to tend them. I have already taught you how. Watch over them, so that they grow and extend, taking the place of many weeds in the world. I shall be near you, I bless you.

14.2.1988 Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, I am following you with my motherly gaze. I know my devoted children well and will not let them remain alone. The Father has His own plan for each one of you, which is not my plan: my plans are aimed at calling you to your duties. But I know that, if I leave you, many of you will become lost along the way. I shall leave you my appeals, so that you help your brothers, for you are close to me and consecrated to me. I shall keep to the promises I have made to you. Be strong. I bless you, my children.

17.2.1988 Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I ask you to listen to me: I am inviting you to persevere in prayer; I wish you to remain constantly in grace; Jesus asks to remain with you. You will also feel my presence when your hearts are pure Allow the Spirit, Whom God wishes to give you, to enter you. May this time of Lent, which you are beginning in prayer, be fruitful for you. I bless you all, my children.

26.2.1988 Let us bless and glorify the Father. Dear children, as you turn to me, entrusting all your cares to me, I am renewing my confident invitation, full of hope, to you: "Welcome me!" so that I can, together with you, lead everyone to Jesus. You are my sanctuaries in the world, calling for prayer and conversion. Thank you, my children, I bless you all.

6.3.1988 We pray to You, Father, and bless You. My children, may your faith be greater than your sufferings. Remove the gap that still separates you from true charity and humility: Jesus is waiting for many to come with you, attracted by your love and humble example. I come to bring you love. Bring it into every family, into all families. Help me to unite people, to unite them through my love and yours. Let there be an end to the destructive discord in marriages, which is the work of the evil one. I bless you, dear children.

22.3.1988 Dear children, I ask you to do everything well. Do it out of love for Jesus. I shall remain close to you. I bless you.

23.3.1988 (Monte di Cristo, in the afternoon, during work on laying out the area in front of the cross and altar) We thank you, Father, and bless you. Dear children, I thank you for making these places beautiful; they will be a testimony to my presence. May faith grow in all who pray here. You are close to me and I shall remain close to you. Thank you, my children, I bless you.

23.3.1988 (Monte di Cristo, during the evening Stations of the Cross) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, my ardent desire is that you should succeed in transforming your lives during this time of grace by heeding my appeals, opening yourselves up to be moulded by the Spirit of God. Dear children, if you are not filled with the Holy Spirit you will not be able to overcome the trials that will become increasingly great for you. Let not your spirits be led astray by the deceptive wisdom of the proud. Trust in God and be His alone. I bless you all, my children.

25.3.1988 Solemnity of the Annunciation. (Third anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady at St Martin’s) Blessed be the Father. My children, accept, all of you, the invitation to become a light to lighten the peoples. Today, too, I have been present during your prayer. I assure you that I shall always be among you when you pray. The angels accompany your prayers and invocations to the Father. You, my children, gift of the Father, thank Him for this day which marks the beginning of salvation. I bless you all.

31.3.1988 Maundy Thursday (Monte di Cristo - after the Stations of the Cross for the Youth Group) Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, Jesus is with you: you have sought Him, now He is with you. My concern for each one of you, my children, will be constant, lest you move away from Him. I wish, with you, to lead all young people to Jesus. Their hearts will then no longer be confused, but joyful, because they will no longer be under the Cross but will be exalting the Cross. You will no longer be alone, my children, because you have decided to remain with Jesus and Mary. Thank you, my children. I bless you all.

2.4.1988 Holy Saturday Let us bless and thank the Father, let us adore Jesus. My children, I promise you that at the end of your earthly life I will welcome you and accompany you, so that the Father may welcome you. Many have become reconciled with Jesus today, also through you. Thank you, dear children. Tomorrow I will come to bless your new church (1). I shall be with you, wait for me at midday. Now I bless you and your objects. I embrace you, dear children. (1) The new Chapel of the Cenacle after the reconstruction of the House of Prayer.

3.4.1988 Easter Sunday (Chapel of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, you too have recognized your salvation to be in the Cross and the Resurrection. The suffering of the good, who work with Jesus to save mankind, is great. Let not your spirits grow weak, my children, for a new assignment will be given to you today from this place. I have brought you together here in large numbers. I have come to this House, this Cenacle of Prayer, and I shall remain here. I bless this House, I bless the work that you have done, I bless the entire Work that will result from your prayer. Thank you, my children, all of you. I bless you.

6.4.1988 Glory and praise to You, Father. My children, I will not abandon you if you follow the road that I have shown you. Have no doubt, good will come with your new life. Have courage. I bless you all and accept your supplications. Among you are three whose reconciliation Jesus is still awaiting... Easter has passed, but without them.

9.4.1988 Let us pray together to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, I love you, you know it! At this moment I see with you all those who are at prayer and are walking with you along this new road. You must love also, love everyone! I also love those who are causing a scandal over my apparitions; these people will understand, but then I shall have said what I had to say; this time will have passed, but for many it will be time lost. Do not lose time! I repeat once more: this is a time of grace for you. Let us give thanks to the Father. Remain in grace. I bless you, dear children.

10.4.1988 Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, those who truly love God love Him in His great mystery of the Divine Trinity. You must pray for all men and hate evil, sin and injustice, never overturning this order. To my consecrated sons, and to those laymen who accompany them and offer themselves for the salvation of men: if they accept my protection they will become masterpieces and prove outstanding in the conversion of the world. May the nobility of the saints be the nobility of your spirits. I bless you, my children, and will accompany you.

14.4.1988 Let us bless the Father. My children, be always seeking out those who are far off. Do not pause to comment on what I say to you, but continue along the way. That way is still long, but also dangerous. You, whom I have called, hold each other by the hand, I shall be with you. Your task is to go in search of those who are lost. I shall accompany you. I bless you all, my children.

17.4.1988 Let us pray and bless the Father. My son, how can I fail to warn you all constantly, in order to keep you away from the grave dangers that are coming ever nearer to you? Your souls, my children, your souls! Too many souls have been devoured by the evil one. You must repeat my appeals loudly, my son, as it is getting late. If only I had also been heeded by my priests, when in all my apparitions I warned of the approach of this diabolical onslaught of the evil one, who is ravaging mankind! Now the work is difficult. It is not enough to keep the little flock united: you must hasten to seek out those who are far off. You will call for courage. Do not be accomplices of those who are destroying the work of God, so that you do not lay yourselves open to judgement. Listen to my words. I bless you.

23.4.1988 (St Martin’s - at prayer during the weekly all-night vigil in the church) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I am with you during these Friday nights. I shall watch over your souls. I promise great things to those who keep watch in prayer on Friday nights. Thank you, my children, Jesus is among you and will help you. I bless you. I bless the sick and all those you commend to me.

24.4.1988 (Before the new statue of the Virgin, to be placed in the Chapel of the Cenacle on 16.7.1988) Let us give thanks to the Father. My dear children, blessed are you because you love me. How great is my desire for my image to come into all families! I would also bring Jesus with me and bless every family. Thanks be to you, dear children, because your works reflect the work of the Father. Bless this statue of me, bless it, together with a priest who sees me, listens to me and loves me. Jesus blesses you, I bless you. I bless this House.

1.5.1988 Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, you have decided to walk with me, and I will make you pilgrims. I am a pilgrim. With you I will seek out those in the world who are lost. Oh, if only my priests followed in my way! You, my son, tell these things to the priests whom I will send you, and repeat also what I have said: - "If only they had heeded me!" (1) My son, you will continue to see me and I will give you strength to cry out with the words of Jesus. Make your work holy and many of you will become holy. I bless you and embrace you. (1) Cf. message of 17 April 1988.

5.5.1988 Let us bless and glorify the Father. My dear children, I come to bless you, I am in prayer with you. Abide in love, my children, seek true love and love everyone with all your being, even at the cost of sacrifices. Let your work, begun with Mary, be permeated completely by love. Everything will come to pass if you put all your love into your work. Love without reservation, and I will show you my love for you continuously. Jesus loves you, my children. I will remain with you. With Him, I bless you again.

6.5.1988 Let us glorify the Father. My children, if you listen to me you will not lament over the precious time wasted on wicked things. Live this earthly moment as children of God. Make use of your time for the sake of eternity. I invite you once more to become detached from the things that are superfluous, so that you can offer yourselves generously for good things. Have courage, my children, be as God wishes you to be, humble, but ready to respond to His call. I shall not cease, dear children, to appeal to you and to spur you on, because I love you all and I know that you will help me in this work of salvation. I bless you all.

8.5.1988 Mother’s Day Let us thank and bless the Father. My dear children, I bless you and thank you, you who want me beside your earthly mothers. I love you and wish the love that is in you never to diminish. I desire that you too should bless your children every day as I bless them. Pass on to them your faith, and what has been promised to you: the joy that many are already enjoying for ever. I bless you and your mothers.

11.5.1988 Let us bless and glorify the Father. Dear children, you want me to be with you still. I am! And I shall be, if you follow my teaching. Pray with me to the Father, that His mercy may be abundant. Be vigilant, put the Pope’s teaching into practice. Love him! Help him! My son, there is no need of crowds for me to speak to you; let no one become used to the idea, but let everyone reflect on my call. I shall still be coming to guide you; you are already thinking of the place.(1) Take my appeal seriously, my son; let all the work that I have asked of you be serious. Wisdom, my son, wisdom and love. The time of trial is close: with me, you will keep it away if you place your hearts in my hands. I bless you all. (1) Crypt of the Cenacle of Prayer (see message of 1.7.1988)

19.5.1988 Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Father. My children, I come to bless you, to bring you peace and love. I come so that your lives may be saved. You who listen to my words, say this: - "Let not my words be cast into the mud, it benefits no-one." I am praying for you. I bless you.

22.5.1988 (Chapel of the Cenacle. Beginning of the first meeting of preparation for Consecration to Mary) Let us glorify the Father and the Son, let us glorify the Holy Spirit. Dear children, may the Father’s blessing be upon you. This place that I have chosen for you will be a place of conversion and prayer. I shall watch over this House. I shall walk with you and accompany you, step by step, each day. Have respect for this place. Let it be a place of prayer. May grace be in every one of you. Your path is the right one. Here I will not abandon you, but will guide you. Thank you, dear children. Jesus blesses you, and I bless you.

25.5.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us praise and bless the Father. Dear children, you want me to be with you, and I come to bless you. Even when no one sees me here in this place, I shall be present, praying with you. I bless you, my children, and await ever greater numbers of you in prayer.

31.5.1988 Let us glorify the Father together. My son, remain always close to Jesus and you will constantly be guided. With Jesus you will not go wrong: He will guide you every day and you will guide many of your brothers. You will set out on a new road. I therefore ask each one of you to abandon the things that are superfluous. Make little things important. Fast once a week, do penance. You will not master life if you are not penitent. Through prayer you will come closer to Heaven, and by penance and fasting you will make yourselves holy and be examples. Listen to my words, dear children. I bless you.

9.6.1988 Thursday: eve of the feast of the Sacred Heart (Chapel of the Cenacle, after the torchlight procession of the Youth Group from the church of St Martin) Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we glorify You. My dear children, I know every one of you well. I have entered each of your hearts and accompany you everywhere. You love me and listen to me. I ask you to be always in grace and courageous in doing good. The young people whom I have called will save the young; the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will triumph through you also. I ask, too, that your offering be courageous. You will be happy, my children, if you let yourselves be guided by Mary. Thank you, my children, I will not leave you. I bless you all.

15.6.1988 Father, give us Your Spirit. My children, what I am coming to tell you is important: you do not always accept my appeals. I ask you to be attentive, humble and united. The strength of the evil one will draw you away from me if you do not pay attention to me. Do not desert me, dear children, for I am giving you Jesus. Whom are you seeking, if not Jesus? My children, the evil one can destroy in one day all that I have given you during this time with you! Decide, my children! I bless you.

22.6.1988 Blessed be the Lord. I bless you all, my children. I ask you to continue in prayer. Listen to me, dear children. You will fill all your churches. Jesus is waiting for you; remain close to Him, I shall be close to you. I bless you once again.

1.7.1988 (First apparition in the Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father. Dear children, the blessing of the Most High will rest on those who work for the truth. Be true children of God. I ask for your humble and sincere help, for all your true faith. The downfall of good souls is proceeding inexorably and every sense of what is holy is disappearing.The total licence being given to morals and habits is leading the people of God into the mortal abyss. My children, do not wonder over those who turn their backs on you, but try to discover the cause of their flight. Let my grief be your grief; may the love that I am giving you unite you all. I shall be near you. I bless you.

13.7.1988 Let us bless the Father. Let us pray together. Dear children, find time every day for the things of God: during that time I too will be there with you. Be sentinels of your souls! The work of evil is as great as the world. The prince of evil is obscuring the Light. I ask you to follow Jesus. Find the strength and have the courage to proclaim the truth with Mary. Cry out against all hypocrisy that is deceiving the whole of mankind. Let my voice reach all men through you. Be pilgrims in the world with me. Decide for what is good. I bless you all, my children.

14.7.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during the weekly retreat of the Youth Group) Dear children, as you wish to grow and to walk with me, I assure you that I will walk with you. You are in my Heart. My children, I love you and will help you. I await you in prayer in the heart of this House, while you are hidden from the eyes of men but visible to God. Tomorrow at this time I will await you here.

15.7.1988 (Friday, 6.10 p.m.) Let us glorify the Lord. My dear children, you know how dear you are to me! I desire to bring you all to Heaven; I want to bring all, all, to Heaven. This is why I have called you. I know that you will help me in this work. Continue to call the young folk, other people, onto the road of Heaven: Jesus is waiting for them too. Tell everyone that Mary will be their companion on the journey. I bless you, my children, I bless you.

16.7.1988 Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (5.40 p.m. The apparition in the Crypt of the Cenacle took place at the moment when the faithful were greeting the new statue of Mary which had just been placed in the Chapel. Later the same evening, the act of Consecration to Mary was to be celebrated at the Cenacle. On this occasion, 74 adults and 49 young people were making this solemn act after eight Sundays of preparation under the guidance of a priest.) Let us glorify the Lord and sing His praises. I am here, my children, here among you, and I will remain with you. I want to embrace you all, you are all in my Heart. I have arrived on tiptoe, but at the same time I am your Queen. We will do great things together; they will start this very day. You will be the seed of my call. Many will take this road if you can lighten with the Light that I am bringing you. Thank you for deciding to remain with me, who am leading you to Jesus. Love this house and respect these places which provide nourishment for your faith. I hug you and bless you.

23.7.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Lord. Dear children, I will not leave you. Rejoice with me over this time of grace which is being prolonged for the benefit of needy mankind. Do everything I have asked of you. Do everything well. I bless you all.

24.7.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) (Mary:) Let us pray together, dear children. Have you not agreed to walk with me? Here I am, to pray with you. If you have decided to remain with me, I shall remain with you. (Renato:) I commend to you these friends of mine, here present, Most Holy Virgin! (Mary:) Yes! I am watching over each one of them, but also over many others who are not here; pray for them too. I wish them to be all together with you. I bless you, my children, I bless you.

27.7.1988 (At home) Let us bless the Father. My children, in your prayer let there be hope, opening up the spirit to the things of God. God concerns Himself over your affairs with infinite love; be responsive to such love. Move forward every day on the road of living faith; fix your sights on the Lord. I embrace you all, my children, and I bless you.

29.7.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father, and the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My dear children, I wish you to enjoy the delights of the spirit and to turn your backs on every worldly pleasure, the work of the evil deceiver. What a mission, my children, what a mission I have called you to! Be attentive to my call! I will not let you out of my sight and will guide you. Shut your eyes to the world, keep close to Jesus. I bless you all, dear children.

2.8.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My dear children, I thank you for praying with me here. I will be near you. Jesus is with you and will not abandon you. Say the holy Rosary with me every day and I will bring you to an ever greater knowledge of Jesus. I am still awaiting you, dear children. I hug you, I bless you.

4.8.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Father, we glorify You and bless You. Dear children, how I love you! I would like to carry you all to Heaven straight away while your hearts are still pure. Always remain pure in heart! I assure you that I will accompany you to Heaven when the Father calls you. My son, you are right! Just as I was once brought before the Sanhedrin, perhaps I shall be judged once again. Pray, pray in this place; here you will find me waiting for you. I bless you, dear children.

5.8.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father for ever. My dear children, you are honouring me today. I assure you that it will be a great feast if you entrust yourselves to me every day. The work that we will do together will ennoble your spirits and your joy will be unceasing. May the Spirit of truth remain with you. Jesus wishes you to be the salt of the earth. I shall not cease to follow you. I thank you and bless you all.

7.8.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle, Sunday) Lord, receive the prayers of us who invoke You. My children, I bless you. I wish to tell you that I shall never forget you. And you, do not forget Jesus and Mary. I am still waiting for you here. My son, in many churches today my appeal is ridiculed. Make sure that you do not become the cause of malicious talk; see to it that my voice is heeded. I wish to remain with you, my children, and with you travel as a pilgrim through the world. I bless you once again.

7.8.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle, Sunday evening) Let us pray together to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My dear children, everything I have told you was to warn you of what is to come. Now, now, my children, I am asking you to offer yourselves for my cause, which is the cause of Jesus. Many have consecrated themselves to me, many have offered themselves, and many are no longer with you. Now I am appealing to you once again to continue with your works, which will be a testimony to the love that you have for me, but will also bring salvation to many of your brothers. Count your numbers, my children. Follow me! Do not delay to work for Jesus! May the courage of the truth be in you. I am awaiting you in large numbers. I bless you and hug you.

13.8.1988 We praise You, Father, and glorify You. My dear children, how I love you! I know how much you too love me. You would like to do so many things for me. You will do much, but for your brothers. Remain strong! Know that you will always be so when you pray. My children, many serpents are surrounding you and binding you hand and foot: be careful! I promise also to you and to all those who follow me that you will see the triumph of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the world. I bless you, my children. I shall be close to you.

15.8.1988 Solemnity of the Assumption. (Crypt of the Cenacle. Final day of the Marian Year which, however, is extended to 8 December 1988 in the Diocese of Vicenza.) Let us sing together the glory of the Lord. My children, you should know that today I am even closer to you. May my great love for you, the gift of the Father, overcome all resistance in your hearts, may it make them humble and great in love; thus you will find favour with God. Let all men experience the joy with which Heaven is filled today. Seek God’s glory and, with me, show concern for the salvation of souls. I will remain among you. I bless you all.

17.8.1988 (At home) Let us pray to the Father. My son, all the demonic powers are at work as never before in human history, but your work is of divine origin. Dear children, look with me towards the future and victory. Let us go forward to meet Jesus Who is coming. Do not look back to see who has been lost; soon it will be too late for them, because the time will have passed. They will remain alone, while you will be with me. Courage, my children, courage. I bless you.

21.8.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I ask you to be more prepared to offer yourselves, to make joyful sacrifices, now more than ever before. There is need for your prayer and your upright life. Leave behind all the things that are of no use. Listen to me! Come with me! Do not let what I have given to you be destroyed. I have promised you: I will not abandon you, but do not abandon me! Tomorrow you will remember all priests; with me, ask the Father to bless them, to help them, to enlighten them. My children, continue in love. I bless you all.

22.8.1988 Feast of Mary’s Queenship (Chapel of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Lord. Dear children, how often I await you with your pure hearts and transparent thoughts! That is how I want you: transparent as the air you breathe. Many times you ask why I do not come into this chapel of yours to bless you. I shall continue to come, my children, when you are completely mine, but I shall come to this place, so dear to you, when I am acknowledged by him who should acknowledge me. You know that I am with you, dear children, and am praying for you. I bless you all.

26.8.1988 (Church of St Martin. After a month’s absence, Our Lady’s statue is returned this evening from Renato’s house to the restored church in silent procession.) Blessed be the Lord. I bless you, my children, and hug you. Today Jesus is smiling on you. You who listen to me will not be confounded. You have brought me back to this place which is dear to you and dear to me. You are opening up my roads in the world and I will bring Jesus into the world. I assure you that this, my statue, will be carried through the streets of your district with song and thanksgiving to the Lord. I bless you, my children, I bless you all.

31.8.1988 (Monte di Cristo, after the Stations of the Cross) Let us pray together to the Father. Dear children, I have chosen my places, I have chosen my children to speak in them. The pure in heart understand what I am saying. Follow my advice, my children, and remain true to it. God asks of everyone true faith, not something weak and half-hearted, but living. Blessed are those who persevere in the faith. Avoid all superficial, arrogant language, which is the fruit of spiritual poverty. Grow in the spirit with prayer and love. Feel my presence always near you. I wish to help you. Let yourselves be transformed, renewed, so that you too can help me to save souls. I bless all my dear children, and I tell you: you can be certain that the Kingdom of God will come among you, with Mary, your Mother. I bless you.

12.9.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. I bless you, my children, and am with you in prayer. I have done much, my dear children, I have asked much of you; I know that you love me, I can see your concern over what is not going well. Much will also depend on you and your attitude. Pray a lot and remain united. I bless you once more.

14.9.1988 Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Lord. My children, the suffering and spiritual bitterness of the good will be healed in love for the Cross of Jesus. Their offering of suffering will be immeasurably great and bring them blessedness. Those who believe will not hesitate and will not be afraid; for them, the greater the trials, the greater will be the graces they receive. Veneration and fidelity to the mystery of the Cross, my children, and certainty in the one and true Redeemer, Jesus, Whom I give to you! I bless you all, dear children.

21.9.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father and the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My dear children, in the innermost depths of your souls I am working with miracles that are greater than miracles of the body. Those who follow me are following, with me, the Cross of Jesus; those who persevere through the Cross will gain salvation. Rely on my help. I will defend you from the poison of atheism and heresy, and will make you shine before the world. With me, you will be bringers of love every day of your lives. I bless you all, dear children.

28.9.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together, my children. I am with you, in your midst, and I will guide you. May the Holy Spirit enlighten you, sustain you and fill you with grace. May the boundless love of the Father and His mercy save you all. The small flock of believers will become large, because, with Mary, you will speak of God, do good with me, and be rooted in justice. I ask you to remain with me with confidence, and you will be with me for eternity. I bless you all, my children.

5.10.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, be attentive to my call, so that you are ready to respond. Everyone is asked to cooperate in disseminating the truth. Truth, dear children! Every attempt by the evil one will come to naught if you live in the truth. The noble virtues of the saints were pleasing to the Father. Make use of all the time that is granted to you for the Kingdom of the Father, enriching yourselves with virtues which will make you holy. I know your every desire. You, too, try to satisfy my desire: I am waiting for you all to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. I bless you, my children.

9.10.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My dear children, you know that I am present in these places. I wish to bless you, to bless all those who are here with you today. Do not ever stray from me, for I desire your salvation. Thank you for walking together with all those I am calling here. I bless you all.

12.10.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless God, my children. I bless you. You are continually seeking me, but I am asking you to put into practice every teaching that comes from God and has been proposed to you by Mary. If my appeals are accepted and taken seriously, the sad tragedy of a mankind which is rebelling against God and His laws will more quickly be averted. My children, do not always be seeking me, but feel me near you; help me to lead everyone to the Light. With you may a new mankind come about, one which honours the Creator and obeys His laws. Once again, I ask of each one of you genuine conversion in love and justice. Open your hearts, my children, decide, and you will be the flowers of a new mankind, blossoming with Mary, preparing Jesus’ great triumph in the world. Courage, my children, I bless you. I shall remain among you.

19.10.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, I wish you to make progress in holiness. You know already how much I love you. You know what Mary’s teachings are: prayer - silence - humility - penance. You will experience sanctifying forces which the Holy Spirit will sow in you. Be a people of God, united with Mary, victorious in this battle against evil. Be vigilant, my children, so as not to fall victim to an aberrant theology that torments you and draws you away from God, offering you a demonic cult. Those who live out this time of sanctification will experience my victory over Satan, but those who merely look on will be closing their hearts to the divine call. My children, when I no longer speak to you, follow those whom I have prepared. You too will speak as my priests speak, those who wish me to be their teacher. Follow me, dear children. I bless you all.

20.10.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My children, this is the place where I wish to speak to you. In this place each one of you will receive the call from me. These hearts of yours are the hearts I am looking for. If you belong to me you will not be lost but will become holy. I bless you, dear children.

27.10.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together, dear children. I shall always be praying with you. Let us pray also for those who have need of our prayers. My children, I know that you have decided to remain with me. In Heaven there are no divisions! Mary does not divide, but unites you to Jesus. My children, if you are ridiculed, Jesus will make you happy; if you are denied, Jesus will make you happy; if you are condemned, Jesus will make you happy. Be strong! Together you will be strong! In prayer you will be strong! But good will not triumph if, having decided to follow me and help me, you do not accept suffering. Courage, my children. I bless you. I shall be with you today.

2.11.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, be ever stronger in prayer. Your spiritual growth will reveal to you the great mystery which God has reserved for His beloved children, for everyone who seeks Him with a sincere heart. My children, your eyes will see what they do not see now. Be glad, my children, over this time that is propitious for you. The Father wishes me to be the guide so as to lead to Him what belongs to Him: every person. The lack of receptiveness among many is preventing grace from having its effect. Be receptive, dear children, I am offering you salvation. Remain with me and we will walk together. I bless you all.

9.11.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father, the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My children, let prayer be your daily commitment. I am continually appealing to you to give yourselves to work for what is good, so as to make reparation for evil. May every heart be purified. My children, Jesus will reign after this mankind, which has broken every covenant with God, has been purified. May you be among God’s chosen ones, my children! You will be if you help me to fill the great void and uncertainty in which the world is living today. Let yourselves be guided by me, do not trust the presumptuous, the learned, those unversed in doctrine, who have no future: they are bound up with the things that are finite. I invite you to give your hand to those who do not see, but do not let them lead you; you are the ones who must lead them. May divine reason, not the reason of men, prevail in you. I shall be your constant guide, pay heed to me! I bless you all, dear children. I shall pray with you.

14.11.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. My children, I come to bless you, to pray with you. Together we shall succeed in filling with grace the great void that has been created, and in enriching the arid desert of hearts. If you remain with me I will fill you with a great, immense, tender love: and you too, with Mary, will be able to love and call back each one of your brothers through your love. The Father loves you more and more and wishes me to be close to you. I bless you all, dear children.

16.11.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, I am with you, in your midst. Remain always with me, remain in the truth. Those who unworthily use my appeals to sow confusion among souls are not and will not be among my own; still less those who, while hoping that good will triumph, continue to be impervious to my warnings and remain in the service of the evil one. My children, may you grow in awareness that only in Him Whom I am bringing to you, Jesus, is there certainty of life. Jesus is asking you to be generous souls, close to Him. Dear children, I wish to bring peace to this humanity, thrown into confusion by so many errors and vices, and already following the dark road towards its end. Be my shining lamps: I will go before you along the roads of the world. I bless you all.

23.11.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us thank and bless the Father. My children, reflect on each one of my appeals, and you will be imbued with grace. I have come to bring grace, because at this time mankind has lost grace. Give thanks to the Father for wishing me to be close to you: I shall not abandon my true children, I promise you! In my last appeals, I am asking you, dear children, continue in my school growing in humility and love. Through the power of grace you will prove victorious in everything. To my consecrated ones, and to all who put their trust in me, I entrust the wealth of the work of cooperating in the salvation of mankind which, unperturbed, continues to race along the wrong road. Be close to Jesus, faithful to Him, in joy and in the days of trial. Do not forsake prayer, the holy Rosary, holy Mass every day. Entrust yourselves to me, completely to me! I thank you, dear children, and bless you all.

27.11.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My dear children, today let us thank the Father for having allowed me to come among you. I have come to those who wanted me. I am still in those who trust me. I bless you all, and am waiting for those who are not yet aware of my presence. Whoever entrusts himself totally to me will not fear. You have taken your place in my Heart, but there is still much room awaiting everyone. Blessed are those who consecrate themselves to my maternal Heart. I bless you all, dear children, and thank you.

30.11.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless God and call upon His help. Dear son, once again I come among you all and bless you. My blessing, rich in graces, is upon all those who, with you, are putting my appeal into practice. (...) The time of special grace is also coming to an end, but you should know that the greater part of mankind has not found grace. You, my son, have already seen what afflictions are to come. Yes, they will come, because the children of God are not yielding to the invitation of Heaven. Many of you will be with me because you love me, but I shall not be able to save those who do not wish it. May your Movement be strengthened in seriousness and constant prayer, so that all those of good will may consecrate themselves to my maternal Heart. Then, with Jesus, I shall dwell in those hearts; we shall also come into their homes if they are poor. Those who can rid themselves of unnecessary riches will receive great help: they will experience the riches of Heaven. I bless you, my son, together with everyone here present.

4.12.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, you have the truth! Proclaim the truth to everyone, because what I have brought you is the truth. Do not be sad over the ending of this holy time (1) that the Pope, along with Mary, wished to give you, for I shall continue to call you in this place. Let this refuge be a place of safety from the evil one. The evil one will not enter my houses! This is my house! Be often in prayer in this place. I shall be with you always. I bless you all, dear children. (1) The Marian Year was to end on 8 December, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

7.12.1988 Eve of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father for ever. My children, let the whole earth rejoice with Heaven, because your love will remain for ever, with all that the Father has established. Discover the treasures of the Redemption, because we are still in the time of mercy. Let us together thank the Father, Who permits me to be shown forth in your souls, which love me. My children, how much love I gather from my children and pour into the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who reanimates your souls with great love, His love, making you prisoners of His Heart! Dear children, let Jesus make use of your all, be it only a little; then, just as He has done great things through me, so will He work wonders through you. In me He has worked a marvellous masterpiece of light, so that I may be a light in the world. My children, may the light that I have given to you drive away the darkness; may your road be bright: I have lit it for you and am still with you as you walk. I hug you, my children. I bless you all.

8.12.1988 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father and the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My dear children, behold, I am here among you. May my blessing come down in abundance on each one of you. My children, while the great time of grace granted by the Father is coming to an end, a new time is about to begin: your time! Go, my children, go everywhere, carry my great gift of love to all my children, your brothers! Let Jesus be in everyone! I assure you that I too will be with you. Thank you, dear children, thank you also for your consecration to me (1); with me, you will not return to the road of danger, I assure you. I bless you once more, my children, all of you. (1) This evening 180 persons were to consecrate themselves to Mary after eight celebrations of preparation at the Cenacle of Prayer.

18.12.1988 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father and the Son, let us bless the Holy Spirit. Dear children, you wish to hear me, you are asking me to come among you. (...) You form part of my troops. The Father, Jesus and I bless you. Dear children, you ask for my continuous help. You will have my help to the extent to which you put your trust in me. Remain on the road to which I have brought you: it is the right one! Dear children, I am accompanying you with love, I will not leave you on your own. I bless you all, my children.

22.12.1988 (At home) Blessed be the Father. Blessed are you, my children. I ask you once more to pray that what the Father wishes may come to pass. As I bless this land of Vicenza, I am calling you in large numbers, so that you may be light with me. (...) My children, pray that graces and blessings may continue to come down from Heaven upon this Diocese; pray, that my call may not be derided; pray that this land may not be punished. I bless you, I bless you, dear children.

25.12.1988 Christmas, midnight (Crib at the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. My children, today I embrace you all, together with my Jesus. I will console you with the same tenderness with which Jesus was consoled. In following my road you have encountered Jesus, because my way is His way. I will lead you to discover the marvellous mystery of His love, so that you too may bring love everywhere. You also will contribute to the liberation of the oppressed world. My children, you will be happy if you are just, if you bring peace to the world. Now more than ever Jesus is entrusting to me each one of you, together with my Church. Consecrate yourselves entirely to me, my missionaries, redeemed by the Lord. You will make the hope of this day become a certainty. I bless you all, my children.

28.12.1988 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, every battle with evil will be won if you remain with me and Jesus. Be confident of victory. My children, remove yourselves immediately from every compromise with the world. Too many of my children have allowed themselves to be carried away by the deceits of the evil one by living with sin! May my heartfelt appeal bring all men back to live in truth before God. My children, you are living through difficult and dangerous times! I ask you to entrust yourselves completely to me, so that together we may succeed in restoring God’s law in the world. I thank you all, my children, and I bless you.


1.1.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together, my children. Remain with me and you will find peace, joy and well-being. Your lives will not be empty if you entrust yourselves to me. My children, I will make you missionaries, as Jesus wishes you to be, indefatigable pilgrims. The whole world is awaiting you, for the spiritual situation is tragic. Continue with all seriousness in my school. It is urgent that the grave spiritual and moral decadence be halted everywhere, otherwise it will quickly plunge mankind into the deadly abyss. Dear children, may the new year be a time of blessing, the "Year of Youth", whom I love and care for with special tenderness. They will be the yeast acting as a leaven among the people of God. I will accompany you every day. I bless you all, my children.

3.1.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle, with a youth group from Macerata) Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, I rejoice with you because you listen to me and bless me, and I bless you too. You are the hope at this time. Jesus blesses you. May the promise that you are now making to me not be forgotten; rather, may it increase the faith that is in you, and the will to act so that the love I am giving you may triumph. I bless you, my children; I shall not abandon you.

4.1.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together, my children. I am appealing again for prayer, I am asking you to be exemplary in your behaviour. Too many intellectual and moral errors are extinguishing the Light of the Spirit. My young people, your young ones are begging for the Light; may you be true Light! Your joined hands will save your children. Tell all young people that a Light is now coming down from Heaven for them. My children, walk courageously with me, all of you; we shall remove fear from the world, giving Light and illuminating the night. Teach young people, the sick, the oppressed, to give, to offer themselves to the Father for the salvation of everyone. I shall not abandon my young people who entrust themselves to me. I bless you all.

18.1.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, may consolation and peace be with you. As I awaken all men from a dangerous torpor, I invite you once again to follow me. The humblest of my children are listening to me and following me. Those most faithful to my calls will be beloved of the Father. Those who are consecrated to my Immaculate Heart are like seedlings that grow in fertile soil! My Church, which is being strengthened and revived with you in faithful observance of the Father’s will, will be the custodian of the divine plan. Clothe yourselves, therefore, in justice, love and humility, you, my children and the people of God. I bless you all.

21.1.1989 Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. Dear children, pray for the Church, for the Pope, pray for all people. Make your lives your most beautiful prayer. I shall be able to do so much with you; with your self-offering we shall save many souls. Be generous, my children, and decisive, because these days and this time are a time of grace and blessings that Heaven is granting. I shall always be close to you. I bless you all, I bless your loved ones.

25.1.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, I hug you all. I shall warm your hearts still more if they welcome me. Entrust your souls to me; detach yourselves more and more from your own concerns and you will know the riches of God. Be deaf and blind to the world, my children, and you will be able to hear more and more clearly my voice, urging you to become a voice that brings moral equilibrium and purity where the stirrer of passions has sown confusion and uncertainty and where materialistic theories about death are becoming ever more widespread. You will be bringing true life! I am giving you new vitality, my children,so that you may be strong in love, wise defenders of the sublime foundation of every law grounded in God. Do not become separated, remain united, my children; I shall be with you. I bless you all.

1.2.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, may your life improve as every day passes. I want you to possess Jesus in your hearts: may He be your all! Be always awake in spirit: may each moment be holy, so as to make you holy. My children, in calling you I am asking you to be sincerely ready to serve. Within the Father’s divine plan I am preordaining you as my instruments, my co-workers; with you I shall prepare again a great people, called to sanctify the world. As we walk together towards salvation, we shall drive away the evil one and his infernal war; he is intent on destroying my Church and my children. I will console you all along the road and lead you where the divine mercy is great. I bless you all, my children.

5.2.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Bless the Father, the Son, bless the Holy Spirit. Dear children, unite yourselves today with the many who are suffering and offering themselves for the sake of justice and truth. Share with them my concern and my desire for the salvation of all. Remain, all of you, in my Heart. Trust in me and you will have power over my Heart. Today I bless all your children, all the young people, all of you. I bless you. My children, hostile powers are persecuting you and my cause. Be strong in these days.

7.2.1989 Shrove Tuesday (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear children, set out with me on Jesus’ road. We will pray together in these penitential days for the conversion of sinners. Console the Heart of Jesus, you who love Him. Be His, all His. I bless you, my children.

8.2.1989 Ash Wednesday (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My dear children, I am continually calling you and appealing to you. Through those who listen to me I shall continue to speak to the world, so that all people may be converted and grow in the truth. The man who does not grow and does not bear fruit offends the law of life. My children, be worthy of God’s great gift, life; be fruitful and offer everything that He has sown in you. Accept the offer of this time of Lent: fill it with prayer and sacrifice; you will then understand my appeal more fully. I am always with you to show you the ways that will lead you towards God. Let us thank God eternally for His immense love for us all. I bless you and hug you all.

15.2.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, from you who are reliving my pain of Calvary, I ask the offering of your prayer, your silent suffering for the conversion of everyone. I call you to share my concern for this mankind, which is still not taking notice of my call and is heading for the rocks. My children, whoever takes my road will not be lost. If you follow me with pure hearts it will soon be given to you to understand my plan. Have trust in me; I love you, dear children. I hug you all. I bless you.

19.2.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together, all of us, let us pray together. My children, I am the Mother of the Church. You are my Church, dear children, you are my Church. I am with you every time you instruct the peoples in the Name of Jesus and Mary. I bless your every word which will serve as nourishment for your brothers, and will be nourishment when you speak with Jesus’ words. Prepare yourselves, my children, to speak as I have taught you. I am teaching you to be humble but strong. Go, my children, go! I shall be with you! I bless you, I bless you all.

26.2.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. Dear children, those who are causing you suffering are not with Jesus and Mary. Every offence will rebound on them. The time has come near when you will bear witness to your faith. My children, I ask you not to run away. I cannot hold you back by force, because I only have love. I have already told you to stand up and be counted; now I invite you to make yourselves known (...) - Queen of Love, we will not abandon you! - You will also be testifying when you pray aloud together. I shall pray with you. Do everything well, so that every accusation made against you may be proved false (...) Love, love also those who teach love in words but drive you from their hearts, which you, nevertheless, love. Such hearts are impure! Do not be afraid, my children, this is Jesus’ road. I bless you.

1.3.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together, my children! Sufferings offered up will become the power of salvation for sinners. Let not my urgent call to the whole world be impeded; let no obstacles be placed in the path of the plan of salvation entrusted to me. My children, whoever allows himself to be illumined by me will remain, yes, he will remain in the Light. The work of the Father will continue to confound the works built by human pride. Little time will remain for evil, but how many will triumph with the good? I am helping you to raise yourselves up to the Father. Do not be ashamed to testify to my presence! Jesus blesses you, I bless you all and will remain close to you.

6.3.1989 (At home) Let us bless the Father. My children, many hearts consecrated to me are beautiful and great in love. Continue consecrating everyone, everyone. I promise my maternal love to each one of you, because in my school you are learning to be faithful to God’s law. This is my wish: to bring all people to carry out the will of the Father.

8.3.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father.

My children, I am calling you all to live a new life united to God, purified by sacrifice and prayer. My children, when you so desire, I will pray with you to help you grow spiritually, so that you may be happy and be worthy temples of God. Dear children, call me often, we will pray together, at night also, for the night has become the time of the devil’s harvest. Carry the Cross with you. You will always live united in my Heart if you accept the gift of embracing the Cross always. I trust in you, my children; trust in me and you will live in certainty. I bless you all.

12.3.1989 (Monte di Cristo) I bless you all, my children. It is truly so! I am with you and continue to pray with you. I invite you to silence in these weeks before Easter. I bless you, I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

22.3.1989 Wednesday in Holy Week (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, this is the time of forgiveness for you, the most propitious time to come closer to Jesus. I have told you many things to help you to know Jesus. Continue to listen to my voice, the voice of your Mother from Heaven, the Mother of Jesus, who is inviting you to live in love, with forgiveness. Just as Jesus forgave His executioners, so should you forgive your brothers. Your salvation will come through love. Jesus and Mary will not forsake you: we shall be your help on the road to Heaven. My children, you are all, all in my Heart. I bless you.

23.3.1989 Maundy Thursday (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord for ever. My children, during these days the Lord will purify your hearts in a special way; the Spirit of God will come upon you, He will fill you with grace. My children, continuous is my suffering over my children who are furthest from me, needy, poor sinners. Let their conversion be your great desire. Offer your suffering with joy. Offer your humble, constant prayer. Dear children, know that every pain that torments you, every offence that wounds you, has, before reaching you, dealt a hard blow to the Heart of Jesus. You will live more intensely with Jesus during these days, and the grace in you will be greater. I am with you every moment. May you too be with me. I bless you.

24.3.1989 Good Friday (Monte di Cristo) Jesus! Jesus! We are with you. My children, I thank you. I thank all those who today live and relive the suffering of Jesus. I assure you that whoever follows the road of Jesus with me will enter into His Kingdom. I am leading you too, my children, along this road. I thank you once more, I bless you again.

27.3.1989 Easter Monday (Crypt of the Cenacle) Lord, may Your grace be always with us. Dear children, you have not yet been able to know what I know: the great glory of God. His greatest glory is linked to your good works. I invite you today to renew the gift of yourselves by entrusting yourselves totally to me, voluntarily renouncing your own interests out of love. Overcome every fear in this offering of yourselves, trust in me. It is what you hold most dear that you have to relinquish; free yourselves, my children, renounce whatever is holding you bound to the earth, and then you will know what I know. Only you can decide, my children, for you know with what love I am surrounding you; may your decision be the fruit of pure love! I am handing you this key, my children, so that you can enter, with the Mother, into the House of the Son, Jesus. I bless you. I hug you all.

29.3.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and pray to the Father. My children, nothing is greater than the Father’s love for you. May the praise of your thanksgiving be infinite, just as your life in Him will be infinite. My children, the earth that holds you fast is the same earth that your bodies are made of; do not concern yourselves so much with it, but rather with the true life of the Father which is within you. Base your time on the true life, and every bitterness will become sweet, every burden lightened, because God will be in you. Dear children, I ask you once again to surrender yourselves completely to me, with courage; I am giving you my great gift with my Jesus. I bless you who are present, I bless your dear ones, I bless all those who are in your hearts.

1.4.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and thank the Father. Dear children, it is for your brothers that you must pray, for those who deride you, those who persecute you. Give eternal thanks to the Father that, through Mary, He has softened your hearts. Now I am in your hearts, and by prayer we will help our brothers, so that Jesus may enter all hearts. Courage, my children, courage. Let us walk together towards the roads of Heaven. I bless you and, with your prayers, I will help those who need them.

5.4.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I bless you and am accompanying you. It is my wish to help you to make your choice in favour of what is good, so that you may occupy the place prepared by God for each one of you in holiness. May the Holy Spirit remain with you; may He make you generous in spirit, strengthen you and enable you to overcome in yourselves every vanity that might keep you from holiness. Distrust yourselves, my children, but trust in Jesus and Mary. Prepare yourselves worthily to meet the Father. I bless you all and enter into your hearts. Bring me into every one of your families, to bless your dear ones.

l2.4.1989 (Monte di Cristo - 10.10 p.m.) Glory be to You, Father, for ever. My children, I know your difficulties, the times of trial in your lives. I am living with you, be aware of my presence; do not pay attention to the voice of the world. Continue, work without seeking fruits of consolation. You will receive eternal consolation. Always renounce your own will and the will of God will operate in you. My children, whoever understands me will understand God and His laws. The time of recompense is close for you and this will be greater than your toils. You will help me, my children, so that there will be no bitter disillusionment for anyone. Pray with me, dear children, fill yourselves with humility and love. Thank you for your response. I bless you all.

12.4.1989 (Monte di Cristo - 10.20 p.m.) How is it possible, my son, to inform all people? You, the inhabitants of these places, will be spared much suffering, but for this I am calling you to work with me. Let all my people heed me and prepare themselves in God. Remember: whoever sacrifices himself to be with me under God’s law will not lament. The time is near for many people, many nations, when seas and land will be convulsed, becoming new seas and lands for those children of God who are worthy of Him. Let my troops be prepared; sufficient for them will be humility and the courage with which I shall imbue them.

19.4.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together, my children. If you give yourselves over still more to believing all God’s reality, faith will increase in you. Do not think only of the salvation of the earth, but of true salvation. Be pure in this dark time of misfortune, pure, so as to be Light in this corrupt world. Every day I am waiting for you to join me in praying for men, calling them back through your lives. Those who follow me will be with me in a new generation. Count on the victory of Jesus, dear children. Already many of my children are filling my Heart with joy! They are consciously using this time of mercy and possess God. Blessed will be those who possess God. The hour of truth is near, my children, and the Father will reward those who, welcoming the Spirit with courage, call with my call. Courage, dear children, do not be afraid! I am your help. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

26.4.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, come with me, all of you, I will lead you to the perfection of love, and you too will participate in the true life. Your holiness will be of more value than anything you give up in order to achieve it. It is my wish to become part of your lives, so that they are oriented entirely towards holiness. The Father desires your holy testimony, so that you who have been called may sanctify the world. May the will of the Father be your will. My children, this barrier that separates you from the Father’s embrace will soon disappear; may the desire to embrace Him again be greater than the fear of bodily death. Dear children, my love will bring you to know the eternal love of God. Trust in me. Be with me at this holy time. I bless you all.

30.4.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Dear children, I have asked for your witness of faith. Let those who cannot speak with their tongues speak through their works; the works that I have requested of you will in time speak for you. Your works will speak of God! Through me, make yourselves pliant instruments in His hands. The Light that I have lit in you will accompany you. Accept my Light and your works will shine forth. I bless you, my children.

7.5.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Pray with me, dear children. I bless you, I bless the great work that even today you have performed in my name. My children, my signs will soon end, while other signs will begin, but I shall not be with those signs because they are not desired by me. Be careful, my dear children, over many who mingle among you: they will not follow and will not carry out my teaching. I shall be with you to complete your works, do not fear! I shall not let you remain alone; I shall be with you until the end... and beyond. I am still awaiting you here. I bless you.

10.5.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, let all mankind prostrate itself to give thanks to the Father of life and to beg His mercy. You, whom I have called, be more responsible guardians of the truth that you know. See to it that my appeal is not rejected! Work with me, make your prayer effective by the perfection of your lives. Leave behind everything that troubles you; come closer to me, welcome me! Draw back, do not take part in the world’s insane rush towards the abyss. Dear children, I ask of you the courage to make yourselves a little poorer every day, for the greater your poverty, the greater will be the riches that I shall bring you to enjoy. May the Spirit of God bless you all, as I bless you all.

14.5.1989 Pentecost. (Church of St Martin during the ceremony of Consecration to Our Lady of 172 participants in the third course) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! My children, may the joy of the Supreme Good live in you. May the Spirit of God lead you into the kingdom of truth, all in His Spirit. Be strong, reject all false idols, so that His love may triumph in truth and justice. Dear children, today you are filling my Heart with joy as you pursue the goals of your faith. When all have entrusted themselves to me, the triumph of Good will reign throughout the earth. Ensure that the time of the Good is victorious! Bring to a halt the time of evil! With me you can do so. Be doers of Good along with me. I bless you all, I bless all your dear ones.

17.5.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, the Holy Spirit will imprint counsel and strength in the souls of you who pray to Him: He will teach you wisely and make you luminous with His Light. Dear children, may your prayer become more deeply rooted in your lives every day. Ask God for the grace to love Him and you will be filled with great graces, for you are the fruit of His eternal, infinite love. Do not divide up your little hearts in the love of trivial things; instead, let your whole heart be devoted to one single great love: God. I too love you, my children. I bless all of you here present, I bless all your dear ones.

25.5.1989 My son, you are living out the will of Heaven! And I invite you to love this will, even if it costs you much. The work that we shall do together will be pleasing to God. Many souls are already in Him, fruits of the example of love that you show. May the growth of love be continuous! May every slackening that results from arid hearts and impedes your progress be overcome. Dear children, make every effort to show, by your own lives, how God wishes every man to serve Him. I bless you.

31.5.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and thank the Father. My children, I accept your prayer. By praying and meditating you will unveil the mystery of the Redemption. Dear children, I will remain in your midst because I wish you to live for the Lord alone, purified of every sin that disfigures the divine image in you. I will lead you to Him Who can cleanse your hearts: Jesus. Little by little I will bring you to discover what God has prepared for those who love Him. My children, if you decide to remain beside me, we will work together, the purification will be sweeter, and the time of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be nearer. Now, more than ever before, you need to feel loved and I will let you feel my motherly love, pressing you all close to me. I bless you all. I bless all your dear ones.

3.6.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Jesus, join our hearts to Your Heart. My children, like a beneficent rain I am making your lives fruitful, calling you and urging you on to what is good. I know how difficult it is for you to bear the hardships that you encounter! Do not call them hardships, but paths opening up towards the Lord. Dear children, Jesus has opened up His Heart to each one of you. Upon you, present here in prayer, Jesus is pouring out abundant graces. Every time you have made a request through me, He has heard you and has given you something even greater: faith.

6.6.1989 My dear children, may your hearts beat with my Heart! May you be able to carry my word everywhere, to all mankind! I hug you. I bless you.

7.6.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, the fruits of pride have poisoned men’s spirits and caused happiness to disappear from the earth. Pray for men, that all men may pray with you. Be one with the holy Church, remain united with the Pope! I will pray with you. I bless you all.

9.6.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father, blessed be the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. Dear children, understand the importance of what I am asking of you! I have come into each one of your hearts to transform them, to love with you and to share with you my joys and concerns. I wish you to be strong, ready for the mission with which I have entrusted you. My Church, my children, my Church needs willing, generous souls who are ready to serve! The example of your lives will renew my Church. I therefore ask you to remain faithful to my calls, communicators of the truth. I too will always be with you. I bless you.

14.6.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together, my children. May your hearts beat, inflamed and awakened by my appeal. Rejoice, because your indifference has been overcome. Now the presence of Jesus among you is a certainty. By believing, you will have God’s wisdom and the true Light will be before you, if you subordinate your reason to the divine will. Dear children, many eminent men throughout the world have not tasted and will not enjoy the happiness reserved for the children of the Light, for their wisdom is of this world. Your anxieties, the result of sin, will vanish as, in self-surrender, you become rich in gentleness and, finally, I will lead you to enjoy the wonders of God. Dear children, carry my call to every place. I bless you and am accompanying you.

21.6.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord for ever. My children, the souls that have been purified by prayer and penance will be protected; they will not be confused in the spirit, they will not be conquered by deception, they will not be slaves of the impurity that is flooding the whole world. Dear children, your spirits will become light if you nourish yourselves with the teaching of Heaven and shun the pleasures of the world. All of you, be children of good will! Together we shall halt the enemy, who is destroying the works of God. Have no fear, my children, pray with a lively faith! Trust in my help, I am watching over every one of you so that you may be saved. I bless all of you, all of you. I bless your dear ones.

28.6.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, I am lovingly taking care of you who listen to me. I ask you once more to remain on my road; we shall meet and console many broken hearts, bringing them together in prayer so that the life of grace may be restored to them too. Dear children, too many people are habitually living a dissolute and squalid life: every day they sow scandal among innocent creatures and corrupt pure hearts, winning over a vast number of souls. My dear children, consecrate your children, all your young people, your little ones, to me: do not remove them from my motherly embrace. Too many tender creatures are innocently paying the price on account of men’s arrogance and will not be the comfort of your days. Great is the Father’s love for those who beg Heaven for pity and compassion on all. My children, I shall not cease to appeal to you and to sustain you in the difficulties that you encounter. You, too, continue to walk on the road that leads to my Heart. I bless you all, my children, I bless your children.

5.7.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Name of the Lord. My children, bring the peace of Jesus, salvation to the world. Speak to people about my appeal. Faith is on the decrease and life is dying. Grave faults weigh down many spirits who, although they are aware of the Light, are darkening the world by their denial of God. Dear children, penance, prayer and sacrifice are needed. Receive me, my children, and make me welcome in every heart! I shall bring great hosts to Jesus: I shall teach them to love Him and to believe in His divine presence. The time of purification is not far off. Blessed are all those who are close to God: the rich in faith will not be abandoned. My children, I promise my maternal protection to all who are consecrated to me. I bless you, my children, I bless you all.

9.7.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My children, great is the Father’s love for all His creatures. Wonderful will be His gift for you who worship Him. It is the Father Who is reaching out His Hand to you through my voice and my hand. Do not seek other things, my children, but fix your gaze on Him Who gives you everything. I am always with you all. I bless you.

12.7.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father for ever. My children, you are now rich in the truth. You cannot live in falsehood. You are the people of God, whom I have called, instructed, and whom I love. This is your time: go forward! Enrich the Church of Jesus, make it great! Do not be wise just for yourselves, be a light for those who are lost and lamenting. Remain with me in the Light, in the truth. My works and yours will be a refuge and certainty in the battle between good and evil; they will provide strength, protected by prayer and the sacrifices of those who suffer. Walk on with confidence: my hand will be upon you. Be vigilant! Do not allow yourselves long periods of rest, so as not to allow the evil one further victories. If you free yourselves of earthly riches you will be enriched by the good things of Heaven. Let the richness of the grace of the Spirit, which comes down in abundance on those whom I have called, be sufficient for you. Continue in prayer, my children. I bless you all.

19.7.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father, the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My children, pray with me as I pray. May your prayer be sincere and humble, and it will reach the Father, Who will allow the Heart of Jesus to be united with your hearts. Many flowers will blossom forth from your prayer. Their perfume will draw my troops towards what is good. Their fruits will satiate the people of God with love, they will fill every heart with peace, directing all towards the destiny of eternal bliss. Dear children, my teaching is holy! My call is important, just as my love for you is great! I bless you all.

22.7.1989 (Church of St Martin) Pray with me! My children, victory will belong to Jesus and to those who love Him. Therefore do not lose courage, my children, the new spring is near. From your prayer and silent penance there will arise most pure forces, holy vocations, which the love and wisdom of the Holy Spirit will awaken in your midst. Learn how to give power to the Holy Spirit and you will see the annihilation of all the deviant heresies born of the theological confusion created by the seducer of men. Every day I count so many of his victims! For this reason, I ask you to sound the trumpet of the Father (1) as a sign of awakening. I bless you, my children. I bless and greet you. I shall be near you, even if you will only be hearing me a few more times. (1) Cf. Isaiah 58:1.

26.7.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Name of the Lord! My children, those who have derived benefit from this time of grace will rejoice. Let all men reject the errors that have been cultivated for so long! May liberation come for so many souls who are imprisoned by wordly trappings! May the whole world free itself of so much sinful horror! You, my children, do not spare yourselves to heal every wound that destroys spirits. The increase in so many inner miseries will immerse mankind in tears. Dear children, turn to me with confidence, trust in me, all of you! I am offering you security and serenity. If you remain with me, you will see the birth of a new age, for which so many martyrs and saints have waited. Listen to me, my children. I bless you all. I bless your dear ones.

2.8.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father and the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My children, may the joy that I am giving you in renewed spirituality be complete. May the new Spirit Who is in you renew all things with you. Be a pure, living, fruitful force, conveying true hope. Dear children, true faith will help you to put my appeal into practice, so that you may be witnesses in the world. Errors and sinful horrors will come to an end, together with human iniquity, while the devoted children who are consecrated to me will be present, victorious. Courage, my children. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

5.8.1989 (St Martin’s, during the holy Rosary with a group of the faithful, present for the ceremony of Consecration to Our Lady following a period of preparation under the guidance of a priest) Let us bless and thank the Father. My children, a flower sown by me and lovingly nourished by you will bloom within your walls. I thank you, dear children, because you entrust yourselves to me, as I entrust to you other children of mine, so that they may walk the road of Jesus with you and with Mary. I bless you, dear children, and will accompany you.

12.8.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Name of the Lord. I bless you, my children. You who are gathered here are finding more peace. While you are praying, many of my children are in sin. I will bless your little Community that will be born here. You will be with me, do not fear! Turn to the Holy Book: Matthew 6:31. I shall be following you and instructing you. I bless you.

15.8.1989 Solemnity of the Assumption. (Crypt of the Cenacle. Half an hour after the apparition, at 8.30 p.m., there was a torchlight procession in honour of Mary from the church of St Martin to the Cenacle. Over 1300 persons took part.) Let us bless the Father together! My children, I am bringing you together in the Spirit, as I invite you to follow my luminous path, the Light of grace. You are my instruments, chosen by me to spread my Light. Today I will bring down upon each one of you and on all the devoted ones who are consecrated to me, the grace to remain always in the Light of the truth, with the promise that I will one day make you sharers in the eternal joy of Heaven. The joy of Heaven is today joined with your celebration. Thank you, dear children. I bless all of you, all of you.

16.8.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together: "Holy Spirit of God, remain among us and in us!" God will make Himself known to you in the mystery of His silence. Listen to Him! May He remain in you, and may He protect you continuously with His love; let your entire life be in Him. May the fruits of grace sanctify you all; let your whole life be a thanksgiving. Work with all your being to prepare His triumph, together with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Thank you, my children, if you listen to me, thank you. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

20.8.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Receive our prayer, Father. My dear children, I am remaining in this place with you and for you. As you spread my love, hatred will end its violent progress. Do not be discouraged, dear children, suffering too will help to bring nearer Jesus’ triumph in the world. Then we shall rejoice together. Remain close to me. I bless you.

23.8.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Lord, may Your Spirit come into us. My children, I have sown a seed of life in you, for the whole world: true life, seed of heroic faith which, healing every moral and spiritual evil, is to establish the Kingdom of God, that the night may come to an end and every man may be the Light of certainty. Let your willingness to cooperate be total, so that your fruitfulness is great. I bless you and hug you all.

25.8.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Pray with me to the Father, my children. I ask you not to continue speaking of me to the world if you do not comply with my teaching. When you are no longer of the world, then everything will be granted you by Heaven. And if there is anxiety among you because the world despises you, then know that you will all be truly mine. You will then speak of me and my appeal. I bless you all.

30.8.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My children, in order that the fire of love that I have lit in you should not go out, I ask you to continue along the road, sure in the paths of the Spirit, and also in the Cross which I have taught you to love. Make yourselves perfect in your conversion, for these are times in which Jesus is inviting you to proclaim the approach of His Kingdom. I invite you again to bring justice and peace, through love, to all men. Forget the earthly city, clothe yourselves in grace, give yourselves completely in order to win souls for the eternal city. My children, you are already associated with the glory of Jesus’ Resurrection. Be instruments of peace, along with all who are working for peace. I bless you, my children.

6.9.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, the divine justice that purifies through suffering and pain is mercy: it will renew the world in love. Thank the Father for this time of grace. I invite you to preserve peace, to testify with true faith; by accepting the via dolorosa you will achieve sanctification. My children, too many hearts are possessed by the evil one, who has made them as stone to my call! Distance yourselves, my children, from the foolishness of the world; hope for nothing from men. Whoever accepts my word of hope will live in certainty. I ask for reparation and penance from all people for the excessive disregard of God. Listen to me, dear children. I bless you.

13.9.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together, let us glorify the Father. My children, I have prepared you in large numbers for the trials of the times that are to come. Be strengthened in prayer and in my revelations! Your way is sure! Jesus, Whom I give you, is truth, hope, salvation. Dear children, do not drink the poison that the world offers you, the fruit of good that has been neglected. Look with confidence at me, dear children, and support my plan of love: through souls in grace it will be great and effective. Do not allow the sublime mission to which I have called you come to naught through human despondency. The Father’s reward for you will be rich beyond measure. Trust me and entrust yourselves to me! I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

14.9.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. Dear children, faith, faith be in you! Nothing comes from me that is not love for you. Discover this love, which will change even evil into good. My children, I ask you to be united, so that I can speak through you to all my children about eternal life, the reality that makes you blessed. May the Holy Trinity be present, with Its infinite riches, in you who heed me, and we will repeat together: - Father, Thy Kingdom come. - I bless you, my children, be truly mine, all of you.

20.9.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father. My children, your whole life is woven by the divine will. God is leading you, provided that you are docile and do not oppose His plan. Love the Father with your whole being and with your works. Love will be the force that will transform suffering into joyful expectation. My children, what a desert there is among the faithful and in my Church because of troubled spirits! Fill these dangerous voids, stir up respect in the hearts of the people of God. My children, take refuge in my maternal Heart, for the fury of the evil one is dragging too many souls into the deadly abyss. May the omnipotence of the Father watch over each one of you, that you may be all His. I bless you and hug you all.

27.9.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father always. Dear children, by living in Jesus you will possess God. Glory in your hope, therefore, even under the weight of afflictions. Learn how to enrich yourselves by these with patience, which produces hope. Remain in grace, united in love. Love raises the soul up beautiful and pleasing to God. Now, when you are feeling weighed down through lack of charity, have love and charity, and the life that unites you to God will continue in you. I shall not turn my gaze from you, my children. I thank you and bless you.

29.9.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together to the Father. Dear children, what prodigies would men wish of me? A great wonder is taking place among you today, but the refusal and indifference of many are causing the Mother great sorrow. My dear children, who work and suffer with me, remain close to me. Soon you will be proclaiming the truth to the world, but only after the furious perfidy of many has been quelled. Thank you for honouring me; be stronger in your prayer, true like Jesus, ready to do good. Whoever does not want me today will never see me again, but you will be with me for ever. I bless you.

4.10.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord! Surgamus! Sumite ergo scutum fidei inexpugnabile! (1) Courage, my children! You will not lose the way onto which I have led you if the Spirit of God is with you, but you will live to the full every day that God grants you. Seek only the supreme good. I desire your holiness, dear children, an achievable goal for all who have received me in their hearts. Accept me and thank the Father with joy for this gift. Dear children, shun the deceptive world, seek refuge in me, I will welcome you for ever. I bless you all, dear children. I bless your dear ones, the sick and the suffering; I bless all your children. (1) Let us arise! Take up, therefore, the impregnable shield of faith! (cf. Eph.6:14-16)

5.10.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Father, hear our prayer. My children, as you have decided to be guided in your lives by my teaching, I promise you special graces of peace and joy, with the gift of discovering all my love for you. I will let you share in my prayer of praise to the Father, so that you too can play your part in His triumph in the world. Thank you, my children. I bless you. I bless your dear ones.

11.10.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to You, Father. My children, I ask you once again to be receptive to God’s immense love. Accomplish the purpose of your life, go forward to what is good. I ask you, the faithful, to be true co-workers of Jesus, without any compromise. In that way, you will bring about the Kingdom of God in souls and in the world. Make use of no diplomacy, only love and humility. As I embrace you, I ask you to be united with me by means of the holy Rosary. I bless you, dear children, I bless your dear ones. (In connection with a particular case, Our Lady now gives her views on priests’ attire:) You will say: priests who wear cassocks are so fine. Tell them that the Madonna loves them.

16.10.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together, my children. I bless you. If you wish, I will remain for ever in this house and will bless all who seek me here. I bless you once again.

18.10.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father. My children, pray with me, that the simplicity of the faith which I have nourished in you is not lost. Persevere in love for Jesus, for precious love is being wounded: the evil one has succeeded in penetrating the hearts of many of my children, sowing scepticism, indifference and unbelief. My maternal Heart is suffering over so much blindness and emptiness, which leave room for many errors. Dear children, I ask you to defend the truth, which is often betrayed, as some set themselves against others in order to proclaim it. My dear children, today I gather each one of you into my Heart, as I invite you to give, with me, your "yes" to the Cross. Continue with courage along the ways I have marked out for you. To each one of you, thank you. I bless you all.

25.10.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My dear children, follow me and you will find peace of heart. If you live in grace you live in peace. I desire that my Jesus should live in each one of you to the full. Many words have sprung from my Immaculate Heart for you, so as to unite you with me and make you strong in faith. My children, I am asking of you daily works of penance and mortification. Unite yourselves with my Jesus every day, because you already know: these are the times of preparation for great events. You make up my troops, whom I am leading to the great victory. I enfold you all in the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart and bless you all.

27.10.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle. The mural painting in the Crypt of the Cenacle, depicting the Virgin Mary, is completed today.) Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, you are enclosed in my Heart, to live with me a profound intimacy in which the mystery of the Holy Spirit is being revealed to you more and more. My children, suffering is asked of you, yes, but you will be in my Immaculate Heart, to savour the joys of my love. I accept with joy the gift that you are offering me in this place. Thank you! (...) Dear children, this place will remain an earthly refuge for you, this Cenacle where I shall console you and guide you. More and more do I need pure and sincere hearts, for my call is serious and heartfelt. I am remaining here for you, praying with you. May the Spirit of the Father give you strength and make you holy. I hug you all, I bless you again.

1.11.1989 All Saints’ Day (Monte di Cristo) Remain in the peace of the Lord. My children, the Heavens rejoice when you pray: communion of immortal life between Heaven and earth. Every wish of the Father will be fulfilled if you allow yourselves to be guided by me with docility. Do not fear, my devoted children, every power will continue to be from God, and, while many learned ones of this earth will disappear, the Queen of Love, the hope of expectant humanity, will triumph with Jesus. My children, I ask you to be examples of true Christian heroism. Be beacons of light, destroying the darkness. I bless you all, together with your dear ones.

15.11.1989 (At home. Wednesday night) Our Father, Our Father! My dear children, you are in my Heart with all those who are working for what is good. Not this world, my children, not this world! May good prevail, justice, love! Hold high the Cross, the Cross of Jesus will save the world with you. You are so loved by Jesus, but so hated by the world. Courage, my children, you know that you are not alone. I bless all those who are now praying with you. I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

22.11.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father. My dear children, I am praying with you. Jesus’ gaze does not leave you and His words do not change. You have listened to me and have encountered His gaze: consolation and hope for you, my dear ones. The ways of the Lord are opening up; may your joy be full, for whoever seeks Him will not be abandoned by Him. Now that you are living through a period of trial, you are experiencing more than ever my maternal tenderness. Share with me this bitterness over a world which is plunging more and more into the darkness. May your prayer be ever stronger; with me, prepare yourselves to experience new days of consolation! Courage, dear children. I bless you all with joy.

24.11.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father, the Son, blessed be the Holy Spirit. My children, the wealth of my Church is: Jesus, His Word, prayer. Persevere in prayer. Do not neglect my teaching. May you have great peace, the peace which I am giving you continuously through my presence among you. Dear children, the time has come closer. May Jesus find you all in faith and peace; He will recognize you because you know Him and love Him. Blessed are those who proclaim His truth with truth; blessed are you if you help me to bring Jesus into the world and to the world. I bless you, my children, and will remain among you.

25.11.1989 (Church of St Martin, 11.50 p.m. Tomorrow the church will be closed to public worship by the pilgrims, pending further ecclesiastical instructions.) Blessed be the Father. Dear children, listen to Jesus! I shall be following you with Jesus. Thank Him for His call to be His. I shall be calling others to join you. Prepare yourselves for the times of Jesus and Mary. I shall be always among you. I bless you.

28.11.1989 Let us pray together. My children, may much spiritual suffering, the sign of dark times bound up with deceptive, lying doctrines, be eased, healed and lightened. Be true to the Cross of Jesus, which will triumph over Hell and will give you eternal joy. Do not doubt my help, but do not run away from the Cross. I bless you, dear children.

6.12.1989 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, if my intervention is rejected, there will be further toleration of sin, which is taking people ever further from the road of Jesus. Your prayer will keep alive in you great trust in the merciful love of the Father, Who continues to pour out His grace upon you. I love you all, dear children. I bless you.

8.12.1989 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Crypt of the Cenacle. This evening, in the Oratory of the Cenacle, l75 persons will consecrate themselves to Our Lady after 7 weeks of preparation). Let us bless and thank the Father. I am your Immaculate Mother. I wish to lead all of you to rediscover innocence of soul in the fullness of the truth. My special love is upon all those who entrust themselves to me by consecrating themselves to my maternal Heart, filled to overflowing with holiness and rejoicing today, with you and for you, in the privilege of my Immaculate Conception. It is my way that I am showing you today, the way of immaculate purity, lit by the purest divine light, so that you too may possess perfect peace. Remain close to me. I bless you, dear children.

13.12.1989 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. Do not feel lonely, my son, do not feel lonely, all of you. You form my troops and I am among you. Many saints and martyrs in Heaven also belong to my hosts. Be patient, merciful. Together with you, I am still awaiting many. Let your prayer remain unflagging; together with the suffering of many good people, may it conquer every evil. Dear children, hold fast to your treasure, Jesus! He will never betray you, but will glorify those who are despised for His sake. Courage, dear children, courage.I bless you all, I bless all your dear ones.

20.12.1989 (Monte di Cristo) May Your Kingdom come, Lord. My children, the great divine Light will come to illumine the mysterious ways, and the children of God will rejoice in it. Every rebellion against the Kingdom of God will be quelled, and His justice will come for all. The divine purifying intervention is already taking place in order to free mankind from the snare of the evil one and from the imminent catastrophe brought about by men through every kind of vice and sin. My children, my intervention on earth is to prepare for a great event and and to invite all to conversion, helping them onto the road of eternal salvation. Let no one avoid my call, for only those who become converted will have salvation. Blessed are you if you work with me and with all those who are worthily preparing the ways for Jesus, the Saviour. I hug you all and bless you.

25.12.1989 Christmas, midnight (at the Crib of the Cenacle) Glory, glory be to the Father. My children, abandon yourselves to joy and hope like children. You are born again with Jesus (1); praise and thank the Father of life. Dear children, every attempt at a reply by man remains this side of the horizon; I am leading you to discover the boundless horizon. Jesus will come, He will come, but the world will not be ready for His coming, it will be unprepared for His judgement. He Who was awaited by the nations is being accepted by only a few. Welcome my Jesus. Give Him the warmth of your hearts. Unite with me in bringing to Him all hearts in the world. I hug you all. I bless you with the Light of the world: Jesus.

(1) From the Office of Christmas: "...while we were spiritually dead in our disobedience, He brought us to life with Christ". (Eph.2:5)

28.12.1989 (Crib at the Cenacle - Youth Group’s final meeting of the year) Blessed be the Lord. My children, I am leading you in the Spirit of God. Jesus will take care of each one of you; I am bringing you to Him every day. See that your hearts are always pure, to be Light, His Light, in the world. I am leading you by the hand, as you have entrusted yourselves to me. Continue with me, dear children. I bless you and embrace you all.

31.12.1989 (Monte di Cristo, midnight) Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I join with your prayer. Open your hearts, God wishes to unite Himself intimately with you; be as He wishes you to be: true! You take pleasure in so many earthly things, but you are not at peace. I exhort you once more to be God-fearing and to walk in His ways; then you will enjoy true peace. Pray that every desecration of the things of God may cease, so that every sorrow is transformed into joy and happiness. Let us thank the Father together. I shall remain with you. I bless you.


3.1.1990 Your Kingdom come, Lord. My son, soon you will see my revelations: remain awake in faith! You know that the children of wealth cannot be pleasing to God. Dear son, what sad desolation there is among men! The Kingdom of the Father is one of justice; beg for His justice among men. Poor mankind, caught up in a frightful plan of death! Poor children, the spectre of sin no longer inspires fear, as faith is lacking! You have now heard my words and you will cry shame; and those who arm themselves with courage along with you, proclaiming my appeal, will have my blessing, and will be worthy to share in the Kingdom of justice of the Father. I bless you.

10.1.1990 Let us pray together. My children, whoever silently mortifies himself will exult with joy. If your word is mine, my wish will be fulfilled through you, my instruments. For the desolation is great, much work is awaiting you. You will tell everyone to return to God, to live in His love; otherwise there will be no salvation. Use your intellect well; you are important in the eyes of the Father. Learn from nature which surrounds you to be true. Even she cries out in protest at so much human iniquity. Do not get lost along the road, my children. Listen to my words! I bless you. I bless all who are praying with you.

19.1.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Come, Lord, we beg you. My children, my Immaculate Heart always receives you with joy. I invite everyone, through your apostolate, to return to the Father’s house. All who trust my maternal Heart will find the way easy; with my loving help, they will find grace as they gain new life in the Holy Spirit! Pray with me, dear children, for it is but a short time before the total breakdown of holy values. You who have entrusted yourselves to me, do not be afraid, you will be with me even in the most difficult moments. I love you, my children, I bless you. I accept your concerns and your prayers.

21.1.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle. Youth Group from Macerata is present.) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, I am praying for you and with you. I come to bless you. I wish to accompany you every day. I desire your holiness. Allow me to repose in your hearts. Open your hearts to me and I will make them my garden! I will bring Jesus with me also, and you will lack nothing more. Dear children, bring me into your homes: I will bless them, I will bless your dear ones. I bless all of you who love me. Thank you, thank you, my children. I bless you once again.

23.1.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and pray to the Father! My children, you are praying, but around you there is a great desert. I am accompanying you every day, I bless and protect you. How I would like everyone to feel me near and entrust themselves to me! Do this, my children! See to it that everything has not been in vain. Thank the Father for so many benefits, for so much grace, for the life that He has given you. I bless you and all your dear ones whom you carry in your hearts because you love them. Thank you, my children, thank you.

24.1.1990 Let us bless the Father. My son, you know how much it saddens me when I see a people who have received everything and have become proud in their wealth! Oh, children, you whom I have called, how many hardened hearts do I see which, even though they have everything, are unable to give thanks. Full of egoism, and with a surfeit of everything, they do not extend their hand, but instead arrogantly murder. It has become the church of man, not the Church of God! The Father will intervene and Jesus will restore splendour to His Church and make the world new again. I bless all of you who listen to me.

28.1.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My children, you honour me with songs, flowers and prayer; I ask you to praise Jesus with all your being. You will be blessed if you give to everyone with your life what I am bringing to you. Believe! Do not delay in bringing the truth to all; everything that I am bringing you is the truth! My children, I know that you wish me to be present among you. I love you and I bless you. I assure you that the whole world will come to know me and, through these places where I am giving my blessing, the whole world will come closer to the truth by living the truth. Jesus, dear children, it is Jesus Whom I am bringing to the world! People need Jesus, and you will help me; together with me you will bring Jesus. Quickly! Start on the works that I have asked of you. I shall be with you as you carry out your work. Do not fear! I shall guide you (...) I bless you, I bless you all.

31.1.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, I see how great the wish is in you for everything to be transformed! You long for a joy that no longer exists. Dear children, your wish is my wish. You have understood my words, but how many do not heed me! I am crying out to a world that has become intoxicated by a false reality. My children, I am preparing the souls of those who do listen, all those who wish to be part of a new time of Light. I ask you to be strong, because in the weakness of creatures hypocrisy becomes strong. I shall walk with my children, those who show themselves to be such. I shall dwell in the hearts of those who listen to me; I shall lead to salvation all those who respond to my call. Courage, my children, I bless you all.

7.2.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Father. Let us pray together. My children, I am weaving my plan of love, uniting the hearts of all those who listen to me with docility, so as to merge them with my Heart. My Immaculate Heart will shine out again on the world; then those who have fought with me to destroy the works of the evil one will celebrate victory. My Church will shine with holiness. We shall prepare the great triumph of Jesus. Be fervent, constant in my school; do not cease your prayer. I bless you, dear children, as I remain with you.

14.2.1990 Glory be to the Father. My children, I will not allow your hearts to be stolen by the enemy, you are mine. In a little time more, other hearts will not resist, they will be melted by the warmth of my love. I am speaking now to you, dear children, as I jealously press you to me; I am speaking to you who were the first to open your hearts, understanding my plan of salvation. You will bear much fruit. I therefore ask you to learn to die to yourselves, so that the Spirit may produce fruits of grace in abundance. Dear children, for every soul that I shall bring with you to the Father, His copious benediction will come down on your families and on the works that we shall perform together. Thank you, my children. I bless you all and all who are praying with you.

28.2.1990 Ash Wednesday (Crypt of the Cenacle ) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, keep in you a longing for the Holy Spirit. Have the desire to renew yourselves every day. I have need of you, but only when you are totally renewed, to send you out into the world, which has become a jungle. For this you must be strong in spirit, so that you do not fall prey to so much wickedness. My children, one more opportunity is being offered to you for your purification: live with me this Lent of penance, and your faith will become strong. I will watch over your faith and bring you with me in triumph. I bless you, dear children, I bless your families, I bless the sick.

7.3.1990 Glory be to the Father. My children, my exhortations will not cease, even if I have now told you everything. I come to recommend to you what Jesus has proposed to you. I come lovingly to melt your hearts, bringing you to Him. Much lack of understanding surrounds you who love me, a sign of contradiction between good and evil. Be true, my children, to every one of my recommendations for doing good. The children of darkness are increasing in the world with their deceptions. Do not delay, but sow the truth widely to all the people whom God is awaiting. Your work, your sacrifice and your prayer will be blessed. Dear children, at the times when I call you, leave every other activity, every preoccupation, and join me. I bless you all.

14.3.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Glory be to the Father for ever. My children, I bring you the Spirit of the Father and the Son, Who enfold me. Respond to God’s love with love; clothe your faith in gentleness; enter into the adorable Sanctuary of the Divinity. Graces in abundance will be granted to you. Peace and blessing upon you, my children, and all your dear ones.

24.3.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during the Novena in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the fifth anniversary of the apparitions) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, may the merciful Jesus dwell in your hearts. Make room for him, freeing yourselves of all ties with the world. Decide to live in purity. Lose no more time, but consecrate yourselves all to my Immaculate Heart. Dear children, for many peoples oppression is today coming to an end and Jesus is triumphantly entering millions of purified hearts, but for a large part of mankind a time of necessary purification is beginning. The Kingdom of the Father will come when every heart has been purified. Thus, whoever has heeded me will have accepted the Father’s invitation. Be true consolers, pray that no soul is lost. Thank you for anticipating the time of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. I hug you all, as I bless you.

25.3.1990 (Monte di Cristo - 5th anniversary of the apparitions) Glory be to the Father. My children, those who worship God in their earthly life will praise Him for eternity. Engrave my words on your hearts! Be with me always. Let no-one try to deprive me of the comfort of having you with me. You are mine! And you are part of my plans of salvation. Thank you, dear children, I bless you and hug you.

4.4.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Father, come to the help of a world in danger. My children, in order that every wound produced by sin may be healed, and that grace may fill every heart, in order that salvation may come, accept my invitation: fast at least once a week, on Friday; renounce the vanities of the world; pray to save every family, to save the young people, all your children. Pray for my consecrated ones, for the Church. Do penance. Listen to me, my children, listen to me. I bless you.

9.4.1990 Monday in Holy Week (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father. My children, may your hope brim over in the power of the Holy Spirit, Who enables every man to call God "Father". He will make you holy; be ever more conscious of His presence in you. I, too, am present and accompanying you on the road. Do not fear the Cross, because it is the Cross of Jesus. Through the Cross comes victory. I bless you.

12.4.1990 Maundy Thursday (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, may the Word of Jesus remain alive in the world. May it continue to live through you, my missionaries. May all people listen to the Word which you will bring, with me. I bless you. I bless my Church, all my consecrated ones.

14.4.1990 Holy Saturday (Monte di Cristo) We give You thanks, Father, and bless You. My children, you who love me, look to the future with hope (...) Tell everyone that God is coming to meet man and it is therefore necessary to make a decision. The Kingdom of God is now still closer: let whoever wishes to belong to it and enter it accept the gift. God awaits just one reply from everyone: "I believe!" Jesus will remain among men to accompany them, helping them with His signs and miracles, inebriating them all with His grace. My children, my plan of love will be fulfilled through my Immaculate Heart and through the mission that my Son Jesus has entrusted to each one of you. Have courage, therefore, receive the peace that I bring you, as I bless you.

15.4.1990 Easter Sunday (Crypt of the Cenacle) Glory be to the Father. My children, I wish to give you the joy and peace of my Heart, that they may be with you all your days. Take them and give them to your dear ones. I bless you.

22.4.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle - This evening begins the course of Consecration to Our Lady, which will end on 3 June, Pentecost.) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, I am close by everyone who seeks me. Like a Mother I protect you: for me, you are all Jesus. I am teaching you to be examples by the will of God. Dear children, in these times a false light is darkening the true Light. Many of my children are abandoning me and turning away from me and, like orphans, are wandering on the paths of the world. They will also remove my images from their homes and from many churches, but I shall remain in your hearts, which love me and are consecrated to me. Just as I have accompanied many children to the Father, so shall I also accompany you, as you have not abandoned me. Courage, my children. I accept your requests for help. I bless you.

22.4.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My dear children, I thank you for what you are doing to bring souls to Jesus. I thank you because you are consecrating so many hearts to my Immaculate Heart. I love you, my children, I am watching over you constantly; I am watching over this House. But you, too, be watchful, because many nights I am sending away from this sacred place those who would like to destroy it. Continue with the works that I have asked of you, do not fear anything. Be committed to each other as you are committed through your works. You know that your enemies are my enemies; stop them but do not send them away; they too will be friends. I ask you, in the meantime, to continue Consecration. I bless you and hug you all.

25.4.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father. My children, by means of you, too, I shall bring the Light of grace to souls. Be my messengers of truth. The plan of love that I am accomplishing in the world at the will of the Father will be clear to all: the victory will be His. Do not fear! My adversary will be able to do nothing against you if you live in perfect love and in my Light. With pleasure, I gladly bless you and embrace you all.

2.5.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us praise and bless the Father. My children, make my Church live. Be holy! The future of the world is already present in you. Fill the infinite space with your praise as you proclaim the glory of God. Be lights burning to attract all, so as to bring about the coming of the Kingdom of my Son, Jesus. Imitate me and you will have grace in abundance. I bless you, my children, I bless you. I bless your dear ones.

6.5.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Your Kingdom come, Lord. My children, turn from what is transitory to what is lasting. I ask you to make reparation for so much evil. For this, you must be numerous, humble, organized. Be docile to God’s will; only then will I be united with you and hear you as you make your petitions. Dear children, Jesus also desires my presence in this House and I rejoice in taking part, with Jesus, in your every meeting. I shall bless my little Community that you are creating here. I delight in the young people I meet here, wonders of divine love. If you do not abandon me, but follow me with courage, the eyes of the world will meet my eyes here, while the Word of Jesus will nourish all. (...) Together you will work for my projects. I shall guide you, my children, I shall guide you. I bless you in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

13.5.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father, the Son, let us bless the Holy Spirit! My children, my Jesus, Whom I nourished and loved so intensely, brought consolation to me by appearing first to me after His Resurrection. With rapture I contemplated His infinite beauty. It was a great joy, liberating, festive, filled with love. Dear children, the enchantment of a radiant day will come to the world when Jesus visits you: make every home beautiful, worthy of Him. I thank you for such great love for my Immaculate Heart.

16.5.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, the wishes of the Father do not conform with your expectations. The greatest testimony that I ask of you is this: that you carry out the will of God fully, without compromises. Dear children, accept my wish to have you with me, renewed and just. I bless you all. I bless your dear ones, all the sick.

20.5.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Blessed be the Father. My children, cultivate your union with God. Forget every earthly consolation; enjoy spiritual consolations, and earthly burdens will become light. My son, I have prayed with you today in these places and my wish has been made known to you through my consecrated beloved son, Father Francesco. Everything you have decided is pleasing to the Father. I thank you and bless you. May the Pope be accompanied every hour by your prayer in every part of the world. Thus will my Church be loved and Jesus, with the Pope, will be acknowledged. I bless you all, my children.

30.5.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Your Kingdom come, Lord. My children, I am remaining close to you, in order that your eyes may be raised towards Heaven, that you may desire from the Father everything that He wishes, and only this. I am praying with you, so that God may become the centre of your happiness and that you may be blessed. Thank you, dear children, for your faith and your prayer. I bless, along with you, all your dear ones.

2.6.1990 Eve of Pentecost (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I bless you, my children. I bring you the Spirit of God. I pray for you, that He may remain always with you. You are aware of my presence because you love me. You delight in my signs (1) and, as you pray, you want me to be near you. Dear children, I wish you to be my signs in the world, and you will be, if you so desire. Together with me, Jesus is uniting Himself with you, and the triumph of my Immaculate Heart is approaching, thanks also to you. Courage, my children, courage. I bless you, I bless all those who are with you in prayer. (1) During this night, at the Cenacle, the water from all the taps inside and outside the house began to emit the "Marian" perfume very intensely. The sign lasted for several days; for this reason many people came to draw water.

3.6.1990 (Church of St Martin, during prayer with a group of those to be consecrated to Our Lady.) We give You thanks, Father, and bless You. My children, may your prayer be the expression of your desire to receive from God the Holy Spirit, Who will pray with you as you persevere and desire God. Dear children, by consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart you will be with me and I will bring you to live in the Light of my world of sweetness. Magnifying the Lord, we shall exult in His Name for ever. Come, my children, and you will live with me. Embracing you all, I bless you.

17.6.1990 (Church of St Martin, with groups from Trieste and Macerata: l40 persons who had come for the Consecration to Mary) My children, may there be no more fear in you, for you have reached me. I have awaited you with trepidation and joy! Let us bless and thank the Father for His loving call, because He is inviting you to be builders of the new mankind. Now give me your hearts; I will guide them towards fidelity and generosity. I will heal every heart that you bring to me. Dear children, mankind is sick with so many spiritual ills, but I can heal them. Work with me, my children, offering me your best; the fate of so many souls is at stake, and these too are dear to the Father. I thank you and hug you as I bless you.

20.6.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, I invite you to be the Church. Be just and true! While I wish to come to the help of mankind, which has lost its way and is threatened by frightful misfortunes, you wish to hear my sweet words and rejoice in them. Dear children, my call is an invitation to all men to return to the house of God through the free choice of good, accepting my motherly advice. Those who respond to my invitation will be my instruments; I shall make use of them for the salvation of the world. Thank you, dear children, because you console me. I bless you all. I bless your dear ones and all those you carry in your hearts.

24.6.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to You, Father. My children, let your faith be genuine, far more precious than gold which perishes. Exult with joy, even if you are oppressed and have to suffer. I shall change the tribulations of your hearts into eternal joy if they are consecrated to me. Dear children, the puerile, lying enemy, the vile concocter of every vice and false hope, has deluded many men, promising a victory that he will never have. Dear children, if you have to weep on account of Jesus, your bliss will be certain. Take refuge now in my Heart and remain with me. I bless you.

27.6.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, God is calling you to be holy through the patient acceptance of your sufferings. I am taking you by the hand, my children, to walk with you on this pilgrimage of earthly life, proudly, immersed in the loving unity of the Most Holy Trinity. Sing a new song with me (1). I will give you consolation with true love that will not fail. I will make the love of God enter every one of my children, welcome it! You are precious because He loves you and wishes to give you His consolation. I bless you all. (1) Cf. Rev. 5:9-14.

4.7.1990 (Monte di Cristo) (Original as written by Renato, who is not conversant with Latin:) Benedictus es Patri. Filus meus omnis homo sive notatus stodiosus caelestis e vocatio. Emendemus immelius quei e gnorandes peccabimus le subito preoccupati di e mortis queramus spazium penitenzie et invenire non possimos. Benedictus magno purus cor vos mater.

(Correct form:) Benedictus est Pater. Filius meus, omnis homo sive votatus studiosus caelestis est vocatus: "emendemus in melius, quae ignoranter peccavimus: ne subito praeoccupati die mortis, quaeramus spatium paenitentiae, et invenire non possimus". (1) Benedictum magnum purum cor vestrae Matris.

(Translation:) Glory be to the Father. My son, everyone, even if he is a regular priest, is called (to do penance): "Let us renew ourselves and make reparation for the evil that we have done in our ignorance: so that death does not surprise us and we do not lack the time to become converted." (1) Blessed is the glorious Immaculate Heart of your Mother. (1) From the Responsory for Ash Wednesday.

11.7.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us invoke the help of the Father. My children, beloved people, I wish to bring you to total healing, to heal you from the grave evil that afflicts all mankind and wounds God’s love. Endeavour to free yourselves from it: remove the will to sin that is in you, and this grave evil will be destroyed, life will become manifest in you. Justify yourselves no longer, but enter into God’s judgement. He alone is rectitude and justice. Dear children, I will help you to fight and will pray with you, so that sin no longer reigns in your earthly bodies. I bless you all.

18.7.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, you are the people of God, called to arrest the subterfuge against the people of God. Continue with determination to pursue your commitment to the Gospel in authentic truth. Mankind, weighed down with errors and sufferings, awaits its healing. Dearly beloved children, many false, deceiving prophets are setting themselves up in place of Jesus. You can recognize them by observing their fruits of disorder and division. Do not allow yourselves to become confused; continue in prayer; I am near you. I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

25.7.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Pray with me to the Father. My children, you can do nothing without God. Shun all pride and accept the mildness that I wish to infuse into you. Let your hope be founded on the power of God; only then will you become docile instruments and understand my solicitous plan of salvation for all mankind, and you will be my helpers in preparing this time of Advent. Dear children, if you accept my invitation, I will make you new evangelizers for the world, which needs Jesus more and more. I bless you and am accompanying you every day.

1.8.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, make what I am bringing you a treasure for your souls. Great is my love for you, it is a gift of the Father. Go forward every day in faith; be open to what is holy; live this time in grace, see that it is not squandered. Do not be prisoners of the earth, but walk towards Heaven, living and speaking the language of the Gospel of Jesus. I bless you all and all those you carry in your hearts.

15.8.1990 Solemnity of the Assumption (Monte di Cristo) (This evening, the statue of Our Lady in St Martin’s is carried for the first time from the church to Monte di Cristo. The exquisite Marian perfume fills the air inside and outside the church. Some 2,000 of the faithful are present. The procession leaves at 8.45 p.m., after a violent storm, followed by the sign of a rainbow in the sky.) Let us bless the Lord. I bless you, my children. During this time of grace I have helped you by increasing your faith, so that the grace of God may fill you and His will may be done in you. Dear children, feel that you are all loved by God and, with all the freedom that is yours, give Him your "yes". You too will be blessed if you keep His teaching in your hearts. What took place in me will also take place in you. May your Credo overcome the kingdom of darkness. My Jesus is the Son of God! Tell everyone. I will console you in this abode and accompany you to life eternal. Thank you, dear children, you who accept my teaching, you will be with me. I bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

19.8.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. You who are pliantly carrying out my maternal desire will enjoy the happiness reserved for my true children. You were extinguished lamps and I have re-lit you with a divine light. I have removed you from a rebellious world and included you among the hosts of those obedient to God. I shall never again abandon you, my children, if you keep alight the light that I have given you, so as to be exemplary spouses, parents, children, Church. Your "yes" to the Mother has been presented to my Jesus, so that He may give it weight before the Father. I am accompanying you as I bless you, along with your dear ones.

22.8.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, be united in prayer! Your Mother is appealing to you once again: walk with me, turning away from the road of ruin and hell. Give me your "yes", all of you, and my action will be effective. Do not let yourselves be deceived by a false hope; seek the peace of God; do not be deluded by other promises. Listen to me and decide to take the only road of God. I bless you and hug you. I bless all your dear ones.

27.8.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, you are among the closest to me and live in peace. With me, you will give peace to everyone. The sufferings that afflict you daily stem from the great wickedness that Satan and his followers are creating in the world. When will men decide to live in peace? Dear children, check every heresy! Spread abroad my cry: God alone is true peace! I bless you all. I thank you and give you true peace in all its fullness.

29.8.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, let your souls no longer be confused. I have remained among you for a long time, but you have not always been able to keep alive the fire of God that I have brought you. It is important that you should understand the purpose of my call. God’s action has taken effect in your hearts by means of me. I have brought you to Him Who came for your sake. Rejoice, dear children, God reigns! Bear witness, therefore, to this great joy. Do not walk in sadness any longer. Go and console all the people with confused hearts and proclaim to them true salvation! Rorate coeli desuper.... (1) Courage, my children. When sin has been completely destroyed, then all the children of God will sing: "He has done great things for us". I hug you all and bless you.

1) "Drop down dew, heavens, from above... (from Introit for Sundays in Advent. Cf. message of 25 July 1990).

5.9.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father. My children, you who are attentively following my teaching, thank you! You know that you have passed from prophecy to fulfilment, and truth has been freed from injustice. The Kingdom of God has appeared to you and the Heavens have been given to you for ever. Glory be to God. Grace, peace, salvation and God’s benevolence be with you. Dear children, I shall allow none of you to be lost, because what awaits you is great. Let men’s eyes be turned away from the abyss. I shall carry you all higher, where you will find the love of the Father and, with me, will continue to love Him. I hug you all and bless you. Bring me to all your dear ones, bring me into all your families. I bless you all.

8.9.1990 Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, be, in grace, an eternal song of praise. My constant presence among you is to release the chains that have shackled the world and to reveal to all men the secret of God’s glory. (1) Dear children, from now onwards no longer make your petitions with groans of supplication; you will receive everything from God, glorifying His Name. Bless the Name of the Lord always and for ever. Now go, and set the world alight with the fire of His glory. May all men find again the true power of the Holy Spirit. May you all become a Church renewed. I bless you all.

(1) Cf. "...aperiatur terra et germinet Salvatorem" (let the earth be opened and bud forth a Saviour) - (Introit for Sundays of Advent)

16.9.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Bless the Lord with me. My children, if you have truly risen from sin to grace, the Holy Spirit now dwells in you. And when He resurrects (from sin) each of your mortal bodies, speak clearly to everyone through your lives, so that no sepulchre remains closed. As you savour this great joy, you are experiencing the joyand the foretaste of Jesus’ coming. The certainty of His coming is the only source of joy and hope. And you are living in this joy and hope! Be strong, my children, prepared for every event. Many of my signs have not been accepted, hence the world will have to experience other signs, but I shall not be in those signs, because they are not desired by me. Pray and call all men of good will to prayer. I bless you and will remain with you.

19.9.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, now seek God and entrust yourselves to His fatherly goodness. The Kingdom of God is worth more than anything! Therefore give it priority and show this in your lives. Imprint His perfection on your hearts; He will make you capable of attaining His Kingdom. Leave behind all forms of servitude, clothe yourselves in good and justice. Accept, with your freedom, the most beautiful aspect of life, which is God’s perfection. My children, follow this road which I am now illuminating for you, blessed creatures. I hug you all and bless you. I bless your dear ones.

26.9.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, do not look for time in time. This is your time! Continue in my school, giving my troops ever new life: together we will praise God. A great part of this beautiful world created by Him despises Him, the Creator, and is running desperately towards Satan. Jesus is Lord! He died for the sins of mankind, He rose again for the lives of men. The Kingdom of God has come for you. Let your every word now be animated by the power of the Holy Spirit. My children, the Father’s merciful design for you is sending you to reach other men, all men. Go with the same obedience that Jesus showed and each word of yours will be animated by the power of the Holy Spirit. Divine authority will be at work in your apostolate and your words will transfix hearts. Dear children, make my teachings your own. Thank you for what you are doing and will do. I bless you once more, accepting the desires of your hearts.

30.9.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle. A few hours earlier, the project for the construction of a large "House", as requested by Our Lady on 25 March l986, was presented to the public.) Glory be to You, Lord. My children, your every labour will be recompensed. Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus, the Father admires His creation, which is becoming better. Accept the great gift that Jesus has made you by calling you to work with me in the world. Do not boast now, dear children, but boast only in the Lord! May this be your boast. The works that result from your faith will be great. A seed has been given to you, my children, a single seed in the world that produces a tree capable of making the one who possesses it rich. And you possess it! Take trouble over good works, for they bear the Name of Jesus. I bless every one of your works, as I bless each of you responsible for them. Thank you, my children, for making yourselves available to me.

3.10.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, give thanks to the Most Holy Trinity, now and for ever. Rejoice together, in the name of the Lord, for the great things that have been accomplished in me for you also. Continue to take your example from me so as to achieve total transformation in Jesus and become holy. I will continue to reflect my light on the entire people of God, as a sign of hope and consolation, until the day of the Lord comes. Thank you, dear children, for having followed my teaching. Continue! Feel my constant presence here. In this sacred place I shall receive your every prayer. Do not abandon these places. I greet you and bless you. I bless all your dear ones.

7.10.1990 (Church of St Martin, during the Consecration to Our Lady of two groups from Caldiero and San Bonifacio - Verona) Let us glorify the Lord. My children, by consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart you are entrusting yourselves to me. I wish you to divest yourselves of your own desires, then I will take you by the hand and lead you to Jesus. Your life will change direction, for He will establish a new order in you, giving you true freedom which destroys every kind of slavery. Promise to remain close to me also by praying the holy Rosary. I will remove every danger from you. I bless you and embrace you all.

21.10.1990 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Lord. My children, what basis do you wish to give to your lives? Either you live for yourselves or you live for the Lord. Do not neglect the promises you made when consecrating yourselves to me, to my maternal Heart. There is no time-limit to your period of Christian example. Be examples all your lives. I will continue to walk with you. Remain united in charity. I bless you, Jesus blesses you. A special caress for the young people here present.

24.10.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, now make your hearts bigger; you who believe possess eternal life. You enjoy the gift in the same hope, sharing joy with your brothers. Support each other with love and seek to preserve love. Keep your differences in proportion. Let God and His grace be sufficient for you. I am with you to alleviate each one of your sufferings. Listen to me! I bless you all. I bless your dear ones.

31.10.1990 Eve of the feast of All Saints (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, with me in the Kingdom of the Father are the exemplary souls who were made holy by Him. Imitate them in your lives! Do not squander your time making yourselves wise in the things of this world! Remain in the service of the Spirit, seek God alone, Who wishes to make you holy. I am always with you. I bless you. I bless your dear ones and all those you wish to bring and entrust to me.

7.11.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, make what I tell you your treasure: may my word be your light; in this time of conversion run forward to meet the Lord; free yourselves of your own wisdom; clothe yourselves in humility, still more humility, so that the Lord can give you His wisdom. Keep your children under God’s gaze. Consecrate yourselves all to my Immaculate Heart: I promise you my protection. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones, your families.

14.11.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Lord together. My children, continue now to combat sin by the greatest of all means: by acknowledging and praising God! No gift of grace is lacking any longer for you who are with Jesus. Released from the law of sin, you are the first fruits of the Spirit Who has been given to you so that you can pray; by praying, you will move forward to full redemption. Your prayer will be efficacious because it is helped and guided by the Spirit. Dear children, allow yourselves to be led by me, who love you so much. I hug you and bless you.

21.11.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father for ever. My children, all my appeals are aimed at helping you to walk towards holiness; for this reason I invite you, dear children, to put them into practice every day. Welcome my most pure light in your spirits and you will be a light for the world. How many children are on the road to perdition! How many say they are mine, yet are fighting me! I wish to offer the possibility of salvation through those who are heeding me; be mine, therefore! We shall carry the message of Jesus to the world: the news of eternal life. I hug you all and bless you.

28.11.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, I will remain close to you and will never abandon you. All those who have been consecrated to me have entered my Immaculate Heart; they will enjoy the peace of Jesus and my maternal help for ever. Dear children, I am making you strong in faith, persevering in the struggle against evil. By yourselves, you will not be able to remain unscathed by the demonic perversion that is flooding the world. You have all been entrusted to me. I wish to lead you all to eternal life. Listen to me and you too will live where I live. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones and all those you love.

2.12.1990 (Church of St Martin, in the course of prayer during the Consecration to Our Lady of 137 persons from Trieste and Macerata) Let us glorify the Lord. My children, God has entrusted a precise mission to each of you, hence you are precious to Him and his divine plan. Thank you, dear children, for trusting me today by consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. I shall lead you in His love day by day and teach you to serve Him in your calling, so that you are witnesses to the truth, guarding your baptism in irreproachable manner. Today you will join my praying ranks: we shall pray together that the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus may triumph, along with my Immaculate Heart. Dear children, take me with you into your homes, to bless your dear ones and protect your families. I hug you all and bless you.

8.12.1990 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Church of St Martin. Consecration to Our Lady of 182 persons after five weeks of preparation at the Cenacle of Prayer, Schio) Glory be to the Father for ever. Rejoice, my children! This is a day of light and, as you consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, you will pass beyond the horizon: I shall bring you to find the grace that I have found; I shall share with you the joy and grandeur of the divine gift, so that you may experience eternal life here. My children, I am about to embrace the most beautiful gift that you are making me today: your hearts will enter my maternal Heart; I will join you to my ranks, calling you my beloved children. I hug you all and bless you.

12.12.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Lord. My children, you are all loved by God because He delights in you. His first great gift is your very existence. I ask you to reflect on this, so that you can love Him with gratitude. Today I ask of you who listen to me penance and reparation for so many offences to His great love. Dear children, tremble in the face of sin and every wickedness committed by men! Pray with me and glorify the Lord. I bless you all.

24.12.1990 (Crib at the Cenacle, 11.50 p.m.) Glory be to the Father for ever. My children, I rejoice with you in this night of light which is welcoming the day of life. Let the earth no longer be a wasteland, for now the Divinity dwells among you in the fullness of grace and truth.(1) May the salvation that comes from the Lord be your joy. Dear children, abandon yourselves to the reality of Jesus (2), so that you too can be bearers of a message that is more powerful than all the sources of sadness, as it is a message of love, peace and eternity. Abandon yourselves to the reality of Jesus and give thanks to the Father with me: do this for all people on earth. I embrace you all and bless you.

(1) Cf. Jn 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us... full of grace and truth".

(2) Cf. Col. 2:17 "all such things are only a shadow of things in the future: the reality is Christ".

26.12.1990 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, live a life filled with pure, disinterested love, remaining united with Jesus, and you will be victorious over every evil. Share with me your every suffering and difficulty, every joy and consolation: everything is a gift of God for you! May you be encouraged by my special maternal closenessand my continuous prayer for you, whom I love so much. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

30.12.1990 (Church of St Martin, during prayers on the occasion of the Consecration to Our Lady of 121 persons from Jesolo and Treporti - Venice) Glory be to the Father for ever. My children, as I bless you I am opening up for you today the gates of my Immaculate Heart to welcome you and make you mine as you desire. Abandon yourselves to me with great confidence; I will give you purity of heart so that you can meet Jesus. I will keep you away from the fire of Hell and never forsake you until you enter Paradise with me. Make my promises known to everyone: whoever is consecrated to me will find salvation. I bless you and hug you all.

 31.12.1990 (Monte di Cristo, during prayer after the Stations of the Cross in the final hours of the year) Glory be to You for ever, O Father. My children, blessings and grace be upon you who accept each of my invitations of love. Remain with me also in the new time. The present has become grave and serious! The future of those who have rejected God is becoming uncertain and dangerous. Dear children, these are the hours of Jesus’ new crucifixion. Love Him and embrace Him with me. Do not fear, for however great the dangers may be, even greater will be the graces for you who love Him. Peace, peace be in all hearts, my children, peace! I bless you and hug you all. It would appear that the weeping of the statuette on that first occasion on December 28, 1987 was not sufficient: on 31 December 1990, in the afternoon, the Infant Jesus wept again for over three hours in the cradle housed in a glass case in the chapel of the Cenacle. The many people who observed this sign were amazed and moved by this further prodigy from Heaven aimed at touching the hardened hearts of us human beings.


2.1.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, I thank you for trying to live my message. How many heedless children do not accept my word and, in their indifference, continue along the road to their tragic end. Your prayer will be the call for them to awaken, that they may return to their Father’s house; there they will also find the loving gaze of the Mother who is waiting for them. I am praying with you each day, dear children, let us continue together. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

14.1.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle. The following day, the UN ultimatum to Iraq expired.) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, may the Spirit of peace fill you and give you serenity and peace. A world allied to Satan is striking and bringing disorder to the world. The devil is working unceasingly to destroy everything. Few in these recent times have impeded him, since they live with lies and on lies. You, though, seek the truth, because it is part and parcel of love. Dear children, good will be victorious. My troops in prayer will annihilate evil! And you, remain united with my troops. Courage, my children, courage. I shall remain with you. I bless you.

16.1.1991 (Monte di Cristo - after the start of war in the Persian Gulf) Let us worship and glorify the Lord. My children, I have helped you to have an authentic experience of God by sharing in His joy. Now I say to you: do not be sad, let your joy be the strength that comes from God. Once again I invite all of you to take refuge in the temple of my Immaculate Heart, in order to watch, pray and implore God’s mercy. You will not find joy in a sad world of anxiety and fear. Dear children, remain as before with Him Who has overcome the world: may He be with you, and let that be sufficient for you. I bless your dear ones.

23.1.1991 (Monte di Cristo) My children, I bless you. Thank you for being with me and following me generously. Through you I am calling everyone to a firm and lasting conversion. Let all mankind accept my invitation and the offer of my help. Dear children, there is nothing that I would not do for you, but I shall be able to do nothing without the faith of my children. The purification can be mitigated by conversion, by prayer and by making sacrifices. Do not follow any other initiative that may be proposed to you, for only God is peace! May love and peace be with you all. I bless you, once again I bless you.

27.1.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Pierced Heart of Jesus, we wish to console you. My dear children, for a long time I have been inviting you to a new life, and, through you, I have invited the world to live a life of grace with Jesus; but the world, the men of the world, are working for the destruction of all that is good. My heart, too, is saddened to see this. My dear children, what desolation! Console Jesus by offering all your difficulties; offer sufferings and prayer and draw ever closer to Him. I thank you and bless you. I bless each of your undertakings.

2.2.1991 (Church of St Martin, during prayer on the occasion of the Consecration to Mary of 165 persons from Merano and Bolzano) Let us thank and glorify the Father. My dear children, the Holy Spirit has acted in you and has called you through my call. With your "yes", my Immaculate Heart welcomes you, to beat with your hearts. I shall awaken in your hearts the grace to love which God has given you, so that you may love with the same love as God. I will make you centres from which His love will radiate, for you are God’s handiwork. Dear children, offer with me today a hymn of glory to the Lord, Who has called you to sanctification as you consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. I bless you all.

6.2.1991 (Monte di Cristo. War in the Middle East continues.) Let us praise and glorify the Father. My children, may the Holy Spirit help you to discover wisdom of heart, so that you may be a force for peace and that all hearts may be united in peace. Dear children, follow my advice with love. Do not conform to the world, which diffuses the opposite of the beatitudes; live a life of grace: do not only make sacrifices, but make your life a sacrifice. Be joined with me in prayer, to adore, give thanks and make reparation. I bless you. I bless all those who are praying with you.

8.2.1991 (Church of St Martin) Glory be to the Father. Children, my journey with you began in this place, so dear to me. But more precious to me are you, dear children,God’s creatures, beloved and unique. Be docile, faithful, and my work as Mediatrix of Grace will continue. Allow yourselves to be formed by me and by Jesus. Jesus has need of exemplary men to spread eternal life in the world through salvation. Too many souls are being lost, my children! These too are unique children of God. Have courage, more courage, to do what I have asked of you. Fill every day with good fruits.Thank you. I bless you.

13.2.1991 Ash Wednesday (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray to the Father together. My children, welcome this time of Lent and make it your own, that you may be justified by God. Now is the time for you to make wonderful works blossom forth, that will enrich your lives and the Church. This is the time for your penance. Dear children, God has won you back at a great price, and He will not permit the ruin of His creation. Eradicate in yourselves any possibility of vainglory, may He alone be your boast! Let everything be offered as a living sacrifice to Him. Let nothing of the world belong to you; God is awaiting you poor and purified. I shall be close to you at this time, close to you in silence. I bless you all.

17.2.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle, Sunday) (Our Lady appeared in silence.)

20.2.1991 (Monte di Cristo, Wednesday) (Our Lady appeared in silence.)

27.2.1991 (Monte di Cristo, Wednesday) (Our Lady appeared in silence.)

3.3.1991 (Church of St Martin, during prayer on the occasion of the Consecration to Mary of 155 persons from Reggio Emilia, Chioggia, Verona, Cornedo, Treviso and Bressanvido) (The Blessed Virgin said only a few words of encouragement and blessing.)

6.3.1991 (Monte di Cristo, Wednesday, during the Stations of the Cross) (Our Lady appeared in silence.)

13.3.1991 (Monte di Cristo, during the Wednesday Stations of the Cross) (Our Lady appeared in silence)

22.3.1991 (Monte di Cristo, during the Stations of the Cross) (Our Lady appeared in silence.)

24.3.1991 (Church of St Martin, during prayer on the occasion of the Consecration to Mary of 108 persons from Saccolongo (PD) and district) (Our Lady appeared in silence and gave her blessing)

25.3.1991 Monday in Holy Week (Monte di Cristo, sixth anniversary of Mary’s apparitions at St Martin’s) (Our Lady appeared in silence.)

27.3.1991 Wednesday in Holy Week (Monte di Cristo) My children, what great consolation comes from the Cross of Jesus! A purifying ablution for those who desire His friendship. Adore the Cross. Embrace the Cross with me. I bless you.

29.3.1991 Good Friday (Monte di Cristo) During the prayers, Our Lady said: I am the Mother of all consolation.

3.4.1991 Easter week (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify and bless the Father. My children, be filled with delight in the wonders of God. The destinies of mankind now extend into eternity. His justice has been revealed and you will achieve justification through your faith. Dear children, treasure the privilege of being children of God. May everything that is evil orient the world towards the truth, and may truth illumine the world, so that the union of all hearts in the love of God may be achieved. Let your hearts now rejoice! Glorify the Lord with me. The Son, my Jesus, is now with you; may His peace fill you and be with you every day. I bless you all and embrace you. I bless all your dear ones.

10.4.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, have confidence in your heavenly Mother. Support my plan. Today I say to you: be ready to do the will of God, for your docility will be precious. Proclaim to everyone that Jesus is Lord. Those who believe in His Resurrection will see His glory. Let every knee bend before His might. Do not go on living passively in the shadow of clouds that hide the light from you. Continue to accept my maternal help, which lights up your way and will make every desert bloom. I hug you all and bless you.

17.4.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, may my words be seeds of life,and may they find life in the hearts of all those of good will,so that the Lord may gather every delicious fruit to His honour and glory. Be close to me, all of you. Be courageous in your witness. Do not be disturbed by the upheavals in the world’s order; my help and the intervention of the Holy Spirit will arouse in the souls of the good the will and the strength to face the future, which will bring victory. Let your prayer be a testimony, and truth will be stronger and grace more abundant. Jesus will surprise many who have never expected Him, and He will satisfy all who invoke His help. I will not abandon you. I bless you all.

24.4.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father. My children, I am joined with you and with all who are praying. Once again I invite you to persevere in prayer and serious commitment as children of God. Dear children, it is no longer excusable that God should still be unknown to many. It is now urgent to bring Jesus and His peace to people throughout the world. Let all those who are united with me find strength and courage to re-awaken every soul. My great love for you will soon take every suffering from you, so accept the gift of my Immaculate Heart, the means which the Father offers to you for everyone to come to Him. I love you and hug you as I bless you.

29.4.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. Dear children, do not let yourselves become downcast by the fall and mistakes of many. They will all perish in their sins. Never has the situation of Jesus’ Church been so very pitiful. You, my dear children, must be like a rock, do not break up! It will be enough for you to be united with me and nothing will be able to destroy you. The world will tremble for not having listened to me. Be a rock! I thank you for loving me and defending me. I bless you.

1.5.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, the prayer that you offer every day is pleasing to me. Many people have made the earth their heaven. You have understood my insistent call. The language of the Gospel is disappearing and a grave danger is approaching: the elimination of Christianity and religion. Dear children, the most generous response to my appeal comes from you who feel the need for my help. I bless you, I bless all your dear ones.

11.5.1991 (Church of St Martin, during the Consecration to Our Lady of 70 persons from Macerata - Ascoli Piceno) Let us glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, today the Heavens are rejoicing with you. By dedicating yourselves to me, you will enter my Immaculate Heart. I, too, wish to entrust each one of you with a task so that, by your example, you may accompany many souls to God, teaching them the road that you have taken. I will be near you and will help you. Thank you for your "yes". I bless you all, and all those you carry in your hearts.

12.5.1991 (Church of St Martin, during the Consecration to Our Lady of 75 persons from Trieste and Macerata) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of your Mother, where you will find sure protection. Entrust yourselves completely to me. Today you are not only consoling me, but are filling the Heavens with joy. I join you today to my ranks; together we shall work for the salvation of all the souls whom Jesus is awaiting. Thank you, my children, thank you. I hug you all and bless you.

15.5.1991 (Monte di Cristo, during the Novena for Pentecost) Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, you will help me, so that good will rule the world. You should know that I can see where you cannot see, therefore let yourselves be guided by me in true faith. My children, the Spirit of Truth will bring to life new charisma in you. Accept God’s gift and bring it with love to the world which is in need of Him. May all men be filled with love for God. May prayer help you to submit to His will. I bless you all and embrace you. I shall be with you tomorrow.

19.5.1991 Solemnity of Pentecost. (Church of St Martin. Consecration to Mary of 237 persons after five weeks of preparation) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. - Laeti bibamus sobriam ebrietatem Spiritus (1) My children, I wish to inebriate you with the Holy Spirit, in order to direct your souls upwards, making your daily walk towards holiness more easy. Dear children, enter the garden of my Immaculate Heart. I will give you my power to love, so that you may love and, yourselves enlightened, bring light to the people of God through the same gift. Do not desert me any more, but continue to enjoy the happiness that you are enjoying today. I bless you and hug you. I bless all those whom you hold in your hearts.

(1) (May Christ be our food / may faith be our drink) - Let us drink with joy the sober inebriation of the Spirit.- (From St Ambrose’s hymn, Matins of Monday)

29.5.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father My children, my presence in the world will make every part of it holy. Wherever I set foot I will leave an imprint of peace. Feel my presence, children, and open your hearts to me;accept my help, which will obtain for you resurrection through the hope, full of certainty, that I am giving you. I am the Mother of Hope. I bless you all. I bless your dear ones, your families.

15.6.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle. The Youth Group is present.) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, a generous response to my invitation is coming from you, my young children; you are gladdening my maternal Heart. You too, be joyful, knowing that your filial love is transforming my tears into a smile. Be ever more generous in love, so as to become examples, to be the leaven that will make other young people grow: so many young people who are far from me, in a life that is fading. My children, I will be close to you, always close. I need you! Jesus blesses you, and I bless you.

16.6.1991 (Church of St Martin, on the occasion of the Consecration to Our Lady of 60 persons from Trento and Portogruaro) Let us glorify the Father. My children, Jesus wishes to grant favours and graces through His Mother at this special time; and I am bringing you the Holy Spirit, Who will heal all your infirmities and give you light to become missionaries for the conversion of the world. My children, my Immaculate Heart is waiting for you; come and dwell for ever in my maternal Heart. I await you all. I bless you. I bless your dear ones.

19.6.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father. My children, you should know that everyone who has come to know Jesus is responsible for His presence in the world. I have brought Jesus to you and have given Him to you. Now, with humility and confidence, place your actions and your words at the service of God and your brothers. May you be filled with joy at having come to know Him. My children, learn how to rid yourselves of all self-interest; only thus can your lives be given to God and your hearts made open to the grace that will enable youto look with confidence at this world of yours and the people who need Jesus. I remain close to you. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

3.7.1991 (Monte di Cristo) My children, pray to be able to submit your will to God, and welcome the signs of His love. Welcome Jesus, Who frees you from every sin. My children, be witnesses, and you will help me to bring Jesus to the whole world, which has fallen into sickness and death on account of sin. Jesus comes with me to free His people and to make His victory manifest. My troops will find grace and, strengthened by prayer, will, with Jesus, win every battle against decadence and the destruction of the Faith. Dear children, the hardness of many hearts is delaying the time of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. For this reason I ask you to pray and offer your sufferings, caused by rejection and indifference to my maternal appeals. Pray that everyone may heed me and know that there will not be peace and life in the world until the hearts of all people become open to grace. I bless you and hug you all.

13.7.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during the Consecration of a number of persons to Our Lady) Glory be to the Father. My children, you are the instruments for my maternal plan of salvation. Thank you for consoling me by agreeing to work with me; together we shall bring the work of creation back to its splendour, leading everyone to sanctification. May your faithfulness to God grow daily through prayer and filial example. You, too, are now in my Heart. I hug you and bless you.

17.7.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify and bless the Father. My children, I come to bless you all, to bless your dear ones, to thank you for accepting the teaching of my love, an interior experience that fills you with joy and comfort. I am helping you to purify and renew your faith and to find yourselves again. I am obtaining for you the gift of the Holy Spirit, Who makes it easy for you to accept the word of God which will give you life, so that, through you, the whole earth may be enlightened and Jesus’ great wish be accomplished: that His love be cultivated in everyone. Your prayer will be your strength. I hug you all and bless you once again.

20.7.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, it is my wish that faith, your faith, should be found in everyone! Thank you for allowing yourselves to be guided by me, receiving the maternal gift of my words. In these places I shall now prepare the leaders of my troops and, in silence, I shall send them with wisdom to awaken the world seduced by Satan, to convert it and give it back to God by prayer and penance. If you listen to my words, I will make you burn with zeal to save many souls and to give splendour to God’s Sanctuary. I bless you and hug you.

24.7.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, every one of my loving interventions in the world is part of God’s will. In the hearts of those who welcome me I can prepare an intimate living tabernacle, where my Jesus can dwell and be loved. Many have accepted my words and will enjoy the fruits of grace. Many of my calls have, however, fallen on the arid ground of other hearts and do not germinate, do not bear fruit. You who pay heed to me, work with me and we shall rescue mankind which has been afflicted by a torrent of evil; we will immerse the world in a torrent of grace. Be hearts of good will. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

31.7.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father. My children, blessings and grace in abundance for those who are clothed in the justice of God. In order that Hell may no longer have power over your souls, which are the fruit of the Sacrifice of blood, I am not remaining simply a spectator of such devastation, but am intervening and inviting you to listen to me and join me. You will meet me in grace and live with me in prayer. My troops are walking in God’s holy ways, and the victory that will come with the triumph of Jesus’ Church will be the greatest of all times. My children, all of you, decide to work with me. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

7.8.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father. Children, my help and my maternal love will not forsake you. Through me, offer yourselves entirely to God every day. I will ensure that grace is not lacking, even if your fervour is weakened because of visible things which exercise a seductive power over you, making you forget that they are things that last but a moment; their beauty makes them seem eternal to the spirit, which is still a slave to material things. You should realize, instead, how their attraction fades from day to day. Dear children, do not continue to keep your gaze fixed on them, for they are dangerous vanities which are now threatening the very sources of human life. The qualities of life are now at stake, and God’s jealous love for men is being defied by men. Pray with me, that the forces of evil may no longer have power over the world. I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

14.8.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father. My children, I thank you, I thank all those who have received me with a ready heart. Carry my call to everyone. Do not let my words remain just on your lips, but let them become part of your life. Be watchful, for the dark works of evil are hindering the advance of the Kingdom of God. May you be God’s praise and glory! Dear children, realize that I have gone before you at your every step; thus I shall show myself to be stronger than any divisive work of the evil one. Entrust yourselves to me and, just as I have opened the gates of life for you, so will I open the gates of Paradise for you. I now entrust to you each one of my recommendations, that you may bring it to fulfilment, to the glory and praise of the Lord: Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh! (1) My blessing will continue to come upon you and all you love. You too, bless as I bless you.

(1) Holy, Holy, Holy! (Hebrew)

27.8.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father. My children, the times that I have foretold to you are beginning here, in this time. Be strong, and in prayer you will find strength and be able to ward off your flagellation. Combat evil forcefully! Save the Church! You now have Jesus with you and He will guide you. I, too, shall be near you and give you strength at this time. I shall be with you every day. I bless you.

22.9.1991 (Church of St Martin) Let us pray and invoke the help of the Father. My children, I invite you to remain close to me, so that everyone may return to the Word of God, the inexhaustible source of love, as you await the Kingdom. With Jesus, I will teach you to live not only a commitment of faith but also a commitment of life. Every acceptance of me by men and by the Church will now depend on you. I have already taught you how to bear witness. Witness with truth and dedication. I bless you and remain close to you.

26.9.1991 (Crypt of the Cenacle) My children, He will exalt you in the time of the visitation. Because you will be living by your faith, you will see the day of the Lord. Dear children, be always true, and you will overcome all the false piety that exists in the world. Be echoes of Jesus’ call, and you will receive both response and consolation. The signs are already present, they are being given to arouse the sleeping and lukewarm and cause them  to reflect, and to convert the impious; everything is now in place, everything has already begun. My presence among you now is the final anchor of salvation sent by God, but it is not being accepted by men. Wait, and a great sign will be given by Heaven to the world. Then many will be glorified, others will be converted, but those who do not acknowledge it will fall into eternal damnation. I shall not abandon you. My children, I thank you for your faith. I bless you.

2.10.1991 Feast of the Guardian Angels (Monte di Cristo) My children, you are God’s army. The hour of darkness is falling on mankind, but the devil fears the Angel’s salutation which you repeatedly say in the ‘Hail Mary’, so much does he fear my presence. For this reason, I am asking you to remain with me. Dear children, the disaster would have already occurred if many well disposed souls had not practised prayer. Pray, then, and I shall be with you. I bless you all.

9.10.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My dear children, Jesus’ and my love is able to save everything. Think of this great wonder and come, all of you, to share in this love. The devil is profaning love, sowing discord among the people of God, threatening the whole world with death. Dear children, repeat today your promise and the offer of your constant prayer, and I will watch over you with love, protecting you from every danger. Let all men believe, because the time of danger has already arrived. I bless you.

16.10.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father. My children, I ask you to persevere and be confident of the final victory. Evil will be overcome by the power that comes from your prayer. Defend jealously what I have entrusted to you, because it is a great gift. Be worthy of it, and you too will be able to contribute to the Redemption. Look at me, therefore, and my Light will make you shine and you will be a joy and consolation for the whole Church. Great is my love for you all. Bring my consolation to your dear ones, to all who are suffering. I bless you and embrace you.

23.10.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father. My children, with joy and love I receive you in my maternal heart. All who glorify God are welcomed by me and, like a hymn of perfect glorification, I offer them to the Most Holy Trinity. May your praise and the offering of your sufferings and afflictions be unceasing; victory over them lies in prayer and silence, which will overcome them and transform them into grace. Dear children, the offering of your sufferings, joined with prayer, will have eternal value in your lives. Imitate the Father’s love for you and Jesus’ love for the Father, and you will attain the perfection of children of God. My son, how greatly I desire and trust that there may soon be in the liturgical year of my Church a votive feast dedicated to God the Father, Father of the Bridegroom. I bless you all, dear children, and with you all who are suffering.

30.10.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, I thank you for remaining close to me. You who believe must bring closer all who do not believe; together, put my exhortations into practice, persevering in prayer. Pray, pray, to wipe out the grave sin of betrayal committed against God through disregard of His Word. Dear children, be strong in your resistance and you will live in the renewed and purified world. Do not fear the coming of Jesus, but make sure that you are at your posts. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

1.11.1991 All Saints’ Day; Eve of All Souls’ Day (Monte di Cristo) Praise be to the Father for ever. My children, my work is continuing. You are now the object of my loving attention. Blessed are you who have accepted my appeals. You will be happy for eternity if you put them into practice. Dear children, the souls who have reached Heaven today thank you and will pray for you who have prayed. I bless you and embrace you all.

6.11.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father together. My children, I bless you and thank you for every moment of love that you can give. My maternal Heart rejoices when you run to me and let me console you. With my consolation I give you the grace to be able to console also. Dear children, I come to visit you with joy; all of you together are my Jesus. Again I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

9.11.1991 (Church of St Martin) Bless the Lord with me. My children, great is your desire to hear me, to see me. But I tell you: when each one of you has understood the real purpose of my call, he will then have found the true joy of life, and my presence will no longer be the most important thing for you: the Supreme Good will then be in you. I thank you and bless you. I bless all who visit these places.

13.11.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Lord. My children, you are the people of God: you can now demonstrate the beauty of the Christian vocation. Dear children, I invite you to leave aside the intoxication that the world offers, obliging you to live at an inferior spiritual level. Seek the life of grace; experience the intoxication of the Holy Spirit, and thus have a foretaste of the glory of Paradise. You will be like Jesus if you have the Holy Spirit, and you will all be mine. I bless you and embrace you.

20.11.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, go forth and repeat what you have heard in these places. Edified by the Lord’s grace, be God’s glory at every moment. Be my holy Church, all of you. My wish is that you should not become lost in the vanities of the world: there is no time for these things! Proclaim the Word of life, Jesus. Get to work to restore the Kingdom and evangelise the dechristianised masses, bringing them back to the true life. Jesus, bring Jesus to the whole world. I will be with you too, my children. I bless you all and embrace you.

27.11.1991 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, by my presence I have wished to give light to your interior being. I am consoled when I see your Christian life blossoming in mysterious contact with the Word of God. The Father has said everything in Jesus: listen to Him and you will discover the mystery of the word and the truth of God: live by it and put it into practice. Thus will you find happiness and delight in practising it, and the world will believe also. I bless you. I bless your dear ones. I will bless you every time you come here and pray. On great feast-days I will console you with my words.

8.12.1991 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) Bless and give thanks to the Father with me. My children, may my Light today shine on you all, as I open my Immaculate Heart to welcome you. In accordance with the will and the gifts of God, I am predestined to regenerate man and to bring God’s mankind to life in Jesus, joining His love to your hope. My privileges are yours, my favours for you are abundant! Dear children, with you I wish to hasten a future that is better than the present by overthrowing the proud and the powerful, so that the way is open for the advance of the humble, who are reinforcing my troops. Thank you for following my call to holiness. I bless you all and embrace you.

25.12.1991 Christmas night (Crib at the Cenacle, 12.O3 a.m.) Glory to the Father for ever. My children, magnify the Lord with me. Today the Heavens tell out the glory of God. The news of the birth of my Jesus has gone beyond the frontiers of Israel to reach and console everyone. May the humility of your hearts be as great as this event. Jesus is bringing His Kingdom and His justice to the world, crossing new frontiers to build mankind’s happiness. Dear children, let your souls become one with the reality of God, and it will be you who will make the glory of this day live for eternity, manifesting your joy to the world, so that everyone may make Jesus, the Saviour, happy. I bless you all. Jesus blesses you.

25.12.1991 (Monte di Cristo, 10.15 p.m.) Let us glorify the Father together. My children, today love is born with Jesus, and I wish to fill your hearts with this love, so that you can infect the world and fill it with hope, that everyone may rise again in God and enjoy His peace. Love and peace, my children, peace. I bless you and embrace you all.


1.1.1992 (Monte di Cristo, 12.03 a.m.) Let us bless and give thanks to the Father. My children, it is my desire to give you the happiness of a new life and to remove all bitterness and sadness from you. In order that the Holy Spirit may write stories of holiness about you, I invite you to remain with me, as Jesus wishes, entrusted to my spiritual motherhood. Then it will be you who will console everyone with the consolation that comes from God. I bless you all and hug you.

6.1.1992 The Epiphany (Crypt of the Cenacle) Glory to the Father for ever. My children, accept every manifestation that Heaven offers you with joy, faith and responsibility. Be filled with good will and love, all of you, for it is on these that the grace of God comes down in abundance. Dear children, offer yourselves completely in order to bring about my great plan. I need your sincere offering. I bless you all and embrace you.

11.1.1992 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My beloved children, you are candidates for eternity. Do not, therefore, compare the sufferings of this world of yours with what awaits you. If you offer yourselves for my plan, eternal happiness will be yours. You are called to be my apostles, so that the whole world may live in joy. Remain united. I embrace and bless you.

18.1.1992 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Father. My beloved children, let this hour of grace be repeated throughout your lives. Make the Holy Spirit shine forth ever more brightly as the true power of God’s word. May your prayer bend your human will to God, so that His will may be done in its entirety. I bless you and hug you.

2.2.1992 (Monte di Cristo, 7 p.m., on the occasion of the Consecration to Our Lady of 170 persons from Alto Adige) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My children, let your souls rejoice, for I am with you. The Father wishes me to be the Mother of His children until the consummation of the world. Consecrate yourselves, all of you, to my Immaculate Heart, which holds ineffable treasures, gifts of the Most High. Those who entrust themselves to me will follow the road of holiness, become my disciples and help me to save the world. Graces and blessings be upon you who honour me. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

2.2.1992 (Church of St Martin, 10 p.m.) Let us pray together. My children, I have given you the strength of the Gospel; I have brought you onto the road of truth; I have called you at this time, when the forces of hatred and the powers of falsehood are at work against God’s ordinance. My children, may the mystery of the love of Jesus fill you with the work of grace of the Holy Spirit. May you, together with all the children of God, recognize that the time of the Antichrist has arrived, when the empty science of the false prophets and the blind work of their pride hold sway. Stay close to me, obeying Jesus seriously with all your will. Do not remain indifferent. Now nothing is more important and great than your responsibility as ones who have been called. Honour me and cause this blessed image of mine to be honoured. I welcome you all in my maternal Heart and bless you.

4.3.1992 Ash Wednesday (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, today I renew my invitation to you: intensify your prayer, penance and mortification for your own salvation and that of many of your brothers. Live in still greater loving obedience to the will of God. I invite you to set to work on purifying your bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit. Restore in yourselves the beauty of innocence,so that the beauty of Jesus may be shown forth in you. My children, do not waste this propitious time. Call everyone to conversion. I will not abandon you. I bless you all.

14.3.1992 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Father. My children, I am praying with you. The word of God, which is life, will remain. Increase your adherence to the Holy Gospel, and you too will be so many living gospels. Endeavour to help all people find the truth of God. Through love of your neighbour you will radiate that light which comes from good works. I bless you all, I bless the priest of Jesus. I promise that I will remain close to you.

25.3.1992 (Monte di Cristo. Seventh anniversary of the apparitions. Some 7000 persons took part in the Stations of the Cross.) We bless You and glorify You, Father. My beloved children, my presence is an extraordinary privilege for you. I am watching over you continuously, immersing you in a life of grace. You are walking with me on God’s road, a new, living road, by which the whole world can enter into Life. My children, together with you I will offer to the Father the precious contribution of your collaboration. Graces and blessings be upon you, whom I love so much. Remain united with me. I bless you once again.

19.4.1992 Easter Sunday (Monte di Cristo) My children, may the Father’s will be seen to be just, and may it be respected. My exhortations to you are not unconnected with the will of the Father, for the news of the Resurrection of Jesus has been distorted or rendered void by many through lack of faith. My children, always choose the path of faith, and let your faith be great! Only those who believe will be able to grasp the work of divine omnipotence: the Resurrection of Jesus. This is the day of your salvation! Jesus was raised again for your justification. Now you can boast of your tribulations in the hope of glory; have confidence in the Risen Jesus: He has prepared a place for each one of you and I shall accompany you to that place. Listen to me, therefore! I bless you all, dear children, and embrace you.

28.4.1992 (Bogolyubovo, Russia) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, you are now in the land which will yield fruits of holiness. Thank you for helping me to come into these hearts in need of love. From this nation a new light will shine forth, giving light to the world. When every church has been reconstructed or repaired, a new era will then begin, and my Immaculate Heart will triumph. I am accompanying you. I bless you all and embrace you.

20.5.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Blessed be the Father. My children, be united with my Heart, share my tears. My message of love has been able to penetrate few hearts. Great arrogance still persists, and the purpose of my call is being lost, while a great holocaust is bringing the whole world to the purification. Dear children, let me cry out through you, so that all men may return to God and praise His Name. Pray with me, that the world may open its eyes and see, may heed the call of Heaven and be converted. May my troops be strong. Be one with me! I bless you.

7.6.1992 Pentecost (Crypt of the Cenacle, on the occasion of the Consecration of 500 persons to Our Lady) Let us glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, I have asked you to hand yourselves over completely to the grace of God through my Immaculate Heart. By your "yes" you will be embracing salvation. Today I will replace your little lights by a great light, bringing you into the joy of God. Thank you, dear children, for having decided to dwell with me by joining my ranks. I bless you all.

24.6.1992 (Monte di Cristo) My children, I am with you every day to give you grace again and to recall you to holiness. Remain united with me, because the danger is great. Many times I see you in the midst of the desert. Now my appeal is still more important and pressing. Pray with me for the whole world. I bless you all.

1.7.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, the prayer of my devoted ones, your prayer, will bring about changes and produce charity; it will infuse the love of God into hearts and heal the entire world. Thank you, dear children, for praying, for having perceived the necessity and value of prayer. Remain united with me. I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

8.7.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, every desire of mine can be realized through your humility, the humility of the people of God. Families will be saved through prayer and humility. Everyone will find salvation by becoming humble; the whole world will be saved by an act of humility. Listen to me, dear children. I bless you all.

22.7.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, God will turn His gaze on humble and contrite hearts. Try to destroy the pride embedded in your hearts and allow yourselves to be embraced by the love of Jesus. May His light fill the world, through you too, so that the earth, like the heavens, is filled with the glory of God. I bless you.

12.8.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, I am pressing you ever closer to myself to protect you from the perils that surround you, to help you not to squander your precious time, and to work, together with you, to build the Kingdom of love. Be a true people of God, with steadfast witness and true Christian ideals. I will remain with you. I bless you all.

15.8.1992 Solemnity of the Assumption (Monte di Cristo) Glory be to the Father for ever. My children, you are my glory. Thank you for helping me and praising me. Together we will magnify the Lord. Day by day I am bringing you into a new world, where true life exists, where each of you will find the authentic basis on which to build his own life, so that you become what Jesus wishes, His true witnesses in love. Your prayer is the effective means uniting you with me, and the world will never be able to make you its own. Thank you, my children, I bless you.

2.9.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, as I pray with you, I desire a great return of men to God. For this reason I am appealing to everyone to find again the path of truth. Too many souls are falling into the abyss, hence my call is urgent and my invitation continuous. Too few are listening to me! As the dangers increase, I am inviting you, my devoted children, to work with me. Thank you for following me. I bless you all.

15.9.1992 (Church of St Martin) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, may the grace which you have received and which continues to enrich you in these places give you strength to bear true witness, full of light. During this serious time I am calling you, my true children, to commit yourselves in sincere self-offering. Dear children, you are the people of God who will save the people of God, not by scattering my words to the wind but by living with me hour by hour. Thank you for what you are doing and will do in the Name of Jesus. I bless you all and hug you.

24.9.1992 (Crypt of the Cenacle, on the occasion of a meeting of those responsible for spreading Our Lady’s messages) Let us thank and bless the Father. My children, in all of you today I see my Jesus. Thank you, dear children, because your commitment is precious to Jesus: do everything well and I promise you bliss. Soon you will understand the reason for my insistence, when you are called to console many children of mine who do not hear me now. You are the glory of God. I bless you all, I bless your work. I shall pray with you.

25.9.1992 (Church of St Martin) Father, into Your hands the prayer of us who praise and bless You My children, with me is the Father, Who takes loving care of you. And when you realize that you depend entirely on Him, your prayer becomes the touchstone of your faith and your humility. Dear children, I am giving you the certainty that Jesus always listens to you and hears your prayers when your hearts sincerely desire what is good, and He blesses every good work that you do. I too bless you.

29.9.1992 (Church of St Martin) Let us bless the Father. Dear children, thank God together for the gift of prayer, which unites all His children. Persevere in prayer and you will see the downfall of many false gods and enjoy the marvellous fruits that will result. I shall be united with you. I bless you all.

7.10.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, today the grace of God wishes to do new things in you. By the prayer of the holy Rosary everyone can find his true self in order to receive the Spirit of God, Who will bring an inner Advent, give new strength and drive away dangerous quietism. Let us together thank the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for every grace. I bless you all.

13.10.1992 (Bambui, Brazil - mission territory: St Francis of Assisi Leprosy Hospital) My dear children, the whole world, all people, belong to God. I am doing the Father’s will and intervening in all parts of the world to teach men the way of salvation. Help me to spread the love of Jesus everywhere. Make yourselves my missionaries, and I will bring you all with me to the Kingdom of God. Thank you for your help. I bless you all. I bless Father Don Mario and these handmaids who are serving the cause of love.

27.10.1992 (Church of St Martin) Let us pray together. My children, it is a joy for Jesus to see you all gathered together with me here. When I have awakened each one of your hearts to believe, my silent presence will remain in this place; Jesus will then live in every heart and will be adored. Thank you, and blessings be upon you all.

1.11.1992 All Saints’ Day (Crypt of the Cenacle, at the start of a course of Consecration to Our Lady) Let us glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, which of you will be not be present for his heavenly appointment? I am the Queen of all the saints and I am awaiting each one of my children, to unite them with the hosts of Heaven. May these, my children, who are starting out on this road today, allow themselves to be accompanied by me, and I promise that they too will attain the goal of sanctification. I thank you all, dear children, I will not abandon you. I bless you.

3.11.1992 (Church of St Martin) Let us bless the Lord. My children, I am preparing a new time for you, made for just, upright and humble men. Divest yourselves, therefore, of the riches you still possess, because everything will be made new only for the true children of God. May your every prayer fill you with Him. I bless you all.

11.11.1992 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together. My children, my grace is still passing through you and your vocation of love. It is the sign that you have come to know Jesus and that He has filled you with joy. Dear children, my work in every continent is great, but each word of mine passes, with the help of grace, through you. Thank you for having accepted me and for working with me. I bless you.

8.12.1992 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify and bless the Father. My children, on this great day you are living between Heaven and earth! Happy are you who have accepted me and my maternal invitation to conversion, and have welcomed me in your hearts. Show everyone the road that you are following, for every other road is becoming more and more dark and perilous. Together with my consecrated troops, I shall save the world from the scourge that comes from atheism and human pride. My children, the happiness of this day will, if you wish it, be eternal. Remain with me! Graces and blessings on all.

25.12.1992 Christmas night (Crib at the Cenacle, 12.03 a.m.) Glory to God and peace to you all. My children, here is Jesus, the Light that never fades, the only sure way to the Father’s embrace. Receive the measure of His love, which is to love without measure. Now the Kingdom of Heaven is yours, the mystery of God’s benevolence and tenderness towards all men. May the news of this event astound and penetrate many hearts confused by hatred and evil. May the whole world acknowledge Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of the world, and welcome, on this holy day, His true peace. I bless you all. Jesus blesses you.

31.12.1992 (Monte di Cristo, midnight) Glory be to the Father for ever. My children, the precious time of your earthly life is slipping away and I invite you not to waste it forgetfully, but to see all things with eternity in mind, so that the unseen realities become your wealth. One day you will attach a very different value to earthly things. The new times are now close, and I have prepared you to meet them. Those who have entrusted themselves to me will not be disappointed. I thank all of you who accept me; I assure you that your prayers also find acceptance. I bless you all and embrace you.


9.1.1993 (Crypt of the Cenacle, 9 p.m. Eve of the Pope’s meeting at Assisi with other religious leaders of the world to pray for peace) Let us pray to the Father. My beloved children, let us pray together for mankind, for the world, let us pray together for peace. The Light will drive away the darkness of Hell. Truth and justice will prevail over heresies and injustices. The forces of evil will be made subject to good, but people of every nation must bend the knee before Jesus. Only in this way will the Holy Spirit come again for a new Pentecost, a period of peace and justice hitherto unknown. May you, my children, have the courage and fervour to bring about a new life, a holy Church, a renewed earth. Join with me and the Pope and pray that there may be peace. I bless you and hug you.

2.2.1993 (Monte di Cristo) Let us worship and glorify the Father. My children, be joyful, you who dwell in my Heart. Too many are sad, but they do not come to me. I renew in you, and through you, my promises to the whole world. I promise peace and prosperity, but I ask all people for conversion of heart. Thank you for your love for Jesus. He blesses you. I also bless you and hug you.

24.3.1993 (Monte di Cristo, on the occasion of the presentation of a fragment of the Cross of Jesus (from Calvary), the gift of pilgrims from Lille, France. After the Stations of the Cross the relic was brought in solemn procession to the Crypt of the Cenacle, to be preserved there in a reliquary.) May the Father be thanked and glorified. My children, the world must destroy the seed of hate which is still alive,and embrace the great mystery of love which Jesus has brought about in His Passion and Cross by dying for all. Dear children, accept the way I have shown you by accepting the Cross, your cross, and you will see the new Light of God’s power. Thank you for honouring the Cross of Jesus, your salvation. I bless all of you, all of you. I bless your dear ones.

25.3.1993 (Monte di Cristo. Eighth anniversary of the apparitions) Glory be to the Father for ever. My children, I ask all who are listening to me for their help, so that God’s plan, conceived by mercy,may not be in vain. The time that has been waiting for the indifferent is about to end. It will give way to the plan of justice which will seek, through purification, to lead men to eternal salvation. I ask yet again for the conversion of hearts and the consecration of all my children to my Immaculate Heart. Listen to me! I bless you all and hug you.

1.4.1993 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My dear children, may the love of Jesus impel youto bring to the whole world my invitation to the school of virtue. Be teachers of compassion, great benefactors of mankind. I will give you strength and prudence. Sanctify your will, therefore, in docility that brings you increasingly into line with God and be innerly active so as to be my apostles. Thus you will become the work of works. Thank you for your "yes". I bless you and will be with you always.

11.4.1993 Easter Sunday (Crypt of the Cenacle) I am with you in prayer. My children, many have today quenched their thirst with the living water. Many, too many, prefer other polluted and sinful sources. My maternal Heart suffers with Jesus and I come to tell you: do not stop, but continue with your commitment to bear witness, as you have promised me, so that the Spirit can act in hearts and in the whole Church. Renew your "yes" every day! Jesus is with you; I too shall remain with you. I bless you.

 4.5.1993 - while a group of pilgrims had paused to pray by the statuette, they became aware that the face of the Infant Jesus was covered in beads of sweat, and tears were falling from the eyes. One rested on the little mouth like a pearl. Renato and some of his friends hurried in and were filled with wonder at the phenomenon. Renato attempted to open the glass case in order to gather up some tears with a syringe; this set off the alarm, causing many other people to come running in. This, then, was the third time that the statuette of the Infant Jesus had wept.

30.5.1993 Pentecost (Crypt of the Cenacle, on the occasion of the consecration of some 250 persons to Mary) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit My dear children, today you are bringing new forces to my ranks, and I joyfully receive into my Immaculate Heart your hearts, which you are offering. You too will join with me in my plan of salvation. I shall accompany you in this difficult and dark time; I shall lead you to the light, so that you never again become lost. Thank you for your gift. I bless you all.

28.7.1993 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father. My children, remember that you belong to my ranks of consecrated ones; I thus urge you: renew your promises every day by living them. You will not be able to advance in holiness if you do not give God, through me, a fresh period of love each day. Those who belong to the world are many; evil possesses them and the ruin is great and dangerous. Dear children, whoever accepts my call is walking in the truth and will have salvation. I hug you all and bless you.

15.8.1993 Solemnity of the Assumption (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, the love that you show me today is a consolation and joy for my Heart. May my presence among you give you security and peace. Your prayer is strengthened by my prayer and special favours and graces are being granted today for you and for the world. My presence is a "yes" to your invitation, which I, in turn, extend to you all, as I wait for you all at the great eternal feast in Heaven. I bless you all and hug you.

8.9.1993 (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, God has made of me a gift for all you who call me blessed. Magnify Him with me and rejoice in Him, for He is working great graces in you also. Be humble and you will be filled with His good things. For this day, give thanks to the Lord, Who has made me your Light. I bless you all, I bless all your dear ones and the whole Church.

21.10.1993 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us praise and glorify the Lord. My children, you should be conscious of the extent of the grace which has been bestowed on you today, so that you can be equal to the task that I am entrusting to you. While God’s truth is being replaced by lies, I need you to restore order among the people of God. Thank you, my dearest children, I assure you that the greater your response to the task that I am giving you, the greater will be your eternal reward. I shall be close to you. I bless you and hug you all.

1.11.1993 All Saints’ Day (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless and glorify the Father. My children, today I unite you and your prayer to the jubilation of the saints and martyrs, who struggled and suffered, calling for the birth of a new era of love. Dear children, atheistic philosophies, persecutors of God and demonic cults will soon disappear. A new time is near, grounded in the love of God, for the happiness of all his children. You too are called to collaborate in defending the truth. I am still awaiting the conversion of many of my children. Call everyone to prayer and penance. I bless you all and embrace you.

8.12.1993 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) May God be glorified. My children, I thank you and the whole Church for this day’s rejoicing. Continue to spread devotion to my Immaculate Heart among the people of God and, through grace, I will bring you to know the greatness of God’s mercy. Dear children, it is the power of love that enables you to understand each one of my maternal desires. May blessings and graces come down in abundance on your works of charity and love. I will allow no-one to halt you on the road you have taken with me to win those who will imitate you. Give me your hearts, with all the love they contain, and you will become part of the new world I am preparing. I bless you all. I bless your dear ones and embrace you.

24.12.1993 Christmas Eve (Crypt of the Cenacle) Magnify the Lord with me. My children, I come once more to call a world plunged into darkness, in order to enfold it again in the light of divine love. Here is Jesus, the Word Incarnate, Who comes to offer you eternal life; His love will resolve every difficulty. Dear children, you are the glory of God! In love and with the divine love, you are co-workers in all the wonders of Divine Providence. There will be great peace in the world only if men accept Jesus’ invitation. Thank you for the joy you are giving me this Christmas. Jesus blesses you. I bless you and embrace you.

31.12.1993 (Crypt of the Cenacle, on the occasion of the Consecration to Our Lady of 50 persons) Let us glorify and praise the Lord. My children, thank you for this time that you are spending with me in prayer. Thank you for the joy that you are giving me by surrendering yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. You are now entering a precious time. Do not waste it, but bear witness with your faith every day. Every day I will come to receive all that is good from you and the world and offer it to God, so that your sanctification may take place through His grace. Thank you, I bless you all.

31.12.1993 (Monte di Cristo, midnight) Eternal glory to the Father. My children, a new time is approaching for men, and there will still be mercy if the proud bow their heads, so that Jesus may find a place in all hearts. As for you who heed my words, seek unity among yourselves in the time that is coming, because there are still mercenaries at work, who will try to harm the welfare of the remaining flock. Know that I am with you to protect you and, if you are with me, you will not be afraid and will witness the downfall of all impostors. Have courage. I bless you.


 2.1.1994 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during the Angelus) Let us bless the Father. My children, I wish to tell you how I weep to see the truth that has been revealed to you deteriorating more and more. I desire that you remain close to the Pope and let him have a personal sign of your affection and devotion. Let him know that there are many of you close to him. He needs this now in order to be able to continue his mission; otherwise, without him, my salvific plan, which is indispensable to men, will be interrupted. Thank you. I bless you.

2.2.1994 (Monte di Cristo, during the Consecration to Mary) Let us glorify the Father together. My children, today you have allowed me to make so many of your hearts prisoners of my Heart. The good that you are offering me increases mercy for all mankind. I shall make a great love be born in you, the love that will enfold the whole world and lead everyone to the truth: this is my plan of salvation! Thank you, my children, for lending your support to my call. I bless all of you and hug you.

24.3.1994 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. My dear children, you have been called by me to call other children of mine to know me. I am the abandoned Mother, and because of this you are seeing the ruin of too many families. You must be an example of unity. Draw love from me and spread it in the world. I am the Mother of Love. Whoever comes to me will not be afraid, and whoever walks with me in the world will have salvation. Draw Light from these places and go forth: tell the whole world that God is still waiting. I thank you, bless you and embrace you.

25.3.1994 Solemnity of the Annunciation (Monte di Cristo. Ninth anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions) My dear children, bless this day by blessing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Rise again, all of you, to a new life in love, and you will fill my heart with joy. Bring my call of love to the whole world. If I am heeded, men will no longer destroy themselves and God’s blessing will give peace to the world. Let your souls be entrusted to me, let every family be entrusted to me. In these places of grace you will always feel my presence and I promise my help to all who imitate me in their lives. I desire the sanctification of you all. My children, thank you for your "yes". I bless all your works of love and I promise my protection for each one of them. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones, I bless all whom you commit to me.

6.5.1994 (Monte di Cristo) Bless the Father with me. My children, I see your sufferings, I accept your supplications, but I invite you to understand the value of suffering. Look at Jesus, become like the Crucified One, and you will find union with God. I wish to help you find the strength to overcome every difficulty, so that you may become authentic apostles of a new civilization of love. Thank you, dear children, I bless all of you, all of you. I bless your dear ones.

24.5.1994 (Church of St Martin) Glory be to the Father. My children, I should like to convey to you all the reality of love, but it is something incomprehensible, too great for you. The love of God enfolds you all, and God Himself is Love. The mission I have entrusted to you is sweet, it consists of love. Now you understand its importance! Join together and jealously guard every one of my words. I need your offering of yourselves. It is no longer necessary for the world to know that I am speaking to you. Rather, by seeing you, may it recognize love: God. I shall be hiding with you in this place, so permeated with prayer. All who invoke me in this place will receive grace and blessings. And now, for you, my blessing.

28.6.1994 (Church of St Martin) Pray with me. My children, what will happen if the world continues to refuse my appeals? The Body of my Son is being broken into pieces. Just as the world is divided by hatred, so the Church of Jesus is being torn apart, but I am relying on you, on your help. Therefore become, ever more, new people; do not conceal yourselves any longer in the midst of the world, but leave it, so as not to associate yourselves with its sins. The children of God will not flee before their image, they will enter into themselves before the truth and will ask forgiveness of Him who alone can give new life. My children, this is the time when confessors of the faith, ardent souls, are needed. Do not abandon me, do not leave me alone! I bless you and hug you.

16.7.1994 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during the Consecration of some pilgrims) Glorify the Father with me. My children, every people on earth belongs to me; every creature has been entrusted to me. Today, by consecrating yourselves to me, you are acknowledging me as your Mother and every benefit that the Heavenly Father has granted me will be yours. I love you, dear children! Help me to bring this love which is God to the whole world. Thank you, thank you, my children, I bless you and hug you.

26.7.1994 (Church of St Martin) Glory be to the Father. My children, as you gather in prayer during this reinvigorating break, I wish to give you an evangelical spirit, burning with charity, so that your way of expressing yourselves is marked by delicacy, smiling silence and indulgent understanding. Prick your love of self frequently, learn how to close your eyes and ears so as not to explode and kill. My children, I should like a new life to be born through you, but how will this be possible if you do not offer your lives? I beg you once again: do not leave me alone in this dark time, I have need of you all! Jesus must enter every heart before the hearts grow rotten. I love you, my children, and hug you as I bless you.

15.8.1994 Solemnity of the Assumption (Monte di Cristo) Bless the Father with me eternally. My children, you are honouring me and carrying me in triumph and, while you do so, you do not realize that I am leading each one of you in triumph, filling you with joy, giving you life in grace. I want you to live, my children! You are the people of God who are preparing the new time of glory. Freed from the slavery of these, your times, you will enjoy the victory of the glorious triumph. Be strong in the faith, living the Gospel of Jesus with all your being. May my graces come down abundantlyon every one of you and on all your dear ones.

10.9.1994 (Crypt of the Cenacle - with representatives of prayer groups from abroad) Glorify the Father with me. My beloved children, my Immaculate Heart is communicating to you all my anxieties so that you may see them and genuinely desire to share them. With you I wish to regenerate in grace an infinite number of other souls. Because of this, feel yourselves called to my work. I thank you, you will be rewarded for all you do. I bless you and hug you.

7.10.1994 Feast of the Holy Rosary (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father together. My children, you are life-blood for my Church. The prayer of the Holy Rosary unites you to me, to my prayer, and becomes salvation for many souls. To all who recite my prayer daily I promise a privileged place in my Heart and a sure path to holiness. I bless you as I hug you. I bless your dear ones.

1.11.1994 All Saints’ Day (Monte di Cristo) Sing with me: "Glory to God". My children, your salvation lies in your prayer. The Kingdom of God is close to each one of you; I have come to hand you the key to enter it;accept it by listening to me. By professing your faith publicly you will be people of God who will convert the people of God. Dear children, look to me with trust, as all the Saints have done, and pray for all those awaiting the Kingdom of Heaven. I bless you all as I hug you.

23.11.1994 (Monte di Cristo) Let us pray together to the Father. My children, I form part of your life and my Immaculate Heart is open to you. I shall bring the most beautiful souls onto the road of divine love. I shall defend the cause for which you are praying, because it is the cause of love to which I myself have introduced you. How many children am I awaiting, with you, to press them to myself and remove them from the grave danger that threatens them! Thank you, dear children, I bless you all.

8.12.1994 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Crypt of the Cenacle - day of Consecration to Our Lady) Bless the Father with me eternally. My children, I have called you for your own salvation and for the salvation of the world. Thank you for your response. Today you are making me the gift of yourselves and I shall bring you to know the wonderful world of God’s love, so that you may experience all its grandeur and sweetness, making you souls that console and love the Heart of God. If you are true children of mine I will give you abundant grace, you will be the great wealth of the Church, and I will obtain for you every grace that you ask of me. I bless you as I hug you all.

Christmas 1994 (at the Crib of the Cenacle - midnight) Sing with me unceasingly: "Glory to the Father". My children, behold the miracle of love and goodness: Jesus. Let all the world know that He is salvation! Not only have I brought a Child to you and for you; you have also been given the Holy Spirit, so that He may be born in you. Dear children, I invite you to pray, in order that the urgent and necessary calls of my Immaculate Heart may be accepted, so as to shake the world out of its state of devastating unawareness. Listen to me, you who love me, enrich yourselves with grace, you who believe! With my wish for a Holy Christmas I bless you, I bless your dear ones.

31.12.1994 (Monte di Cristo, midnight) Let us bless the Father. My children, thank you for wishing to be with me as you pass over to a new year. It will be both sad and happy: very sad for the souls who live in total rejection of grace and love; happy, despite frightening events, for the souls who live in God and His love. This will be the most important year for my work which will begin to take its course in the Church and in the world. My children, may the Spirit of Love come down upon you all who are praying with me; see to it that all are consecrated to my Immaculate Heart; let not this new time, which can be the most holy and sanctifying, be wasted. I bless you all. Remain with me. These are words for all who watch with me in this place.


2.2.1995 (Monte di Cristo) Let us sing glory to the Father eternally. My children, there is no harmony more melodious to the Heart of God than the generous "yeses" addressed with sincere love to my maternal Heart. There is no greater joy for my Heart than these generous offerings that pass through my hands. The Holy Spirit is being poured out, through me, on all humanity. My children, the souls who will be the new creation for the new humanity are being generated to new life in my Heart. Thank you for your offering. I bless you all and hug you.

4.3.1995 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My children, you form part of my great Work of Love which will be, in my Church, a movement among all the movements which the Holy Spirit will raise up in this new Pentecostal era. All who acknowledge me and serve me will remain Light. Thank you, my children, for everything you will do. I bless you all.

25.3.1995 Solemnity of the Annunciation (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, thank you for remaining with me in this time of grace which leads to eternity. It is I who am passing through the world and knocking at the door of so many hearts. I seek to save those who still remain uncontaminated and to call all my children to conversion. Let not the grace I am giving be refused. Let no more time be lost in listening to the world, which is pursuing a monstrous project: that of putting itself in the place of God the Creator. My children, you must live in the greatest holiness, in order to resist and to prepare yourselves, because the hour of God’s coming has arrived. Press close to me, all of you, so as to be able to live, every day, this day which marked the beginning of salvation. Dear children, I enfold you all in my immense love and bless you.

6.5.1995 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Glory be to the Father. My children, the dawn of a new day of merciful and holy love is breaking over the world. The task of guiding the world has been entrusted to me and I am entrusting to you, and to all who acknowledge me, the work of mankind's salvation. You are the most important instruments of mine! To all who decide to work with me I give my Heart, and those who open it will find all the treasures of life. Thank you, my children, thank you. I bless you all.

29.7.1995 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father together. My dear children, I am with you on your journey of faith and am watching over each one of you like a Mother. I am asking all my children to accept the grace of salvation urgently, because too much time has been lost. Arise, my children, and set out again on the road of conversion! No longer pay so much attention to transitory things, think of the new life that awaits you. Help those who are suffering, console those who are weeping. You who love me, bring me to the whole world and ensure that all people allow me to love them. I bless you and hug you.

15.8.1995 Solemnity of the Assumption (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, I have come among you to reveal to you the God of Love, to reveal to the whole world the Love of God. This is the hour of Love! Enrich yourselves with grace, so that you can enrich the world, which is living in grave spiritual poverty. My beloved children, you are honouring me before men and I will honour you before God. Follow me, dear children, listen to me and He will accompany you, all of you! I love you immensely. I bless you and hug you all.

8.9.1995 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, I am the Mother abandoned by many of my children, but not by you. You love and console me, and for this I thank you, dear children. You have accepted my invitation, and with it a new day, the day of Love. My children, do not ever let your zeal diminish, I need you, I need your love. I hug you all as I bless you.

7.10.1995 Feast of the Holy Rosary (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us pray together. My dear children, you are especially loved souls, joined with me in the great work of the world's conversion. I am always among you to guide you. The days of great sadness are near; be prepared and strong in love. Let prayer be intensified among you and in every group. Let my image, Queen of Love, enter every home. I will bless and protect every family. I will remain with you. I bless you all. I bless every prayer group.

28.10.1995 (Crypt of the Cenacle) My dear children, the mysteries of divine love all have their signs, which have to be recognized, understood and accepted: they are signs of love. Charity and love are the only beacons left to enlighten my Church in these times of great anxiety and tribulation. This is a time of passage, and you are preparing its way so that it may be less distressing. Beloved children, I am with you and with all who understand and respond to my invitation. I am still waiting for many of my children and you will bring them to me. I will lead them to Jesus. I bless you and thank you.

8.12.1995 Solemnnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, my continuing presence among you is confirmation of the Father's mercy for this sick and suffering generation. My Heart, too, is suffering over the absence of God in hearts, institutions, nations and families. All those who have entrusted themselves to me have found God and His love, and have consoled my Immaculate Heart. My children, trust with greater faith in divine mercy and many evils which afflict this generation will come to an end. I am asking the world for conversion and faith, prayer and penance from all. Let there be no further delay. Listen to me, my children, I bless you as I hug you all. Thank you to all who have entrusted themselves to me.

25.12.1995 Christmas (Crib at the Cenacle, midnight) Let us sing together: glory to God. My children, on this holy night I have brought you Life. Every life is born with this Life and every man will live if he acknowledges my Jesus as the Son of God. The joyouys mystery of this holy night is revealed to men of good will. Jesus comes to bring light to the world which his merciful love wishes to save. My children, the whole world, present and future, is present in this humble cave. With the birth of Jesus, the Father has overturned every false certainty of men, giving true certainty in Jesus. Come, all of you, discover the origins of your life and be joyful. My motherly blessing for a holy Christmas be upon you all, upon your dear ones.

31.12.1995 (Monte di Cristo, midnight) Let us bless the Lord. My children, I am the Queen of Love. I am the Revelation of the suffering Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate One of the Holy Spirit, the most precious gift made to all mankind to give to the world the spotlessness of God. I am walking the roads of the world to enlighten every heart that is open to grace and love, inviting all my children to take refuge in my Immaculate Heart by consecrating themselves to me in order to prepare the new era of love. Dear children, do not let what you have received during this time be in vain, but give thanks to God. Continue to pray. Respect this place, made holy by my presence. Here I will console you and will be present, even if I do not appear. I have long awaited many of your dear ones, many of my beloved children, but in vain! Blessed are you, my children, who have welcomed me, who have accepted my teaching. I wish you to be signs in the world. Do not let me remain alone! With you I wish to console the world. In this new year we shall find many, many hearts to console, hearts which need God's love and have been tested under the weight of the purification. Courage, my children, be strong and joyful, remaining in grace. I bless you all, I thank you and hug you.


2.2.1996 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord ( Monte di Cristo) Bless the Father with me. My dear children, I am hiding you in my Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart. I will help you to practise every virtue and every good deed while you offer each moment as an act of love for the triumph of the work of love in the Church and in the world for the salvation of all souls. As I hug you all, I give you my boundless love. I bless you.

17.2.1996 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father together My children, I have been given the power to fill with the Holy Spirit all who believe in my motherly love and in the merciful love of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Do not wonder, therefore, if I insistently ask for a firm commitment of life and self-surrender. Yes, my dear children, I need you to renew the world! Thank you, then, to each one of you who agrees to work with me. You already know your reward: it is called holiness! I hug you all as a bless you.

25.3.1996 Solemnity of the Annunciation (Monte di Cristo) Sing glory to the Father. My children, those who have lived close to me during this time have discovered the wonderful world of God's love, to experience it in all its grandeur. Boundless is the desire of my Heart to fill the world with love: this will come about if all my children have more trust in my help and in the power which the Father has given me. There will be peace in the world, there will be justice, but it will come only through love. Once again I hug you all, pouring out my great love on you all as I bless you.  

15.8.1996 Solemnity of the Assumption (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, here is the message for you and for all on this day. Overcome sin with holiness, unbelief with faith, lack of confidence with hope. My glory will be glory for all who honour me and love me. Dear children, with me you have certain and full faith, truth, the most divine and sanctifying grace. With me you have the Eucharist, the Cross, holiness, glory. Remain in my Heart, because you too are God's work of love. I bless you and hug you all.

9.11.1996 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with me. My children, God needs His creatures and I am gathering them together. You are His beloved creatures. This Movement will bring a great wave of renewal and hope in the Church. For this, I bless you and thank you. I know that you will not spare yourselves but will, together, be precious beacons, guiding many souls who have lost their way. Courage, my children! I am and will be with you. I will not leave you. I bless you as I hug you.

6.12.1996 ( Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, you have listened to my voice, you have followed my advice. Continue to listen to me and remain close to me: I am asking you to make an act of love for my transfixed Heart: do not abandon me! Soon they will ask you to remove my images from your chapels, images which have comforted the eyes and hearts of many of my children. Jesus wants me close to Him. We are faced with blackmail! The enemy will be scheming a compromise. Be united, strong, decisive. You will console the Heart of Hesus and my Heart. I am the Queen of Love. I bless you.

8.12.1996 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us sing the Father's glory and bless Him. My children, live a life of grace, conquer sin with holiness and contemplate my spotlessness. Learn to read the most beautiful story that God has written about me for you all, for your salvation. Become my imitators and I will give you grace, I will give you the Father's love With me you will have a sure faith, most holy truth, perseverance, holiness, glory. I love you, my children. I bless you and hug you all.

25.12.1996 Christmas (Crib at the Cenacle, midnight) Let us sing the Father's glory. My children, here is God, being born among you. Welcome Him! He comes to ransom men's loneliness with His divine love. Jesus is being given to you, for you. It is I who am predisposing you, so that the Holy Spirit and the power of the Most High may allow Him to be born in you through the grace that Jesus generates in you. Dear children, do not change this event in any way, but try to change yourselves, your lives. Let there be no more conspiracies against Him, but let every knee humbly bend, because He is the King of glory. May He be your Jesus! May you all be His, and you will enjoy everlasting bliss. I hug you all as I bless you.


 2.2.1997 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Let us sing the Father's glory. My children, here is the source of joy: love, surrender to God. Learn to love purity and the things that are pure, and you will possess the world, and with the power that is in you you will convert it. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and you will be Light for the world. Renew your offering today. Dear children, accept God's plan, which enables you to live your holiness for His glory. Rejoice over this offer of salvation, accept it! I bless you all and, together with you, all my consecrated ones. I hug you all.

25.3.1997 Solemnity of the Annunciation (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, do not be afraid! Seek only to walk in the direction indicated to you and illumined by the Light. Jesus, Whom I have brought to you, will triumph, also through your conversion. Pray for His many enemies, because their time is coming to an end. Pray with me to ask Jesus for the salvation of many souls, the greatest possible number of souls, at this grave moment in the history of mankind. Dear children, I am with you even more, because you stand in greater need of help. I bless all of you, all of you. Bring my blessing into your homes, to the sick, to all your dear ones.

26.4.1997 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father. My dear children, everything is coming about between the first and the second purification. Do not fear, you who are following me! In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Your work is becoming part of God's infinite plan. My work is a grandiose work of love, and you who are realizing it will be be blessed by the Father. My thanks to you all, together with my blessing.

4.5.1997 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Father together. My children, accept the will of God with joy. I know that it costs you to be his witnesses in the world, but remember that the Cross is also mercy, forgiveness, promise. Like a river of grace the Cross washed the world. I have called you with me to bear witness from beneath the Cross and you are helping me to bring hope and love to the world which is getting lost. I love you just as you are, on your way to holiness. I thank you, bless you and hug you all.

15.6.1997 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during a retreat for French-speaking prayer group leaders) Let us glorify the Father together. My dear children, this is the road that I am continually indicating to you, for you and for all, through you. Thank you for everything you are doing. Be always worthy of this task which I have entrusted to you; one day you will be the ones who will thank me. I bless you and all those here present who will be consecrating themselves to my Immaculate Heart of a Mother. Thank you.

15.8.1997 Solemnity of the Assumption - 6th International Youth Meeting (Monte di Cristo) Pray with me and we will glorify the Father. My children, this solicitous maternal love of mine is a great thing for you all. Thank God for this eternal day which is opening up for you also. From his goodness you have received life and you will receive eternity. Be my consecrated ones, all of you, and you will be a distinct people, a new people, holy, pleasing to God. Therefore, my children, I invite you to detach yourselves from the idol which is the world, to dissociate yourselves from its sins, in order to become light that overcomes the darkness of the world. Thank you for the joys you have given me today. I hug you all as I bless you.

31.8.97 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during a retreat for German-speaking prayer group leaders) Let us pray together. My children, I have been with you in these days, I have not left you for a moment. I assure you of my assistance and the loving assistance of all the angels of love, all the holy protectors of my Work of Love. May you have confidence and serenity. My Immaculate Heart enfolds you all and will transform you into bearers of my message, whose aim is to be the cry of my Heart to all mankind. My thanks to you all, together with my blessing.

 30.9.97  -The Infant Jesus Statuette weaps human tears a fourth time

26.10.97 (Crypt of the Cenacle, during the national meeting of Italian prayer group leaders) Glorify the Father with me. My dear children, what grace for you to be called as new evangelisers, opening your hearts so as to be readily available, aware that you are called by Heaven! I will guide you and lead you to realise this divine plan for the salvation of the world. May you have great courage, complete willingness, for that which we shall do together will be great! Dear children, observe well the signs that surround you; they are the prelude of an imminent end to the gravest and most painful perversion that is under way; you will then see the fruits of your work and your sacrifice, and you will benefit from a new justice. I bless you all and hug you.

8.12.1997 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. Dear children, God wishes to bring the world back to the fullness of grace through my spotlessness, and I am working in your hearts of children, to bring you all back to Him, giving God’s spotlessness to souls. Your devotion to my Immaculate Heart will make an extraordinary love for God and a most pure brotherly charity blossom in the Church. Dear children, entrust yourselves to me! Through my Heart, entrust to God the earthly and eternal fate of all all mankind. Thank you for your love. I hold you tight as I bless you all. I will remain with you.

25.12.1997 (Crypt at the Cenacle) Sing with me glory to the Father. Dear children, may your faith garner the grace that is reaching you today. Welcome Jesus, whom I am giving you, and you will overcome the world, because Jesus is the Son of God. This day I invite you to become participants in the great sufferings of the world; you will then find the joy you are seeking and will be true children of the Church. Dear children, entrust yourselves to me and I will guide you to true faith, which will allow you to rediscover with love Jesus, the Word made Flesh in me. I bless you as I hug you. I bless your dear ones.


1.2.1998 (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father. My children, I wish your joy to be as great a your faith. I ask you to help me, so that all my children may be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. May the power of this consecration embrace all peoples, all nations. Dear children, pray that this desire of mine, which is God's desire, may be fulfilled, for its aim is to free the world from all slavery of sin, so that all may have joy. Thank you for your love. I bless you all, I bless your dear ones.

25.3.1998 Annunciation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. Dear children, I welcome you in a motherly embrace. I am God’s gift to men of faith. I will give myself completely to these souls of good will; I will invest them with the same power of love that is in me. Be close to me and you will console me, for my heart is bearing all the weight of the perversity of men who are persecuting God. Dear children,  prepare yourselves with the Church to mark a great event, the Jubilee of the reconciliation of God with mankind and of men among themselves, and you will live in a world renewed by the Holy Spirit in a new millennium. Thank you for the joy you have given me. Thank you for your presence. I bless you all.

26.4.1998 (1st international meeting of  prayer group leaders - Crypt of the Cenacle) Dear children, in order that all men may hear and accept my urgent my invitation to conversion, I am again asking you to help me! I am working among you, who are part of my Work of Love. Unlimited horizons are opening up for the sou1s of my Work, infinite charisms are reserved for those who wish to experience the greatness of this Work of Love. And every soul that enters this spiritual gateway brings with it many other souls. Dear children, to you who are so devoted to me I entrust the great plan of my loving motherly Heart for those poor children who have become lost in their miseries.  To you I promise the great reward reserved by the Father for his true children. My thanks to you, and all the love of my Heart of a Mother. I bless you all.

10.5.1998 (Crypt of the Cenacle, on the occasion of the first Renewal of Consecration) My dear children, you cannot understand yet, for you it is still a mystery, but what you are doing will bring to fruition my plan for the Church, it will be the salvation of many souls. Gather around you all those who understand you and obtain their help. It is a great grace that I have placed within you! The day is not far off when the world will see. Thank you. I hug you as I bless you.

29.5.1998 (Monte di Cristo) My children, may the Son of God, Jesus, be contemplated in my arms and may this image be accepted in every home, in every family. I am the Mother, the Spouse, the sure guide for every family, your model as desired by God. May the world accept my love of a Mother. I bless you and hug you all.

21.6.1998 (Crypt of the Cenacle) My children, may the whole will of God be in you. From Him love is born. Give wisdom to your children, be humble before them. You are ministers of life; never feel yourselves to be its masters. May the Holy Spirit be the bond of your marriages, your families, your human communities, images of the divine Community, like the Most Holy Trinity. My dear children, you are born of Love; see that this Love continues, and God will bless you eternally. I too bless you, I bless your new families, your children, your love.

15.8.1998 Solemnity of the Assumption - 7th International Youth Meeting (Monte di Cristo) Thank and bless the Father with me. Dear children, this day is the feast of Heaven, it is the joy of the Saints. Every intervention of mine is an exhortation, an invitation for you all to participate. Live your consecration and you too will take part in the great feast. Dear children do not forget that many, too many souls are in danger and can be swept away for ever. Be worthy of your vocation; let sacrifices and much prayer be added to your example. Let all men kneel, bow low and ask forgiveness for all the errors and horrors that are being committed in the world. Accept the great events which mark the end of such great iniquity and be ready to welcome the new, better time. Thank you for the joy you are giving me. I bless you all and embrace you.

18.10.1998 (Crypt of the Cenacle) Glorify the Father with me. My children, it is necessary for time and history to reveal the infinite power of God, the greatness and goodness of the Heart of Jesus. My dear children, through my call I am making you responsible members of the marvellous and mighty army of Love, which, with me, is marching towards life. You are the new animating force of the Church, which the Most Holy Trinity wishes to offer to the story of Love in the new and final era of the world. While Heaven and earth come together in this blessed Work of Love, be true and just, because the mission with which I am entrusting you is holy. I bless you and hug you, together with all who are united with you. Thank you.

1.11.1998 All Saints’ Day (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father together. My children, these words of mine are for this hour, for this day: they are for all who intend to serve my Work, they are to help make you holy; for simple souls, ready to meet the requests of Love; for poor souls, who believe themselves to be in need of all graces; for humble souls, who are always prepared to enter into the depths of their own misery and that of others; for interior souls, who reject all superficiality, all compromise with themselves and with the world. for souls engaged in the serious journey of faith and holiness, so as to give the greatest glory to God and the most fraternal help to their neighbour. For those who "live" my Work as if it were their family: my words on this day of glory are for these. I encourage you, dear children, to continue, even amid difficulties, so that my Work may become evident and be the centre of attention in a world which has become a swamp of iniquity. All who listen to me will find holiness. I bless you.

8.12.1998 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, the time of truth, the time of God, is approaching. Passing through my Immaculate Heart, the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon mankind in a new Pentecost of Love. Let all men prepare for the great passover in watchful expectation, having repented of every sin. Dear children, you, the trusting ones, have not derided my call, but have made yourselves little, humble. All who are consecrated to my motherly Heart will enjoy my special favour and will make up the kingdom of the Father, and I too shall be there, awaiting you. Today I hug you all as I bless you.

25.12.1998 Christmas (Crib at the Cenacle) Sing with me: glory to the Father. My children, this is the day of Love, the greatest Love! Today I invite you to become like little children so as to be able to receive this immense gift of God which He wished to give you freely. With Jesus’ coming among you, God has fulfilled the greatest prophecy that He Himself had written in the hearts of men. My children, now you are all divinised! Here is Light, Love, Life. Rejoice over the Birth of Jesus; rejoice over your Christmas, may it be holy for everyone. I bless you all and hug you.

28.12.1998 Feast of the Holy Innocents (Monte di Cristo, after the Stations of the Cross with members and supporters of the Movement "With Christ for Life") Thank you my children. Thank you for your testimony. Every year, in this day and place, I await you in ever greater numbers. Make my great suffering known to the whole world. I bless you.


15.1.1999 (Monte di Cristo) My children, the desertion by so many of the faithful and the violence of the Church's enemies no longer leave room for human hope; the collapse of many forces, civil and religious, gives no hope to the world, and the Passion of the Church is apparent! My children, my consecrated ones, you alone are the hope for a true renewal in the truth. I bless and will continue to bless your movement "With Christ for Life". I ask you to be pure, true, and to form yourselves in charity, strengthening yourselves. The times are pressing, but you are unable to control the situation now; there is a need for my invitation to life to be widely accepted by many. Join with all those who, like you, wish to fight the battle. I will be the leader of this army and the victory will be ours. I am protecting you and bless you. I bless all who are working to make this sacred place more worthy and beautiful.

2.2.1999 Presentation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, the Work of Love has begun its journey, blessed by God, conceived and realized by the divine Heart of Jesus, and guided by your Heavenly Mother, together with the Holy Spirit. See, my children, I am walking in your midst, souls who are in grace recognize me, walk with me and listen to me. My voice is God's voice, and what I am asking of you is the will of the Father, the one Father of all people. With my consecrated ones, with you, I will reunite my Church, I will renew every heart, so that love may reign in the world. My children, let your prayer express your acknowledgement of God as the author and Lord of life, and let it be an expression of man's awareness of his origins. I bless you all and hug you.

24.5.1999 Bless the Lord with me. My dear children, you will pray for peace. I ask you to adore Jesus in the Sacrament, in order that this war (1), which is so very, very dangerous for the world, may end. Make hours of adoration. You, my son, continue to offer your suffering; let your brothers who are present here offer me all their work. Today I will bless the new stage in the direction of your work. Be united, united. Listen to me, I will not abandon you. I bless you and hug you. (1)1n Kosovo/Yugoslavia.

15.8.1999 Solemnity of the Assumption - 8th International Youth Meeting (Monte di Cristo) Send up a hymn of glory to the Father, together with me. My children, I am hidden from you, veiled by the divine silence of Love, But I am among you to guide you towards holiness and towards God. You are the people of God, who belong to me, and my Heart is the paradise of your souls, but also the safe place which protects you. My children, at this time the fate of millions of souls is at stake, souls whose salvation I would like. I am therefore asking for the help of all my consecrated ones. I promise you a safe road and the great ascent with infinite graces ready for you who help me. Exult with my whole Church for having had me with you since the day of my `yes'. I bless you all and hug you.

1.11.1999 All Saints' Day Let us sing glory to the Father. My children, the sorrowful passion of these, your days on earth, will end with this bright day in holiness. Offer me every one of your sufferings and I will support you on this journey to holiness so that together, in heaven, you may be holy with the saints in the glory of God. I bless you all.

8.12.1999 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. My children, with promises of special blessings the Heart of Jesus requests the consecration of communities, parishes and dioceses to my Immaculate Heart; many are the graces and blessings that they will receive. Let my image be enthroned in homes, institutions, hospitals, schools, in every place where people live. With my image I assure my presence, which will remove the terrible chaos into which mankind has fallen, perverted by the demons who have emerged from hell for the great final attack. Thank you for your `yes' which will make my Church ever more beautiful and spotless. I bless you all and hug you.

24.12.1999 Christmas Eve, midnight (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us sing glory to the Father. My children, may your souls rejoice on this bright day when, by grace, you became rich with the divine Being. May the new time of Love be born with Jesus. Today I invite you all not to waste a moment of this holy time, blessed by the Father, so that you may enrich yourselves with grace for your sanctification. Dear children, may you too, every instant, utter your `yes' to God, as did I, then every beautiful thing that you are expecting will come to pass. I bless you all with my Jesus.

31.12.1999 (at Renato's home, in the final minutes before the New Year 2000) Let us pray together. My children, you count the time that passes, and this is your time! Try to eliminate the rifts in this time and look to the great day of Love which is already on its way towards you. Why do not all my children heed my appeals? Why do many refuse my motherly help and prefer to remain in their suffering? Dear children, in order that this year of grace may help you all to become holy, I ask you to listen to me: pray, repent and ask God's forgiveness for yourselves and for the whole world, and I promise you: you will have the peace that you desire, you will have the joy that I wish to transmit to you. I bless all of you, all of you.


2.2.2000 Presentation of the Lord (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Lord. My children, the hour of darkness precedes the hour of Light. You are in the Light; let yourselves be illumined and you will also be in the Truth. My presence among you is an extraordinary grace, a gift of God. You are very precious to me, my children; I thank you for helping me to bring God's love to the world. Offer yourselves, and I will make use of you in order that the Church may be purified and renewed in the time of the great trial. Live this year of grace intensely for your sanctification. I bless you all, my children, and hug you.

25.3.2000 Annunciation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, God's wonderful plan for you all was realised on this day with the `yes' that came from my Heart. I wish to relive this day with you, exhorting you to remain united with me, on the side of God. At this time of my presence among you, I have wanted to show you all my motherly love, even to the point of tears, but the indifference of many of my children is still great. Sins are increasing, while all respect for life and for the law of nature is disappearing. My children, cry out to the world my appeal, my invitation to love, otherwise suffering will increase for the whole of mankind, and peace, the triumph of good, will become more distant. Listen to me, dear children, and you will triumph along with good. Pressing you all to my Heart, I bless and thank you. I bless all your dear ones.

16.4.2000 (Crypt of the Cenacle, 4th International Meeting of Prayer Group Leaders) Let us bless the Father eternally. My children, you are the seed that I have sown to make love be born in my Church; be simply love, therefore. The Work that has been born with you is the new face of the Church, and the Church will have the face of the Work that Jesus wants, completely transformed into a work of love, a single Church of love. My dear children, that which must distinguish you is love for God, for your brothers and sisters, for my Church; I will then have a special love for you and concern for your lives, but above all I will protect and preserve your souls and give life to your works. Thank you, dear children, I bless you. I bless your dear ones, I bless your Movement which unites you to me.

26.5.2000 (Monte di Cristo) Let us bless the Father. My children, each of my words is a seed of truth and bread of charity for your souls; accept them with simplicity of heart, in the truth of the faith. A divine mobilization is taking place among my children to save the Church of Jesus. My children, be faithful to the promises you have made to me. May your fervour not diminish, but may your faith increase, so that every happening finds you strong and ready. I bless all of you, all of you.

11.6.2000 Pentecost (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, through the Holy Spirit and with your Consecration you are all mine. Every work of love that is born spreads out in Love: it acquires the value of 'Church' – a sign to indicate that the Spirit of God is performing and wishes to perform great and sublime things in the universal Church by means of the Movement of the Work of Love, today and at all times. My children, Jesus Himself wished to give this Movement guidelines, signs and spirit in concrete form, in the Church – the Temple of Christianity. The entire history of the Work thus acquires the strength and power of the mystery of Mercy and Redemption, Truth and divine Charity: this is the Work of Love of God, of His Heart, of His infinite Love. Receive, all of you, the fullness of the Spirit whom you are invoking today. I bless you all and hug you.

 29.6.00 –the statuette of Jesus weaps human tears for the fifth time

6.8.2000 Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Monte di Cristo, conclusion of  9th International Youth Meeting) Glorify the Father with me. My children, the plan of salvation which God has conceived for each one of you passes through me. I am taking special care of you and am directing and guiding you towards the paths of God's will. I ask you to establish a pact of love with me, in full consciousness and freedom, in which you surrender to me with love so as to let yourselves be led along the road of holiness. You comfort me and honour me with your displays of exultation and faith. All Heaven rejoices and, together with Me, blesses you.

15.8.2000 Solemnity of the Assumption (Monte di Cristo) Bless the Father with me. My children, live out this day with joy, the prelude of your eternal joy, where I have preceded you. Hasten to come together around me and I will take you all as children. Like the Eucharist, I am the sign left to you by Jesus for the unity of the Church and the children of God; these signs have now become signs of division on account of the sins of many of my children. Receive the fruits of the Spirit, which fill you with love and understanding, and may it come to pass that, like you, all generations call me blessed. My blessing be upon all you who, with my Church, honour me.

8.9.2000 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Monte di Cristo) Sing with me: glory to the Father. My children, your prayers are snatching a great number of souls from the hands of the enemy and every soul consecrated to me will make reparation for many crimes, sacrileges and apostasies. Thank you, for being close to me and honouring me today. Thank God for my presence. Today I will bestow many graces and blessings upon you.

8.12.2000 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) Sing with me the canticle of joy. My children, through the Father’s infinite love, I continue to carry out, in the Church and with the Church, the maternal function which I performed towards Jesus, the Incarnate Word. I conceive, generating to the divine life in grace, all you who belong to me, and I feed and nourish you through my function as Mediatrix, obtaining for you all the graces you need for your journey. Let my teaching accompany you in your lives and you will be God’s glory. May your light shine before men, so that they see! The world will fall to its knees if, knowing God, you proclaim His works. My children, you are waiting for salvation, and I say to you: eternity awaits you! Today you are giving me consolation and joy; many more have been welcomed into my Heart of a Mother. Accept my thanks, together with my blessing for you and your dear ones.

25.12.2000 Nativity of the Lord (Crib of the Cenacle, midnight) Peace be on earth as glory is in Heaven. My children, see, the Heart of the Father has conceived His plan of Love. He wished salvation to come to you all in the tenderness of a mother’s gift: behold, the Mother who is still bringing you Jesus! I am inseparably joined to Jesus in the action of Redemption, inseparably joined to the Church and operating in it. My children, live this event, which goes beyond the frontiers of the earth and passes into the eternal. I hug you all and bless you.

28.12.2000 Feast of the Holy Innocents (Monte di Cristo; day of prayer in reparation for sins against life) Let us pray together. My children, the world needs purification and conversion. I join to my prayer your prayer of today,which consoles the Heart of Jesus and testifies to God’s love. Life, my children, life! Yes, dear children, this generation will witness and have part in the ruinous consequence which Europe will experience for having betrayed God. I bless all who defend the great gift of life.

31.12.2000 (Monte di Cristo, 11.50 p.m.) Thank the Father with me. My children, as you walk the roads of the world, you too are passing under the arch of history. Two thousand years have passed, and the world is still slave to evil, to a false freedom; it ardently desires and seeks a paradise that is inaccessible, illusory; but I am coming into the world to lead you to the new Jerusalem, where happiness and joy are to be found. Dear children, open your eyes and you will realize that you are God’s creatures, on the move from the time when divine grace came to live among you. Let no more time pass in vain, and let not the long road that has been traversed end in darkness. Be children of the Light! I bless you and accompany you in the new year.   


25.3.2001 - Annunciation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Let us sing glory to the Father. My children, live this day, proclaiming its greatness to all men. Though my ‘yes’, God brought the eternal into human history, but now the spirit of rebellion against God has seduced mankind, leading it to take pleasure in the most ignoble transgressions. God will intervene to re-order everything, for the shambles that has been created is called devastation and death. My children, lift your eyes to Heaven and bend your knees. Acting as a mother, I am accompanying the salvific work of the Church, because it is God’s will. I am a sign of sure hope for everyone. Do not abandon me and I will not abandon you. I bless you all.

29.4.2001 (Crypt of the Cenacle) 5th Iinternational Meeting of Prayer Group Leaders Let us bless the Father. My children, I am calling all of you to the fullness of the Christian life. Feel yourselves to be Church, invited to contribute, like a leaven, to the sanctification of the world. Remain united to the spirit of the Gospel, because it will be your guide. I too am watching over you, children of the Father’s love, and helping you to vitalise the Kingdom of God in the world. Feel that you are living cells of the Body of Christ. Thank you for your ‘yes’. I bless you all.

3.6.2001 - Pentecost (Monte di Cristo) Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, on this day I welcome once more many of my children who wish to entrust themselves to my motherly Heart, thus entering a new dimension of love and becoming capable of loving and giving to proclaim the Gospel in the Holy Spirit, so that the mission which I entrust to each of my consecrated ones may become a Pentecost. Dear children, come, all of you, to discover my great love for you and to enjoy the spiritual riches which I wish to give you.

15.8. 2001 – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Monte di Cristo) Glorify the Father with me. My children, may the Holy Spirit be in you; thus you will have Life. You who are awaiting the times of the consolation, pray without ceasing, so that everything may be made new and the Kingdom of God may encompass the whole world. Dear children, this is the time of the Spirit and of witness. Welcome with joy my presence among you, because I wish to guide you, fighting together with you the battle of the last times, that which will bring victory. Make my Church holy, be holy! Thank you for having honoured me this day. I promise you many graces for the glory given to my Immaculate heart. I bless you.

14.10. 2001 – 6th International Meeting of Prayer Group Leaders (Crypt of the Cenacle) Father, we adore You. My children, at the most terrible period in the history of the world and the Church, when all the values of divine love and human love are set against the highest stakes in the face of the most dramatic and tragic conflict, I have thought of you, placing my call, which is also God’s call, in your hearts. The mysteries of God all have their signs, to be recognised, understood and accepted, and it will be granted to you to know that which the world does not know. Dear children, now privilege too becomes responsibility, and all Heaven is hoping in you, entrusting to you the task which is linked to that of Holy Church. This is the time which was announced to you; pray with me that it may become a time of mercy. Receive my thanks, together with my motherly blessing.

8.12.2001 – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Monte di Cristo) Proclaim with me the greatness of the Lord. My children, the ranks of consecrated ones who entrust themselves to my motherly Heart are a great spiritual enrichment for the Church of Jesus. My Immaculate Heart is the gate of Heaven, open to welcome all my children in the privilege of the faith: this is God’s great plan for His Church. Dear children, if your eyes are fixed on God you can no longer walk on ordinary paths: it is necessary to live in the greatest holiness in the Church in order to be able to withstand all the terrible conflicts of society today. I promise certainty in the faith and final triumph to all who entrust themselves to me. I bless you as I hug you.

25.12.2001 – Christmas Eve (Crib at the Cenacle, midnight) Sing with me glory to the Most High. My children, behold, a new day has arrived: the day of love amid sorrow, a day of celebration amid suffering. Dear children, let silence descend around you, root out the “I”  from your hearts so as to make room for Jesus; may His peace encompass the entire world! Allow yourselves to be led by me to the source of joy: all thirst for peace will be satisfied! The whole world needs to make its way to this source: Jesus! Celebrate this holy Christmas. With Jesus, I bless you all.

31.12.2001 (Monte di Cristo, midnight) Let us pray to the Father of Life together. My children, history has already opened out to the eternal, and the human is opening out and leading to the divine: let all men acknowledge that Jesus is Lord! The earth, bathed in tears, will smile and, sprinkled with the blood of the innocents, will cause Christians to burgeon. Dear children, let the echo of my voice reach throughout the world, to tell of beautiful and holy deeds that speak of peace. Make my hope for the new spring of history your own; continue to implore that the Kingdom of God may come on earth, because the prayer of the good cannot be disappointed. I bless you and promise you my protection.


1.1.2002 – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Monte di Cristo)  Let us pray to the Father of Life together. My children, history has already opened out to the eternal, and the human is opening out and leading to the divine: let all men acknowledge that Jesus is Lord! The earth, bathed in tears, will smile and, sprinkled with the blood of innocents, will bring forth Christians. Dear children, let the echo of my voice reach throughout the world, to tell of beautiful and holy deeds that speak of peace. Make my hope for the new spring of history your own. Continue to implore that the Kingdom of God may come on earth, because the prayer of the good cannot be disappointed. I bless you and promise you my protection. 

2.2.2002 – Presentation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Let us adore the Father. My children, let your faith be robust, because it will remain for the Church when you leave this earth: great faith, so that I can appeal to your generosity as faithful souls. Today more than ever before I am crying out loudly to make myself heard by all people; it is the heartfelt cry of the Mother, telling everyone: recognise the value of human life and fellowship; demonstrate to all how much you have received from God! Accept this call, my children, because, with all those who accept it, Jesus will rebuild His Church, in order to save every soul. I bless you as I hug you.

25.3.2002 - Annunciation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Bless the Father with me for ever. My children, men are still too distant from me and, for many of them , I am still unknown. My coming among you, which is desired by the Father, involves the Church and the history of the whole Church, in order to open up horizons of faith and trace them for the future of the Church: a gift of the Holy Spirit, who is saving it from the darkness of its earthly journey so as to direct it, secure, resplendent and divine, on the roads of heaven, re-opening the chapters of Jesus’ life and love. I come to mobilise all of you, my children, in a new Christian animation which the Most Holy Trinity wishes to give to the story of love in the world’s new and final era: the era of the Immaculate One of Divine Love. Pay heed to me, my children! I bless you all and hug you.

21.4.2002 –7thI International Meeting of Prayer Group Leaders (Crypt of the Cenacle) Glorify the Father with me. My children, you will remain with the history of this time, numbered among the holy people of God, sharers in the prophetic prerogative of Jesus by spreading living testimony to Him in a life of faith and charity, offering God a sacrifice of praise, fruit of the will of the Holy Spirit acclaiming Him, who distributes to each of you a particular manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. In these meetings Jesus wishes to give you the charism of teaching, which is not culture but the Spirit of God, who convinces and converts those who listen, giving the virtue of hope and the anticipation of final glory. Dearest creatures, feel free to proclaim what God is saying to you. I bless you all and hug you. 

19.5.2002 – Pentecost (Monte di Cristo)   Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.   My children, I am coming down among you, also visibly; without leaving the Father, but enfolded by the Holy Spirit, I am taking care of you as of so many Jesuses: I love you with the same love with which I held my little God in my arms. I shall always be with you as on this wonderful day, which sees many more of my children consecrated to my Heart of a mother. I bless you; bring my maternal blessing to all your dear ones. 

15.8.2002 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Monte di Cristo – conclusion of 11th   International Youth Meeting) Let us glorify the Father together. My children, be a great family: the Church, a single spirituality, so as to experience  in it the one Spirit of Love who will make every mind wise and every heart holy. I will transform your prayers into praise, I will not abandon you! Let my words be heeded, however: too often my appeals are derided! I am suffering for you, over everything happening among you and in the world because of sin; why, why do you not suffer with me? That which I am announcing to you is what God wishes to tell you before everything comes to pass! Dear children, be humble instruments in my hands, so that I may lead you onto God’s way. Thank you for your love. I bless you.

8.9.2002 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us bless the Father. My faithful, beloved children, today I am still closer to you and I wish to hand you a new torch of love so that you can guide and help this poor, suffering and misled mankind. My Work of Love is a luminous cross rising up over the world; already blessed by God, it is beginning its journey with you. Your ‘yes’ consoles me and glorifies the Heart of God. Thank you, my children. I bless you all and hug you.

3.10.2002 - 8th International Meeting of Prayer Group Leaders (Crypt of the Cenacle) My children, you are sent and guided by me; you are my little army of “Volunteers of Love”, working for every soul to be born in grace so as to enter into Love, into the kingdom of holiness. Dear children, let there be no other interests in your mission: speak of love for the sake of love, of truth for the sake of truth, speak about God! Today I have placed a seed in your hands, in order that you may sow it in every human heart and the Church of Jesus may grow, reinvigorated and sanctified. Great and generous will be the reward for you. Thank you, my children. I bless you and hug you.

 8.12.2002 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (at home) Let us bless the Lord together. My dearly beloved children, this is the day of the Lord! Thank you, my son, for the suffering you have offered. I am close to you all, united with all those who have today consecrated themselves to my Immaculate Heart; I have many things in store for you yet! This is the feast blessed by God: may it be never-ending. Preserve and protect these places, because they will remain mine for ever. Wait for me here; I await you here every day. I bless all of you, all of you, and hug you.

25.12.2002 - Nativity of the Lord (Crib of the Cenacle, midnight) Let us bless the Father for ever. My children, for centuries there has been among you, in the world, One who is not yet known by all: Jesus, whom I have brought to you. He is the treasure that has come to all men of good will, so  that the earth may no longer be deserted, but that the fullness of grace may dwell therein. I am still coming among you to help you to recognise Him, to open your eyes so that you may see Him, so that your testimony may be complete. My children, the world must know that this Child Jesus is the only true God,  the God of life, who offers you peace and justice. Today unite with all the Saints of Heaven and sing glory to God for ever. May Christmas be holy. With Jesus, I bless you all, I bless this Crib and those who have made it, as I bless all the cribs of the world.

31.12.2002 (at home, 11.30 p.m.) Glory to the Father for ever. My children, a year has been added to your lives. May these hours serve for you, believers, to reflect on the reality from which to set out again enthusiastically towards a new time lit by hope. In the sequence of time, the year that has passed is no longer yours, but the God of life considers the events of time in His own light, He does not change the course of events, but guides and shapes them. My children, live in the light of the Gospel, and your future will be one of light. Do not let this time of grace pass in vain, because it is a grace of God. I bless you all and receive your prayers.


2.2.2003 -  Presentation of the Lord  (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Lord together. My children, keep your faith and hope strong, promising to preserve alive in your hearts the desire to come together again in large numbers, taking refuge in the heart of the Church in times of confusion. I am the Mother of the Church and your Mother; the whole world, with its sorrows and anxieties, is enclosed in my maternal Heart. My children, your prayers, your sacrifices, enrich the world with good and with grace! Everything is in danger now, the whole world is in danger! For this reason I invite all men to take refuge in me, so that, with the great army of God’s children, I may ask Him for mercy, forgiveness and peace in the name of everyone. Now more than ever your Christian awareness is needed! Thank you for your love. I bless you all. 

25.3.2003 - Annunciation of the Lord (Monte di Cristo) Glory to the Father for ever. My children, may the Creator Spirit remain in you, may He fill the world with heavenly grace. Welcome the greatness of this day, its dignity for the Christian vocation. Graces and blessings be upon you and upon all who, with upright spirit, respond to the call of holiness. Thank you, I bless you all. 

13.4.2003 - 9th International Meeting of Prayer Group Leaders (Crypt of the Cenacle)  Glory to the Father for ever. My children, every meeting with me, your Mother, has the purpose of expressing to you intimately with tenderness, but also with firmness, the importance of the action which you are called to carry out in the Church for the salvation of souls. Dear children, how important is the task entrusted to you as educators, and for this reason how precious you are to Jesus, who wishes the Kingdom of the Father to come about with you. You will be blessed for your ‘yes’. I will form you in great love for the Pope, the Eucharist and the true, divine Church. Remain always in my Heart and I will form you according to my maternal will, protecting you from all opposition on the part of the enemy. Thank you, dear children. I bless you and hug you. 

8.6.2003 - Pentecost (at home) Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, feel that you are with Jesus on this day, alive and happy, while He still sends you, wishing to join your action to His and thus your life to His life. The new power that Jesus causes to come down upon you today will remove all fear, so that, together with the Mother, you may bring together His Church and repeat to one another: “Peace be with you”, “Peace be with you all”, and this will be His peace and His forgiveness! Dear children, thank you for your consecration to my Immaculate Heart which I devoutly accept. I bless you and hug you.   

26.6.2003 (First apparition of Our Lady in the chapel of the Casa Annunziata) Do not doubt my presence in this house! Your Mother will not abandon you, but is assisting you every moment. I ask of you great, reciprocal love, full of charity, because my love for all of you is boundless. I bless you.

15.8.2003 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Monte di Cristo - Conclusion of 12th International Youth Meeting) Let us live this day in grace. My children, meditate on my words and accept them; it is for you now to give a guarantee of seriousness, meditation and responsiveness to the grace of the Lord. Blessed is he who acts always in the light of God and according to the providence of divine reality! Blessed is he who is open to God and does not reject that which is of God! God wishes to reveal to the world all the greatness, the Epiphany, of His Mother and yours: it is a great gift of love! Be aware that, assumed [into heaven], I live body and soul in the ineffable and eternal life of God. I am the Immaculate One of Love and know the secret of the life which leads you to Him. Courage, my children, remain always united to me and I will accompany you to where I live. I hug you and bless you all.

12.10.2003 - 1st International Convention of Prayer Group Leaders (Crypt of the Cenacle) Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is with us, I am with you! I wish to relive my life of love and suffering in every member of the Work: with your promise the whole strength of this, my life, is in you! Every soul of the Work must be a masterpiece of humility; only in this way can I realise, through you, my marvellous Work. My children, everything that I wish to say to you and everything that you learn from me allows us to experience these moments which you are able to communicate to me with such enthusiasm; meetings of prayer, relationships between heaven and earth: it is this that the Spirit wants! Courage, dearly beloved children, what you desire will come to pass; my work will continue with you. I bless you all, I bless this meeting.

1.11.2003 - Solemnity of All Saints (at home) Let us bless the Lord of the universe. My children, with you and with the Work of Love the great Marian mission is unfolding to the full. I am close to you, I will guide you towards Paradise: however, there is a need on your part for an assiduous work of conversion, involving the whole Church in an extraordinary love for God and in most pure fraternal charity which will renew souls. Dear children, live with your gaze turned to Heaven, sanctified by the purification, as was the case for all the Saints. I bless you all.


25.3.2004 - Annunciation of the Lord (Tent at the Cenacle)  Let us glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My children, with my "yes" to the Father I said yes to you. Not all of you keep to what I have told you, but I do! I shall abide by what I have said to you! I shall continue to be present among you; you too, try to be always close to my Heart. I am your Mother, Jesus is your life. I bless you all.

24.4.2004 (Chapel of Casa Annunziata)  Let us bless the Lord. My children, I shall remain with you for as long as you wish and I shall love my Church with you. My hands are joined in prayer for you, that you may not be divided. It is fine to see you together, all together! I shall not forget your Movement, because it is my Movement. I bless these days of prayer, I bless all of you and your families. Thank you for everything you are doing. I bless the priests who accompany you. Peace to you all in the Lord.

25.4.2004 - 2nd International Convention of Prayer Group Leaders (Chapel of Casa Annunziata)  Let us bless the Lord. My children, this blessing and these words of mine are for you. You are the people of the "miraculous catch": the Lord is calling you to be his fishers and fishers of men. You are not called to eat the fish with Jesus, but to share with Him the supper of the eternal banquet. You will receive infinite graces if you pay attention to me. I shall not become tired of you if you do not become tired of me. A special blessing upon each of you.

30.5.2004 - Pentecost (Tent at the Cenacle) My dearest children, may you be blessed by the Spirit! Jesus has called you, may the Spirit fill you! With the Gospel, Jesus wishes you to be missionaries for the world, and I am helping you to be so. The heavens too are full of joy today and my Heart is overflowing with love for you. Thank you for giving me such joy. You know that we have to change the world, renewing it so as to make all men holy. I bless you, I promise that I will remain close to you. I bless your dear ones, all the children who are present. May the Spirit remain with you throughout your lives.

15.8.2004 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tent of XIII International Youth Meeting) My children, blessings upon you all, my dear ones, on this day, when I have a word of comfort and love for all of you. The young people you are bringing here today will learn from you to live the Gospel. Their prayer rises to Heaven, along with your prayer. Today, with a mother's heart, I, together with Jesus, bless and hug you. Thank you, then, for everything you have done, thank you for your presence. Blessings from Heaven be upon you all.

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